Holy Cow - 380 Ammo At Wal-mart

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Holy Cow - 380 Ammo At Wal-mart

Post by kantuckyII »

I couldn't believe it, a couple days ago, I stroll in there...and always like to pull a joke by checking to see if they have any 380 and I about fell backwards. They not only had Winchester in the White Box but..the 250 of Remington. Expensive as all get out, mind you, but they had it. I bought 250 rounds and shot up about 60 of them a hour or so later and another dozen of other stuff through my little LCP. Finally, a chance to really break my pistol in. I got two stove pipes but the gun was pretty dirty by then.

I also fired about 50 rounds of 38's in the wife's air weight and because..I'm such a weeny with arthritis in my hands, they were pretty sore by this time.

I wished I was a whole lot better shot with a pistol. I don't know, I really never fired one much before the last year or so and maybe it's the 'old dog and tricks' thing? I was pretty good with a rifle and a shot gun but I shot them all the time when I was young.

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