gridiron grory

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by NYBUX »

I too love to watch G.G., I hurry home after the game so I can watch it. I wish it was longer and believe it could be, without more resources, just take more time and don't rush it like you do.

I also enjoy the replay of the area games on our local channel 15, that's why I still have cable, however, because of some idiots commentary(t.t.pride???), the games are not on until the next morning after they are reviewed, edited, and censored. What a shame!!!!!!!!

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by Bleeding Red »

At least most of you can still watch it.

In Scioto County, the network has been off air for well over a week on Direct TV.

Is anyone else having this problem?

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by madpolecat »

I haven't had WOUB on DirecTV in Oak Hill for at least 10 days.

My brother in Rio Grande (on DishNet) says his WOUB has also been off the air.

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by Bleeding Red »

They probably arent paying Direct TV insane amounts of money, so they are probably blocking them until the reach a deal or cancelling them.

I cant stand it.......I watched Gridiron Glory every Friday night, now all I get is a white screen that says Direct TV is aware of the problem!

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g w mclintock
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Re: gridiron grory

Post by g w mclintock »

Bleeding Red wrote:I cant stand it.......I watched Gridiron Glory every Friday night, now all I get is a white screen that says Direct TV is aware of the problem!

I've been watching that same Direct TV white screen for two weeks. It comforts me that they are aware of the problem...

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by Chain_Gang »

I don't understand what you mean by the Gridiron Rewind segment being a waste of time. It is a chance for some teams that haven't been doing well in recent years to relive their glory days and bring back some memories. Maybe if someone from Fed Hock would have won player of the year your opinion would change.

As for the Trimble/Crooksville game it was a matchup between two 2-1 teams from different conferences going against each other.

How are they supposed to know what games are going to be close and which ones aren't. You dont so you just have to go with the teams that have good records going against each other.

As for your criticism toward the "host", I don't believe it made any sense. What exactly has he done wrong. He is interactive with all of the fans wherever he goes just as Matt was.

Oh be ready this week Fed Hock will be on the show.

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by sportzhawk04 »

Man, this thread got ugly for some reason.

Couple thoughts from the last year's host here in Georgia.

1. The parking in a handicapped spot is wrong. I'm pretty sure the producers and crew will remind those who drive of that. Trust me, that is not a reflection of the attitudes of the people on the show. If it was, they wouldn't be going to a high school football game on a Friday night...and doing it all FOR FREE. (Remember, this is OU. You know there's a lot of other things to do on a Friday...haha)

2. I love the rewind segments. Why? Because it shows that we truly care about SE Ohio football. All the talk about that we know nothing about the region and EXACTLY why we are doing these segments. To educate ourselves and new viewers/residents as well as allow those who have been in the area for awhile to relive those great memories. 4 years ago, I admit, I didn't know anything about SE Ohio football but trust me, we do a lot of research before games and before the year. This segment helps that even more.

3. You all have to remember that there are 34 teams the show covers. That means a maximum of having 20 teams shown on air. So getting every team is impossible. They are doing their best to vary what teams are on air.

4. Just like this website has an unwritten rule of not bashing players, I think we should all do the same when it comes to this show. It's a public service to the community and trust me, bashing the show just makes it worse. Nothing like seeing all your hard work (done for FREE) criticized by the very people you are trying to impress.

5. Remember that Extra Points are exactly that, just quick highlights. That means a reporter can't stay long because they have to go to 2 games AND have time to come back to the station and cut the highlights to be read by the host who has not even seen the highlights. Here in Georgia, every game we do is like Extra Points: 30 seconds or less of highlights. I hate it because you can't go in-depth about a game or stay at a game for very long.

If you listen to the rewind segments or watch the extras on the website, you'll notice the players are nothing but appreciative. Trust me all, for every complaint there is about this show, remember, it could ALWAYS be worse. Cause it is here in Augusta.

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by Do-Your-Job »

Hey sportszhawk04 - what up?

I agree completely with sportzhawk04. It's pretty lame that people get on here and trash these people on gridiron glory who work hard to put the show on. No way they can please every team every week with full coverage of every game. I would think the fact that Fed Hock played Fort Frye and St. Peter Chanel, two teams that nobody outside of Fed Hock that week would care about, had something to do with what games they cover. I bet when Fed hock jumps into TVC-Hocking play their games will be covered. I can understand that. As sportzhawk04 said, these students could be out having fun with their friends on Friday night, not driving around southeast ohio and doing all that work, for apparently no money. How many of the people who are critical of GG on this thread can say they did similar things when they were in college? How many of the people who are critical have any clue how to put a highlight package together?

