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Track team management questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:15 am
by run 4 fun
I was wondering how other teams handle the issue of kids at the meet.

Do you make all team member jv included show up for all meets and stay for the entire meet or do you only allow those kids who will be competing attend the meet.

There are merits to both sides of this this question. I am looking for some opinions.

Re: Track team management questions

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:16 am
by boogerred
It depends on several things.

1. If you are hosting the meet
2. The size of your team (can they all fit on one bus)
3. Their behavior
4. How much you trust them
5. The distance from your school
6. Is it on a school night?
7. Do the ones that are not participating have other school-related engagements to attend?

I am sure there are other circumstances that could affect one's decision.

Re: Track team management questions

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:47 am
by Bigboy52
If you're hosting the meet then you should have at least enough of them there to take care of the hurdles. If you're on the road then I say only take the ones who are competing and a few backups in case of scratches.

Re: Track team management questions

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:04 pm
by Pirate4Life
I think it is nice for the JV or those not competing to stay and cheer on their teammates. I do agree that there are circumstances when taking the whole team doesn't make sense. Home meets I think the entire team should be there. I know when I ran, when you were done with your events you were on the hurdle crew and doing anything the coaches or officials needed. As for letting athletes leave, only if they are leaving with a parent first of all. For say an athlete who only competes in say the shot put, that is a long meet to stick around for and this time of year the students have finals. I think it is up to the coach. I don't think I would let an athlete continually leave meets. They are apart of a TEAM and should stay to cheer their teammates on unless there is a real reason to leave such as another school or family engagement or school work.