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Circleville Invite-5/7/21

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 6:17 pm
by noreply66
Teams-Amanda, Circleville, Jackson, Logan, Logan Elm, London, Sheridan


1st Places
Sheridan-100, 3200, 100h, 300h, 4x1, LJ
Circleville-200, 1600, 4x2, 4x4
Jackson-400, 4x8
Logan-HJ, SP
Logan Elm-PV, Dis

# of events scored in
Sheridan 16
Logan 16
Jackson 15
Logan Elm 13
Circleville 12

After four events Sheridan has a nine-point lead over Logan and Jackson with 39, Logan Elm 22, Circleville 18, Amanda and London with 5. With the meet at the halfway point, it is Sheridan with a three-point lead over second place Logan 71/68, Logan Elm 47, Jackson 45, Circleville 43, Amanda 17 and London at 11. With three fourths of the meet completed it is still Sheridan in first with 109 after picking up 38 points in the last four events, Logan fell back some after scoring 27 points for 95 points, Jackson jumped up into the third spot after scoring 24 more points, Logan Elm 71, Circleville 67, London and Amanda are tied with 23. Sheridan went on a scoring spree with 60 points in the last five event to win the meet with 169, Logan just managed 22 points in the last five events, but held on for second, Logan Elm scored in three of the last five events to finish with 104, Jackson 99, Circleville 98, London 38 and Amanda 23. Amanda failed to score in eight of the last nine events.

Best events

Sheridan scored big in everything-Hurdles 28, Relays 30, Sprints 32, Field 37 and 42 in the distance
Logan biggest events were field 45, Relays 24
Logan Elm was outstanding in the field events with 60 points scored
Jackson sprints with 38
Circleville 33 relays and 23 distance


1st places
London-1600, 300, 4x2, 4x4, 4x8, dis
Jackson-100, 200, 400
Sheridan-110, HJ, LJ
Amanda-4x1, Pole Vault
Logan Elm-3200
Circleville 800

# of events scored in
London 17
Logan 17
Circleville 16
Logan Elm 15
Sheridan 15
Amanda 11
Jackson 11

London jumps out to an eleven-point lead over Logan at 34/23, Jackson and Sheridan have 21, Logan Elm and Circleville with 19, Amanda 17, In the next four events London scored 38 points to stay ahead of Logan who scored 37-72/60, Sheridan 49, Circleville 37, Amanda 33, Logan Elm 30, Jackson 25, who only scored four points in the last four events. Logan outscored London in the next four events 41/30 to be just one point back with five events to go, Sheridan 74, Circleville 65, Jackson 43, Amanda 42, Logan Elm 35. London managed 33 points in the last five events to win the meet with 135 points, Logan scored in all the last five events, but it was only 19 points to finish in second with 120, Sheridan finished with 36 points more points for third at 110, Circleville 84, Logan Elm 73.5, Amanda 69 and Jackson 62.5.

Best events

London had 43 points in the field and 36 in the relays
Logan had 45 in the field and 25 in the distance
Sheridan 35 in the field and 34 in the distance
Circleville 28 in the field
Logan Elm 23 in the relays
Amanda 25 in the field and 20 in the relays
Jackson 30 in the sprints where they picked up three first places