I love the rewind segment. It's great to revisit the past like that. But I can imagine if I was a Fed Hock fan I might not care for it because they're not going to get mentioned much until 2005 and 2006.

Keep up the good work Gridiron!

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by Steely Dan »

Our family has been a long time supporter of WOUB. As for the the last two posts, you're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine.

You don't like the fact that I've called the show out on the lack of coverage of the primary financial supporters of the school, and the show, so be it. It is not just about Fed Hock. There are many OU employee's kids who go to Athens, Fed Hock, Alex, Trimble, and NY. Don't lose sight of this fact. How many supporters and viewers from the periphery work at OU, and support OU and WOUB?

I'm not knocking the effort, I appreciate the work that these kids do. That being said, some type of common sense needs to come into play with the decisions that are made concerning coverage.

Do-your-job, your comments about who Fed Hock played the past two weeks tells me that you don't know anything about local football. Fort Frye is 30 minutes away in Washington County, and St. Peter Chanel has a storied recent past in football, including a state championship in 2001.

GG feels they need to cover WV Wood County teams, which are even further away than Washington County, and they don't send anyone to the FF-Fed Hock game? You logic is convoluted, at best.

A team drives 3.5 hours to play a local team? Geesh, that is all the more reason to cover a game like this. This was an intriguing match-up, to the unbiased fan. I'm guessing that these kids that do GG thought that it would be a blowout, and decided that they wouldn't send anyone. What a mistake.

I understand Matt supporting the current regime leading the GG effort, that is admirable, and understandable. However, perhaps a little guidance from the TV station on how the show's resources are used on a Friday night are in order.

Don't forget who butters the bread, as it can lead to no food at all.........

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by KFL52 »

I feel like this thread moved from a fair criticism of the show to an unfair criticism of the young men and women who work 40+ hours a week to make it happen. I was fortunate enough to work on Gridiron Glory for four years, and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Naturally, my first instinct is to jump on here and defend the people I have worked with through all claims, but throwing barbs at barbs just leaves everyone scratched and miserable.

As some of the other alumni have said, it's easy to forget that these are college kids performing this show. That said, I have yet to see a student production like Gridiron Glory. As any other former member of the show can attest, an episode of Gridiron on a resume tape can take you pretty far in the industry. A lot of us have gone on to be very successful in our careers and we owe a large debt to WOUB and Ohio University for taking the reins off and letting us run the show on our own. As the technology of the business has expanded, so has the production value of our show. The graphics, editing, cameras, and studio equipment have grown exponentially over the past 10 years, and the fact that 18-to-22-year-olds have been able to harness that technology and put it to use is not something you see at other universities or television stations. The one aspect of the show that can't be made easier through technology is the learning curve of how to perform on camera. There simply isn't a substitute for looking into a camera and speaking with confidence repeatedly, so there is no way to jump on-set and immediately be good. So while the show sparkles production-wise, you simply have to take young reporters for what they are. They are learning, and they chose to provide a service to residents of SE Ohio and West Virginia while doing so. It takes an unbelievable amount of intestinal fortitude to hop up there, so please be appreciative when someone takes their time out to serve the community and risk humiliation while doing it. While choosing to be on television opens you to criticism, it should be left at just that: a critique. Singling out a kid on the internet doesn't do anybody good. If you want to tell him how you think he could improve his performance, then provide a solution. Otherwise you're just whining.

As far as the whole "pleasing the donors" argument goes, I can tell you that the amount of money people donate shouldn't have an effect on how the show is planned. Yes, the TVC and some SEOAL teams are in WOUB's backyard, but viewership doesn't end there. Every week the producer, host, and other staff members go through the schedules and try to pick out which games will be the most exciting, and they make a deliberate effort to spray the coverage area and feature as many teams as possible. If they featured Nelsonville-York every week, it would neglect the other areas. The West Virginia fans have been some of the most die-hard Gridiron Glory supporters since the show started. Their distance from the studios in Athens has no bearing on their coverage. The same applies for fans of MVL schools. The bread and butter comes from all over, not just Athens County, not that donors ever factored in planning for the show in the first place.

I, for one, have been a big fan of the Rewind segment. It takes a ridiculous amount of legwork and time spent hunched over a computer to make a TV segment like that, and the team does a great job putting it to use. It's a great way to look back at where we have been as a show, and as a community. Ask New Lexington fans if they enjoy reliving Drew Cannon's glory days. I'm sure they would certainly give a "rat's arse" if you asked them. Surely, not everyone will enjoy every aspect of the show, but therein lies the glory of television. If you don't like something, just don't watch it.

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by OUbobcat06 »

Ok, I tried to stay off this for as long as I could, but I'm not gonna sit there and watch you guys ridicule and diminish the accomplishments of these kids when you have absolutely no idea what it takes to do what they do.

