Fairland Football Coach ?

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?


Tobias is on the coaching staff for Greenup, If you send him a pm, he could let you know for sure.

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by greenandwhiteboy »

TigersGameDayFan wrote:Mike just so happened to tell me...

Fairlands Strongest Kids in the wieght room max is 315 on bench and max squat is 450......we have 4 kids who bench over 350....and a kid who can bench what your strongest player can sqaut.....

actually u have the stats wrong our strongest player he benches 325 and squats close to 550 maybe 600 and he only weights 205 and he can still run a 4.7 so get it right

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by duke »

Would it be safe to assume that the gpa comment didn't sink in? Mike has many friends at FHS and those friends acknowledge that he and his family made a decision that was based on his best interests and wish him nothing but top-notch successes. Here's a thought, Mike was already a standout player where he was, so why would it be necessary for him to move to be something he already was? Doesn't quite add up, does it? Unless you are directly involved in a situation or have first-hand knowledge thereof, you really should probably refrain from commenting and being judgemental. That may be a lesson learned with experience and maturity. I say may because there are those adults who never acquire said knowledge. Focus on trying to develop the Dragons into a great team, because one player doesn't make a TEAM. The make-up of a team changes all the time due to injuries, coaching changes, strategic changes in offense/defense, etc. Rosters change year in and year out with graduation and families moving for whatever reason. Unsuccessful teams badmouth, and whine about how things should have been. A successful team will find a way to gel, transitioning to the new team chemistry. Good luck and have a great season.

michael jordan
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by michael jordan »

i came and watch michael play and for my opinion he can not take a hit if someone is about to hit him hard he drops the ball

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by greenandwhiteboy »

duke wrote:Would it be safe to assume that the gpa comment didn't sink in? Mike has many friends at FHS and those friends acknowledge that he and his family made a decision that was based on his best interests and wish him nothing but top-notch successes. Here's a thought, Mike was already a standout player where he was, so why would it be necessary for him to move to be something he already was? Doesn't quite add up, does it? Unless you are directly involved in a situation or have first-hand knowledge thereof, you really should probably refrain from commenting and being judgemental. That may be a lesson learned with experience and maturity. I say may because there are those adults who never acquire said knowledge. Focus on trying to develop the Dragons into a great team, because one player doesn't make a TEAM. The make-up of a team changes all the time due to injuries, coaching changes, strategic changes in offense/defense, etc. Rosters change year in and year out with graduation and families moving for whatever reason. Unsuccessful teams badmouth, and whine about how things should have been. A successful team will find a way to gel, transitioning to the new team chemistry. Good luck and have a great season.

thank u very much dr.phil. u juss stated wat any football player would kno and anybody that knos football. and i can comment as much as i want and i can be a judgemental as i want

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by robycop3 »

A few years ago, we had Tristin Clark from FHS transfer to Peake, and he won a starting HB spot right away, while his brother Cameron remained at FHS. His transfer was more because of his family situation than any other cause; his parents were divorced & wanted to avoid each other, but yet be parents to the boys.

Tristin fit in well with the crew at Peake. And when they played at Fairland, He did his part until he was injured by catching his foot in a storm drain at the end of a run. Some Fairland fans heckled him, but most seemed concerned for his well-being, as they shoulda been.

And after Tristin graduated, far as I have been told, he attended most of his brother's games & rooted for Fairland. Once that group of boys had graduated, whatever hard feelings there'd been were forgotten in the real world of making a living, having one's own family, etc. For most, football was over, but LIFE AS AN ADULT was just beginning.

Betcha those who were Lamb's friends before will be his friends 2 years from now!

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by duke »

Those who are Mike's real friends remain his friends now and have made every effort to continue to spend time with him and his new friends / teammates. Please be assured that this one poster is NOT speaking for the majority. Anyone can simply state that "everybody" feels like this when it's really just that person that feels that way. That doesn't lend any credence toward truth and in this case it is definitely not true. It's high school dramatics, sour grapes and nothing else. It's time to get over it, (if there was ever anything to get over to begin with), and get on with things.

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by earp »

Hey I will be the first one to tell you I still wish he was here at Fairland but that is his and his families decision to go to Ironton! I wish him the best in everything he does!Hey hopefully we will be lucky enough to come up againist him in the playoffs?Only time will tell its a long season! ;-)

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by Peake »

I think anyone who says a kid should be punished for wanting to attend another school based on academics or athletics is as stupid as that statement. Yes grown adults choose to take a job in one district, than change the next month. Should they be penalized for taking a job?

Why in the world is it wrong for a kid to want ot give himself a better chance to receive a scholarship by attending one school instead of the other. I totally disagree with the stance that kids wish they hadn't left and stayed at the original school. We live in a small area that produces very few divison one athletes, if we were in say Cincinnatti than you would see how the game works. When being recruited you have to sell yourself, and in the case of say someone who plays football for Fairland instead of Ironton, the Ironton kid is going to get looked at first. That has to do with the recognition of the program and the type of athletes that program produces and the relationship the coach has with college coaches.

Chesapeake since 2000.
PJ Rase- Transfer from Green- Rio Grande University
Matt Rucker- Fairland transfer- Marrieta College
Nick Karle- Huntington transfer- NW Chicago
Aaron Gossett- Coal Grove Transfer- Ohio Dominican
Cody Hunt- South Point transfer- Morehead State University
Cory Methics- Spring Valley transfer- Urbana College

The Truth
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by The Truth »

what do the dragons look like?size,numbers etc?

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by RationalVoice »

I heard the numbers are way down. They've had over 50 the last couple of years & someone told me that they've only had twenty-some at practices so far.

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by earp »

Some kids still out of town on vacations and such!Will probably end up around 40 or so!

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by RationalVoice »

That's a lot of kids missing practice...& still quite a few less on the team than the last couple of years.

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by earp »

Ya but 40 isnt a bad number to roll with!Improvements are being made to the stadium as well.It looks pretty good inside and a construction company has been brought in and stripped all of the old paint off of the stadium and filled in the holes in the side of it.It is looking much better I must say!

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by bgmonster »

Usually, your numbers are big starting out and then drop off after pads and two a days not the other way around. Are you saying 20 kids are on vacation at the same time? And why all the stadium upgrades now? The stadium has needed improvements for years and nothing's been done. Now all of the sudden things are getting painted, fixed, and the field is sporting a new sprinkler system. It's great something's finally being done but football numbers have been up the last couple of years and no improvements were ever made. What's changed?

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by earp »

Well I think the reason improvements were never done was because the district was waiting to see if the stadium levy was going to pass.The thinking was "If we are going to get a new stadium why spend $ on this one."I can understand that!And as far as the sprinkler system that was installed in 2005. ;-)

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by fhsalum1991ah »

If this tech business that I am starting gets going like I expect, Im going to donate enough to build a new stadium, new practice field, new weight room and coaches offices, etc.

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by fhsalum1991ah »

When Snyder was coach before, the field was one of the best in the region and definately the best in Lawrence Co.

I can recall teams especially Wayne commenting on how well our field was kept.

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by earp »

Ya FHSAlum I remember the first time Sheldon Clark came here they thought we had 2 different kinds of grass planted because the field had the pro cut on it !We thought that was hilarious! :lol:

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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?

Post by bgmonster »

What happened to the field during the in-between years when Snyder wasn't coaching? He's been the AD for several years hasn't he? Hopefully some attention will be given to other areas such as the locker room, bathrooms, and concession stands.

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