The Real Problem With HS Sports

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The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by bengalsforever »

Many conversations on here about how basketball parents and fans are getting out of hand at basketball games. I think if you read on here for a few times, you will see the problem.

Posters making posts days before a game, people asking what time the doors will open, people wanting to watch basketball all day. Not over NBA or college, but high school basketball…

We are making these kids feel like they are celebrities. It’s a game and extracurricular activity. Way too many adults are obsessed with high school age boys and girls playing a game. It is strange.

If you have a kid playing, go support them. But you don’t need to obsess over other kids playing a game. Getting rid of the obsessiveness will make people realize there is more to life than high school basketball. Just my two cents.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by Ironman92 »

bengalsforever wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:01 pm Many conversations on here about how basketball parents and fans are getting out of hand at basketball games. I think if you read on here for a few times, you will see the problem.

Posters making posts days before a game, people asking what time the doors will open, people wanting to watch basketball all day. Not over NBA or college, but high school basketball…

We are making these kids feel like they are celebrities. It’s a game and extracurricular activity. Way too many adults are obsessed with high school age boys and girls playing a game. It is strange.

If you have a kid playing, go support them. But you don’t need to obsess over other kids playing a game. Getting rid of the obsessiveness will make people realize there is more to life than high school basketball. Just my two cents.

I don’t think me wanting to go to a couple different tournament games is the problem with today’s sports.

Southeast district is different….no big cities and mostly rural and not much to do. A bit poorer and not as much pride in excellence as big a better schools. Jackson is crazy for football….it’s a bit much and the parents are crazy with it. I teach in a league that is basketball crazy and they are even more obsessed with it….and so many not savvy on the game at all. It’s THE SHOW…..I’m with you on that, it’s too much. All parts of the SE district is similar with maybe a different sport if not same ones. Parents pumping kids on 7u travel teams and 5’11 Dad and 5’4 mom who were both average athletes are going to pump out a D1 kid….that’s rampant. Showcases, special training, everything is a scheduled workout or practice or game… fun, no learning without an adult around. “State” titles in 5th grade then lose in sectional finals in high school…..the ones in successful families with ample contacts, they’ll make it and be fine. Sadly, many are not with good guardians and few contacts and are banking on high school sports hero and then being blessed on Twitter to play somewhere they’ve never heard of until a month before…..then never even play, have no contacts or support and struggle big time getting through life productively.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by baseball16 »

My take on the Problem is:

1. Too many Average athlete parents believe their child will become the Next Big Thing.
2. Kids are not held accountable anymore. Too many kids think they are automatically entitled to things.
3. Travel Ball early and Playing in a 4 team State Championship
4. Parents and Fans are not held accountable for their actions at games. Many think they can do and say anything at the game!
5. Too much Specializing in One sport.
6. Too many average athletes believe they will become the Next Big Thing.
7. Too many coaches think they are the next John Wooden and really don't teach what sports can and should be about!

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by E High »

Folks, I agree %100 with you, but it’s here to stay. Very generational. Sad

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by Fan of the youth »

The message should be keep the dream alive and practice like you believe in the dream. However, parents must stress and ensure the student / athlete has a back up plan that most will implement upon graduation. I believe most players become self aware as they become young adults and realize where they fit. The parents should be prepared. The one thing I have noticed over the last 30 plus years is the dream has changed from winning the league title making it to the region and winning the state to individual goals.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by 93Bulldog »

Nothing has changed.
I remember going to an Athens vs Logan game in 1990 and there was standing room only on The Plains.
Only thing different is the talk around the water cooler all week has shifted to online discussions.
Ask any kid, coach, referee, etc ... and they will tell you they much prefer a sold out gymnasium as opposed to a few hundred fans.

As far as posts on preps, ignore a lot of it as you don't even know who is posting. Some are kids being idiots, some are just idiots in general.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by jose »

baseball16 wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 11:14 pm My take on the Problem is:

1. Too many Average athlete parents believe their child will become the Next Big Thing.
2. Kids are not held accountable anymore. Too many kids think they are automatically entitled to things.
3. Travel Ball early and Playing in a 4 team State Championship
4. Parents and Fans are not held accountable for their actions at games. Many think they can do and say anything at the game!
5. Too much Specializing in One sport.
6. Too many average athletes believe they will become the Next Big Thing.
7. Too many coaches think they are the next John Wooden and really don't teach what sports can and should be about!
You are spot on with your answers

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by bbjunky81 »

baseball16 wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 11:14 pm My take on the Problem is:

1. Too many Average athlete parents believe their child will become the Next Big Thing.
2. Kids are not held accountable anymore. Too many kids think they are automatically entitled to things.
3. Travel Ball early and Playing in a 4 team State Championship
4. Parents and Fans are not held accountable for their actions at games. Many think they can do and say anything at the game!
Love these and agree completely
93Bulldog wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:34 am
As far as posts on preps, ignore a lot of it as you don't even know who is posting. Some are kids being idiots, some are just idiots in general.
Love this also.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports


I've seen the attitudes of student-athletes become increasingly worse over the last 35 years. A lot of that does come down to accountability. Accountability from parents as well as coaches. A lot of parents will defend their child no matter what. I've seen athletes get into trouble on and off the field or court and the first thing you hear is, "Yeah BUT was he/she the only one involved?" or "Yeah BUT what did the other person do to make my child say or do what they did". Kids nowadays know that they can say or do whatever because mommy and daddy will stick up for them. STOP ENABLING YOUR CHILDREN!!! If you raise your children with the notion that nothing is ever their fault, that their actions/reactions are at the fault of others, YOU are setting them up for failure. I see this with coaches as well. A lot of coaches won't bench or hold accountable a talented player who is disrespectful, lazy, or selfish because that player has talent that can help them win. These coaches have a "Win at all costs" mentality. I've seen players yell at their coaches, be absolute punks toward opposing players/coaches, disrespect officials/umpires over what they THINK is a bad call. And some coaches defend these actions! I've always said "If you permit it, you promote it" and that goes for parents and coaches. These coaches that run these type of programs ALWAYS underachieve. They will lose to a less talented, more disciplined team 10 out of 10 times. Funny how that works out. How about we focus on building great young men/women that will be honorable members of society instead of trying to build the next Hall of Fame athlete.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

Hot take but disagree on multiple fronts

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by Riverrats »

Lack of ownership in just about every aspect. Its easier to blame a ref, a coach, a teammate or an opponent than it is to take ownership of your own deficiencies. Also I always taught my kids and kids I coached to do their job only.... don't overstep... fans cheer, players play, coaches coach, refs ref. When you try to take on another's job that's when you go down a bad path. So it is ok to cheer on your own kid, another kid or view as many games as you want but don't overstep. Be supportive they are just kids in the end playing a kids game.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by borodad »

Totally agree things are out of control….I saw a Greenfield fan get kicked out of a game 5 minutes into the game last week at Hillsboro and then I heard a mom went on the court at a Waverly game the next night…come on parents at the very least think how embarrassing it is to your child seeing that not along with how bad it makes your school look

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by MasterOfNone »

I do agree that some fans get too out of hand about high school sports, such as acting a fool before, during or after the game. No excuse. And I think those people who act in that manner are the ones who have kids that act the same way on the court. Good examples aren’t being set for these young athletes on how to carry themselves.

But as far as the other take about being “obsessed” with high school sports, I don’t totally agree with. Yes like I said above, there are people who take it way too far when it comes a game. But I love it when a community is in full support of their student athletes and care enough to show up and cheer for them. Saying only people who have kids on the team should care is something I don’t agree with. These athletes work hard on and off the court and deserve the support. Good community support and creating a grey atmosphere for the kids gives them lasting memories they will never forget.

Of course there is so much more to life then high school sports and there is a line that many do cross when it comes to their emotions.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by soggybottomtopper »

