2023 interview with Minersville Area (Pa) High School Head Coach Justin Frantz

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2023 interview with Minersville Area (Pa) High School Head Coach Justin Frantz


Justin Frantz

Minersville Area, Minersville, PA

Head Varsity Football Coach

Can you give us a brief history of your coaching career? Where you have coached and the position you have held at each stop.
2005 - Minersville - Freshman Offensive Coordinator
2006 - 2009 - Blue Mountain - Freshmen Offensive Coordinator
2010 - 2015 - Minersville - Varsity Assistant (Special Teams, QB, DB)
2016 - Blue Mountain - Junior High Offensive Coordinator
2017 - Blue Mountain - Junior High Head Coach
2018 - Blue Mountain - Varsity Defensive Coordinator
2019 - Present - Minersville - Head Coach

What are your biggest concerns heading into the 2023 season?
We need to replace 2-3 starters on the offensive line and replace two starters in the defensive backfield. We need to develop the line very quickly and have them work as a unit. We are making some changes on offense to be more diverse and changing our defensive scheme completely. We're hoping we can get them installed and get the kids adjusted ASAP.

What will you remember most about the class of 2023?
The class of 2023 came in with me when I got the job as HC. They are a fantastic class - not just athletes, but great people. Everyone has a very unique personality and brought so much to the program. I will remember the difference that they made in the program. From Day 1 until they graduate, the program is completely different, completely updated, and they were the catalysts. We had some four year starters, and some that only started one year, but every single one of them gave everything they had to the program and we will definitely miss them. They are going to be very hard to replace.

Which of the six wins was the biggest?
Every win in high school football is huge because they're all very difficult to get. I would have to say the biggest last season was the game against Williams Valley. WV is one of the most consistent programs in the area, maybe the state. They are always tough, physical, and fast, and they don't make mistakes. We played our most complete game in all phases and were able to get the win. From the time we got on the bus to make the trip all the coaches knew there was an energy about the team and we felt great. From the first play of the game, we flew around and made plays. Not only one of the biggest wins of the season but one of the biggest I've ever been a part of.

Which loss last season was the one that hurt the most?
The district semifinal loss to Tri-Valley would have to be the one that hurt the most. The biggest reason is it is the loss that ended the season, and therefore, ended the careers of the class of 2023. It was tough to swallow. A class that put so much into the program, we just wanted to keep rolling for them. We played a good game and fought to the end, but unfortunately, Tri-Valley had our number.

Who was the best player you have ever coached against, and what team did he play for?

I would say the best player I've ever coached against was my nephew, Damon Yost, who played for Pottsville. I had the unfortunate task of being the defensive coordinator at Blue Mountain when we played against him his senior year. He was a fantastic quarterback and leader and probably had one of the best games of his life. Our kids played hard, and our coaches thought we had a great plan, but he just threw all over us and played fantastically.

What did you learn about yourself during the 2022 season that you can use to be a better coach this season?
Every year you learn things as a coach. 2022 was no different - I learned a lot about enjoying coaching and enjoying the time we have with these athletes. At the end of the day, it's still a game, and we have the responsibility to make sure the kids are enjoying it. That is something that I really tried to focus on and will continue to work to improve that this year.

Which team in 2022 was the toughest to prepare for? Why?
Palisades - this was the first time we ever played them, they are from a different conference we don't have much experience with/against, so it made it a little more difficult to prepare for. They did so many different things and had so much experience and ability, that it really made it tough to get a good read on them from film.

Looking back from day one as a coach up to the present, what have been the low and high points of your coaching career?
Low points have always been the injuries. Anytime someone gets hurt it really bothers me. These kids put so much time and effort into the game and push themselves so hard and sometimes injuries occur. This is something that I've always struggled with since my first-year coaching.
High points - there have been a lot of really good wins over the years; getting the 600th win as a program was huge. Beating a team Minersville hasn't beaten in over 10 years was a lot of fun; the team getting to three straight district playoffs for the first time in school history is something that will stick with us forever. My favorite "high point" of coaching has been all the relationships I've built over the years. Hearing from kids that I've coached as they've moved on in school, work, the military, and started families has been one of the best parts. Not much better than hearing from those guys and something that will be my favorite high point of coaching.

What are your goals for the 2023 season?
Focus on 1 week at a time. I feel like last year we looked ahead a little too much at times, so this year my #1 goal is to focus on each week. Make sure we keep the team focused on that one game.
Continue to get better - every year is an opportunity to get better and grow the program.
Continue to grow our community support - I feel that the support from our community is getting to the point where it is as high if not even higher than ever before and we want that to keep going.

What are your thoughts on girls playing on the boys' football team?
There have been girls that have played on Minersville teams before and one that will be coming out this season to kick for us. I welcome them. Football is such a fantastic sport for everyone, and if girls want to come out and enjoy it, they absolutely should.

Can you tell us which seniors from last season will be moving on to play college ball and list the colleges too?
Brock Polinsky - Lycoming College (will play Defensive Back) - Brock was an all-state DB for us; named the T-102 Defensive Player of the Year; the Schuylkill Coaches Association Dream Team Defensive Back; the WNEP Super 16 Dream Team; first team all area, first team all-state.

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Re: 2023 interview with Minersville Area (Pa) High School Head Coach Justin Frantz

Post by VetteMan »

I would say that a lot of Coaches would probably say that the last loss of the season would in most cases always be the worst loss of the season. Being the last game of the year, and having to replay that game in your mind as to what you might have done differently to have changed the outcome. Having to play against a relative, and in this case your nephew, would probably not be a pleasant situation in most cases. Good interview.

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