I directed GG two years ago (2006 Season) and it was one of the best experiences of my life. There are several lines of argument that are simply not-true and uninformed.

1st. The do another half hour argument - We tried this. We tried every possible thing we could think of to do another half hour. We contemplated doing other shows that focused on human interest aspects of the game, on fans, on coaches, on more highlights and everything else. The fact of the matter is that it just simply is not possible right now. Obviously one of the main issues is $$. SportsHawk mentioned the $2000 cameras, they're actually $8-10K. GG uses every single one they have available to them. There simply aren't any more at Ohio University that are available. You may not realize it, but to put a broadcast quality show on air, it takes more than something you can pick up at the store. One of the major problems with the advancements in camera technology is the addition of "Pro-Sumer" cameras that try to be both professional and consumer models. These look like you could find them at Wal-Mart, but it just isn't true. Just because they're small they're still easily 8K after everything is sorted out. Another aspect is gas prices. How can WOUB afford to send more camera crews out? With $4 gas its hard enough to cover the news for Newswatch, much less send teams out to 8 different games. And finally, the biggest problem preventing an hour show is there simply aren't enough people or hours in the day to do it. GG is fortunate to have as large of a staff as they do, but everyone who works on the show is a student. Here is my typical schedule for a Weekday when I was Director of GG

8:00-1:00 - Class
1:00-5:00 - Editing opens, packages, and working on whats coming up for the next week. Its a pretty safe bet that every minute you see of pre-produced content took over 3 hours to make. You have to drive somewhere to shoot the interview, come back and capture it onto the computer (in real time), log the footage, write your story and pick out the best sound-bytes, edit the footage (which can take several hours) and then put it on a tape in real time. Throw in a couple of computer crashes, and those rewind packages you guys are bashing take a good week to get perfected. And they're not too bad either.. They did a tremendous job on them from a television point of view.
5:00-7:00 - Work on Newswatch
7:00-12:00 -- Make more graphics, edit more packages, plan for shows a couple weeks ahead of time.
12:00 - 1:00 Try to have some sort of life before going to bed. Do that for 14 WEEKS; throw in a girlfriend, family and trying to have a semi-normal college experience and then get back to me about adding another half hour to the show.

2. Rewind Packages -
Are you kidding me? It's the 10th year of Gridiron, that is a MAJOR accomplishment. There aren't many shows on TV any more that started in 1998. Plus, how can you not enjoy watching a package about these players? Its a tribute to Southeast Ohio football and the history of the game in this area. Should they be online and more of an extra addition? Who knows...but the fact is that's not what the producer chose to do, so I'm standing by that decision. I love them.

3. Off air in some areas -- Thats not the GG crews fault. Thats between WOUB and DirecTV. I wasn't able to watch it the last two weeks either (Meigs Co) and it drove me crazy, but if you want to see it, watch the podcast or watch it online. I know it isn't the same, but you can't hardly rip on a college kid because an engineer at directv is having difficulty with a satellite several hundred miles above us.

4. MVL-TVC-ETC -- This really is a non issue. You think that the TVC and SEOAL are the bread and butter, but thats only because you have no idea what exists outside our two-three county radius. The MVL loves Gridiron Glory. Heck, look how many players of the year have come from there, look at all the signs that are made by MVL fans for Gridiron, go to their message board and see what they've got to say. Just because the only thing you know or hear about is the SEOAL or TVC (obviously, because you're on this board.. I get that and there is nothing wrong with that) doesn't mean that GG doesn't have fans in other areas of Ohio. Look, I'm a TVC purist through and through. It disgusts me that Athens is in the league now, I'm glad I never lost to Alexander, I hate Nelsonville and Wellston with the best of my Marauder buddies... BUT... when it comes right down to it... I stick to my own and I think the TVC is one of the best football conferences in the state simply because its my conference and I love the people in it. I hate that Jay Edwards beat my marauders every year, but I loved giving him all the publicity I could when I was on GG because he's a good kid and represents the conference well. The simple truth is that there are other good kids in other conferences that deserve the recognition as much as the TVC and SEOAL.

Last of all I just wish you guys who are bashing the show would realize what you have. I just spent the last year in Arizona and there wasn't any friday night shows whatsoever. There was an extra 10 minutes on the end of the news and that was it. The fact that these kids go out there and give up every friday night of their fall quarter to make something for your enjoyment is something you should be grateful for. If you don't want to watch it, then fine... don't. But to come on here and ridicule them for their effort and their work ethic is downright petulant.