Since this was started with "my two cents", I will give mine. The passion/obsession, has always been there. Watch the story of "Hoosiers", that was in the 1950's. Fans have always obsessed, players have always been put on shoulders. There have always been parents and community look to oust coaches and coaches have been put on pedestals and made Godly status in others. It isn't anything new. I remember crowds that filled gyms and arenas that we didn't think could be filled. The competition and passion is what makes it great! Who doesn't want to go to a packed, loud arena and watch athletes compete to the best of their abilities? That is why I go. I like to watch all of the things that made me love to play the game and compete. All good things, I will not try to make those things look bad. To me, the biggest differences are that specialization in AAU and or Club has made the elite more elite, but has also taken the development of other sports away from kids that specialize. Example: An average football/basketball player, chooses to specialize in basketball. Leaves football and then specializes in basketball. His parents go all in, spending money and putting all time into one sport. Junior year, this kid realizes, I am not as good as X,Y and Z. I think I want to play football now. So, senior year they go out for football, missing the last 3 to 4 years of developing in football, they come back as an average player trying to be the player that they would have been if they had trained and developed as a football player in football season. So, now they are at the end of their career and did not develop in the sport that maybe they were best suited for. It used to be your best athletes played all sports and developed their athleticism to enhance all of their sports. Footwork, toughness, skills are developed differently in all sports. All skills from every sport can be applied differently within each sport. But, now kids are specializing in one sport at 12 years old, not even finding which sport may be their best and by the time they figure out the sport they chose was the wrong one, it is too late to develop the other. That in my opinion is the purest problem, just my opinion. My solution is to let kids play all sports until freshman year or even sophomore year. By then you should have a great feel as to which or all sports are best for that athlete. A well rounded athlete plays all, but if you are seeing clearly that a scholarship may be possible, then go all out and go after it. But, all of the other stuff is just garbage that has ALWAYS been around, it isn't anything new. Social media is crazy now and sheds light on more and pushes even the smallest of things into all of our sight. It has always happened, you just didn't have access to it being in your face every single time. Years ago, you only heard about the bigger stories in the paper or on the news, now it is everywhere in seconds. But, with AAU and Club, there are more games and more opportunities for the crazy things to happen. Are people childish, yes. Have people always been childish. Yes. Why do we know the greatness and the antics of RUTH? Because he was RUTH. That wasn't yesterday. That was in the 1930's. Same as "Shoeless Joe". Ty Cobb. They balled hard and played harder. Players and fans have always been players and fans. Just under a bigger microscope now. That is "my two cents".

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

....what is done to those that enter the court? What is done for those that are kicked out of games? This needs to stop happening-slap a fine on all ejections-covered by the police or sheriff departments at the games. Lets say $100 fine-2nd ejection would be $250 and barred from all sporting events for a year. Entering a court should be a stiffer penalty with say a night in jail, a substantial fine and barred from sporting events for the year. Someone in the Southeast District or the State of Ohio needs to get something like this passed before an OFFICIAL gets seriously hurt or death or an official defends himself in self defense and hurts a spectator who enters the court!!!!

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by peake71 »

North Adams I belive has a $100 fine for ejection.
There may be others in Adams county.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by Ironman92 »

At Jackson if you are kicked out you aren’t allowed back that season.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by FIDO »

We got spirit, yes we do. We got spirit, how bout you?

High School sporting events will always be a rallying point in a community. It's an inexpensive form of entertainment for a poor, drug infested region. And for the most part they are safe venues. Don't be so quick in giving up freedoms based off a few loons in attendance. They have always been here. The inet just gives them a broader audience.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by greygoose »

bengalsforever wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:01 pm Many conversations on here about how basketball parents and fans are getting out of hand at basketball games. I think if you read on here for a few times, you will see the problem.

Posters making posts days before a game, people asking what time the doors will open, people wanting to watch basketball all day. Not over NBA or college, but high school basketball…

We are making these kids feel like they are celebrities. It’s a game and extracurricular activity. Way too many adults are obsessed with high school age boys and girls playing a game. It is strange.

If you have a kid playing, go support them. But you don’t need to obsess over other kids playing a game. Getting rid of the obsessiveness will make people realize there is more to life than high school basketball. Just my two cents.
Things are getting out of hand at times because people want to watch basketball all day or posting about a game. :lol: :lol: Guys that are going to 2-3 games in 1 sitting are not the ones sitting there yelling and screaming at officials they don't have a dog in the fight other than wanting to see good basketball. Obsessing over other kids playing?? Dude seriously most people get out of hand when they have a dog in the fight when their kid/kids are playing and they get overly critical of any call or non-call made. There's just so much wrong within this post, now kids are feeling like celebrities?? Not sure what games you're watching. Games have always gotten out of hand have for years with parents and fans nothing has changed over the years, 20 years ago people were getting out of hand and kicked out of games and nothing has changed now.

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Re: The Real Problem With HS Sports

Post by 60ft »

The biggest problems is coaching and the players. The coaches are not teaching the fundamentals anymore. Only thing you see is one on one basketball. The players are lazy! They want to play Xbox or do drugs. There might be a handful of kids working on there game but the rest is doing other things. AAU has killed high school basketball plus kids are watching NBA basketball. Now with parents getting kicked out. How many times have you saw a game that refs are for one team. I know several refs doesn’t like certain schools. I think if you graduate from a school or played in a certain conference you shouldn’t be allowed to ref. That will help parents getting thrown out. I really think refs needs to be more consistent. This is not the 80’s and 90’s no more.

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