Salary Cap for MLB

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Riding the Bench
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Salary Cap for MLB

Post by Blacksunshine »

I think it's time for Baseball to finally have one. Look at what a mockery the New York Yankees and Mets are doing to baseball, it's disgusting. I absolutely hate the Yankees organization, not so much the players but management. I love to see small to mid-market teams(A's, Brewers, Marlins, Rays) be successful and do it by building farm systems to supply their organization with players. It just makes me sick to see some teams try to buy championships and rob organizations of their star players by luring them with the almighty dollar. With the money the Yanks have spent on Sabathia and now Bunett why not do something worth while and bailout the auto makers with all the money you have to throw around. :lol: George Steinbrenner is and always has been a cancer to Baseball going back to his beginning in the 70's. Now his kids are following in his footsteps.Yeah, talk it up how free agency has become the culprit but I disagree to an extent. It's gotten to the point to where there is a minor league system in the Majors and you are part of it if your team's salary is not over 75 to 100 million a year. Yes, there are exceptions, most recently in the past to where the most expensive team isn't the World Series winner that year, but that only fuels the big money teams to spend more for that illustrious ring in October. Now, a small arguement can be made that you don't always get what you pay for, that you over paid for a guy who just happened to have a stellar year prior to signing him to large free-agent contract. There have been plenty of those type signings, but how do you sell those tickets that bring in revenue for your organization, when your stars are being traded or sign with large market teams, you never get the chance to build the capital in the team itself. You are reduced to bringing up names that no one has heard of and no one wants to see at that time. I have thought for years the some teams are just feeder organizations and are being compensated for developing talent, exposing them in the Majors, and then shipping them off or letting them go for the bigger payday because they can't afford them. A cap might change the way your farm system works and develops players, and it might actually make those teams who try to buy a World Championship actually start working and developing talent instead of just opening up the check book at winter meetings.

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