The fact is that I probably don't understand how difficult most of your jobs are either. I'm sure there are people on here who work at power plants and work their butts off, but I don't understand how hard it is. To me, I turn on a light and I have electricity and thats where it ends. But in reality it takes a lot of hard work by you that I have no idea even happens to get that electricity to me. Its the same with TV, people are so used to it that they don't realize what goes into it.


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Re: gridiron grory

Post by buckeyeguy »

is this the cry baby thread ? your all whiiiiiiiiinnnning ... wwwhhhaaaaaaaaa :razz: :razz: :razz:

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by NY BUCKS »

^^^^^ GOOD POST But ill will take the buckeyes over meigs anyday. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by buckeyeguy »

yea cant wait till friday GO BUCKS BEAT MEIGS :122245

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by Steely Dan »

Boy, have I ever elicited such an up-roaring response?? I guess that I should not be surprised. One, it is good to see that you are all such a nice, tight-knit group, that support each other.

My point, and I will stay on my point, is to know your audience. That has not been the case this year. Knock off the "being all things to all people", it is not going to work, and will only alienate viewers like me.

I could go on and on about the bleeding that I've read on this thread, but I won't. No one is bashing the show, just the choices that are being made in regard to the coverage. Get ready for what the real world is going to present you.....

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by KFL52 »

Thanks for your concern, but I'm well aware of this "real world" you speak of and what it can present me. We're jumping to defend the show because you're flat-out wrong with your complaints. If you don't like the show, then don't watch. The people who know Gridiron know their audience well, because they interact with their audience constantly. Just because you don't like the way they cover the entire area doesn't make your way right. It's been working for 10 years and it'll keep working for another 10

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by Steely Dan »

I hope that you do and I hope that it treats you well, for whatever you do.........

If they knew their audience, I would not have posted. Nor would I have a bunch of college kids and recent grads jumping up in front of the bus to defend themselves either.

I've taken this crusade on myself, as I know that I can defend my position with all of you. My fellow adult friends on here would jump in, if they felt;

1. I was wrong,
2. If I was too harsh, or
3. I was being narrowminded.

I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with all of you GG staffers, former staffers, or ex-OU students who may, or may have not had anything to do with the show.

I am simply trying to provide some simple, constructive advice going forward, and that is the crux of what I'm trying to do. Not trying to make anyone look bad, for certain.

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by KFL52 »

I still don't see how you can say they don't know their audience. The emails, the phonecalls, the visits to practices, the traveling to games, the interaction with fans... it all goes into the show and how it's set up. Just because Federal Hocking doesn't get as much coverage as you wish doesn't mean they don't know their audience. Hinting that the former staffers aren't adults doesn't make your point correct.

1. You are wrong. Every issue you have raised has been shot down by people who know better. You just keep stating an opinion over and over with nothing to back it up
2. You were too harsh.
The rewind segment is just absolutely stupid, who gives a big rat's arse about players from 7 or 8 years ago that went onto nothing in college?

Has been absolutely pathetic this year.

My big beef is that this new "host" (I'm being nice) thinks that he can be all things to all people, including the ghosts from the past. Jesus, you belabored the living daylights out of the Jackson/Portsmouth game tonight, it was just friggin' painful to watch. What a damned waste of my time, and everyone else's.

3. You are being narrow-minded because you keep bringing up points that have no backing. Your only "advice" has been to cover Meigs and Athens Counties more, which we have repeatedly explained why they shouldn't.

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by Steely Dan »

OK, let's make this simple. Please provide empirical evidence that you are satisfying the masses.

You keep calling me out on opinion, well, guess what, that is exactly what you are espousing.

"The emails, the he phonecalls, the visits to practices, the traveling to games, the interaction with fans... it all goes into the show and how it's set up."

What a bunch of self-serving crap.

1. You are wrong. Every issue you have raised has been shot down by people who know better. You just keep stating an opinion over and over with nothing to back it up Prove it. Who shot me down, please? Once again, you provide no evidence, but just spout off.......
2. You were too harsh. That's reality. Get over feeling that you have been offended or aggrieved in any matter. The victim pose wears thin, quickly!

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Re: gridiron grory

Post by KFL52 »

How is that self-serving crap? I have an email inbox completely packed with positive feedback from fans of all conferences and West Virginia who say they were thrilled with the show. Personal interaction with fans and the responses we got from the games we covered let us know the show was doing great. You are one unhappy fan who says they should focus more on the areas closest to Athens. The interaction and support from fans outside that area, as well as the feedback from industry professionals, suggests they should continue to do what they have been doing for 10 very successful years.

I'm not playing the victim here, I'm defending the kids you were bullying. If you have a critique, then present it in a way that suggests you're an adult who has a clue as to what goes into producing live television. Otherwise it is, as I mentioned before, whining.

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