Students punished for gestures

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Students punished for gestures

Post by farmer »

I know this is not all about football but did happen at a game in our area and mentions another incident involving players.

Students at Ohio school punished for gestures
September 30, 2009 @ 12:29 PM

2009/The Herald-Dispatch

CHILLICOTHE, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio high school has disciplined four students it says made obscene hand gestures for a photo published in a newspaper.

The picture was taken during Friday night’s homecoming ceremony for Chillicothe High School in southern Ohio. The Chillicothe Gazette said Wednesday the gesturing was not noticed until after the photo was printed in Saturday’s paper.

High School Principal John Payne says the four senior boys embarrassed the school and their parents. The school’s code of conduct calls for three days of in-school suspension for an obscene gesture.

The incident comes a few weeks after nine Upper Arlington High School football players in suburban Columbus had to sit out one game for making a similar gesture in a team poster.

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by mattash »

lol, how does the paper not notice.

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by kantuckyII »

I remember a few years back when Ashland and Rosehill was playing basketball. Rosehill had the carnival show of Walker and Mayo and some kids from Ashland had a sign that said, 'Jesus doesn't like what you're doing' or something like that...a teacher or something from Ashland approached the kids and told them to put it up right now, that it wasn't right. A few minutes later, some guy from the Ashland paper approached them and asked could they hold that sign up so he could get just one shot of it..they did, and it was in the paper the next day. Sometimes, the newspapers will encourage them to do something like least the photographer will..I know I would.. :lol:

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by Ptown Playmaker »

That's a :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by wrestlefan1 »

i personally hold one of the kids in very high regard and am very surprised by this..

unfortunately we learn from our mistakes and they should be held accountable..

if that was my daughter in the picture celebrating a very proud moment in her life, and boys did this, i would be beyond ticked

but it is not something to hold over their heads after the punishment as we all have screwed up

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by F-4 Phantom »

Come on....lets be honest........we all did something very stupid while in school........."There but by the grace of God go I".

It was definitely wrong and they were punished. Let's not crucify them yet. Let's reserve that if they repeat their first offense.

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by biggdowgg »

F-4 Phantom wrote:Come on....lets be honest........we all did something very stupid while in school........."There but by the grace of God go I".

It was definitely wrong and they were punished. Let's not crucify them yet. Let's reserve that if they repeat their first offense.


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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by tigermama »

F-4 Phantom wrote:Come on....lets be honest........we all did something very stupid while in school........."There but by the grace of God go I".

It was definitely wrong and they were punished. Let's not crucify them yet. Let's reserve that if they repeat their first offense.

Now I am sure that none of the parent's that post on here would ever do something like that, even when they were young ;-) All jokes aside, I don't believe I know anyone that hasn't done something stupid when they were younger or even now. I mean, seriously, when you read some of those posts on this site you have to wonder how old some of these people really are. :lol:

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by grizzlynatural »

This is crap. Its the fault of the one who put the picture in there, or the one who took it! Not the kids! To punish the kids becuase a bunch of adults screwed up is bull. You say "Hey, no gang sings, bunny ears, middle fingers, none of that crap" Im not supporting gang activity and i dont feel that they should be putting up gang signs for a school picture but at the same time its the "professionals" at fault here.

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by pappy1 »

I definitly did some stupid things growing up. Some I got caught, some I didn't. When I got caught I was held accountable. These young men were held accountable, many times today people are not. It is over, lets move on.

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by Black@Orange »

The young lady in the photo, should be apologized to first and for most. I take it that she was homecoming queen. Should have been a special night for her. The players in the photo have been disciplined, move on and learn from your mistakes. 3 days in school suspension, will they also have to miss a game? My opinion if you miss 3 days of class, you should be held out of that weeks game. The photographer, newspaper, and maybe the school should have caught this. And to the kids, if your going to act like punks, try to be alittle more original. This was just done a few weeks ago. :lol:

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by dilligaf »

Well would tying them up on the town sqaure and throwing rotton vegitables at them be to harsh? :lol:

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by pappy1 »

Black@Orange wrote:The young lady in the photo, should be apologized to first and for most. I take it that she was homecoming queen. Should have been a special night for her. The players in the photo have been disciplined, move on and learn from your mistakes. 3 days in school suspension, will they also have to miss a game? My opinion if you miss 3 days of class, you should be held out of that weeks game. The photographer, newspaper, and maybe the school should have caught this. And to the kids, if your going to act like punks, try to be alittle more original. This was just done a few weeks ago. :lol:

Should not be eligble to play in this weeks game.

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by grizzlynatural »


PLEASE! We ALL did stupid tiny little things like this when we were their age. Put yourself in their shoes. Your a highschooler in a town that doenst have gang activity like Oakland or NY and they throw up some signs to look cool and now you all want them scorched. Its clear what sector of the state we live in because smell alot B/O coming from crooked teeth backwoods rednecks.

The kids were probably horsin around "hey, your gettin a picture taken pose!" and they tossed up some sings BIGGGGGGGG deal. How many of these kids carry weapons? How many of these kids have a history of being in a gang? I dont think its fair to call them gang signs becuase these kids are no more "hood" or gangster than any kid walkin down the street in Logan Ohio. If you find it the kids fault that this ended up in the paper then your either a republican or mentally challanged.

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by 5kdude »

i think this is so dumb. if the people taking the pic thought it was so bad what the kids were doing in the pic then why did the go on and put the pic in the papper. i dont think kids should get in trouble for that. kids are kids they do thinks like that. i know i did all the time so i dont see the big deal about it. i would let the kids go and have there fun

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by wrestlefan1 »

no, it wasnt gang signals
but it was a very negative sexual signal done by boys standing across from girls
if thats my daughter going to homecoming with someone doing that, she will be looking for another date!

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by bookem13 »


Good to see you're still out there! I hope things are going well. Good luck tonight!

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by vids4ckcrash »

wrestlefan1 wrote:no, it wasnt gang signals
but it was a very negative sexual signal done by boys standing across from girls if thats my daughter going to homecoming with someone doing that, she will be looking for another date!

Yep most parents would find it repugnant but it is not illegal.

Didn't see the picture but if it was flipping the bird, it is free speech, no matter how many find it repugnant.

Don't know about school officials but many times the police have paid the price for citing people who flipped them the bird.

Free speech is probably also protected in a school setting if the parents want to fight it.

No citations for giving the finger to police, judge says
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Read more: ... z0SoXceCps

I can remember back in the 50's when a kid in the back of a school bus flipped off a state trooper in WV. It went through the courts then and the trooper paid the price for stopping the school bus and dragging the kid off. Long time ago but it happened.

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by Grace22 »

First of all I don't approve of such behavior,its wrong and should be dealt with which it was,but I have to say that if it hadn't been pointed out half the people that get the paper would have never noticed or would not have known what it meant. It was a stupid mistake....the kind we tend to make when we are young. I believe they had the same type of situation at a Columbus school a few weeks ago,only that was made into a poster and distributed before it was noticed.

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Re: Students punished for gestures

Post by wemufans »

Just saw in my daughter's yearbook where a boy was giving the finger in a picture that made it past the advisor. He's still in school wonder if he is going to be punished? I am not shocked by the fact that it happens and the fact that is wasn't caught. Kids are kids punish them and then go on.

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