To the Tim Tebow Haters...

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To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by fightingtigers45 »

On top of being a Heisman winner, and a finalist this season...Tim Tebow has won a really great award that I am proud of.

He is the recipient of the 2008 Wuerffel Trophy, regarded to as the "Humanitarian Heisman". A Buckeye player won this award two years ago, I believe.

The award is named after former Gator QB, Danny Wuerffel, who retired from the NFL to focus on humanitarian works.

On top of this award, Tebow was also named the ESPN the Magazine Academic All-American of the Year.

Congratulations Tim Tebow. Not only are you a great competitor on the field, but a true role model off of it.

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by ballparent »

Congratulations to him and his fans. He deserves all the accolades coming his way.

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by boogerred »

Tebow is a great athlete and a tremendous person. He is almost too likable!!

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by biggdowgg »

congrats to a great player,and person.

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...


I can not stand him as Gator but I really like him as a football player.

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by fightingtigers45 »

I am just sick of hearing the words "I hate Tebow"

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by Just_A_Fan »

Is there any word on if Tebow returns next season?

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by ItownHosscat »

Actually I do hate T-Bones...would rather have a Ribeye :122249

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by fuzzhead »

It's hard to root against him. He needs to do some work on his teamates, though :lol:

God bless you, double "T"!

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by fightingtigers45 »

Just_A_Fan wrote:Is there any word on if Tebow returns next season?

Looking at what I have looked at in the draft, I say Tebow returns.

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by oak hill71 »

It isn't that I hate Tebow, I just think ESPN, CBS, and other media just tout him as the greatest thing ever. I know he is humble, but Herbstreit, do you really have to say it 100 times in an half an hour.

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by all-time athlete »

I wouldn't mind him so much if he would just do something wrong, he's has a weakness I just know it im just waiting for him to show it!

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by OakHillOaks »

Just_A_Fan wrote:Is there any word on if Tebow returns next season?

I would say he's coming back either way.. if he wins the National Championship and the Heisman you know he's coming back for one more year to try to get 3 Championships and to win the Heisman 3 times

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by The_Legend_of_Northwest »

i couldnt stand him his freshman year and most of last year but the great one is too darn likable

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

I didn't know much about him other than him being the Quarterback for the Gators (which I'm not a fan of) and all of his accomplishments on the field. After watching the awards banquet last night and seeing what he does off the field I am now a believer in this guy in all he does and what he stands for. He is a true role model that all kids should look up to, just a great all around person.

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by Speedofsand »

Wow I'm really happy to see the positive comments here about Tebow. Did y'all know just how close he was to signing with Shula at ALABAMA ?

Tebow Facts -
He played 3/4 of a high school game with a broken fibula.
In a state championship game, with his team clinging to the lead, he went in to play nosetackle late in the 4th qtr. His team won.
On a recruiting visit to Florida, he asked what the leg press record was, and then broke it.

He won the Disney Spirit Award this week too, similar to the Wuerffel Award.

Here is a Heisman stat :
Top 10 Defenses Faced
Tim Tebow 2
Sam Bradford 1
Colt McCoy 0

Top 20 Defenses Faced
Tim Tebow 5
Sam Bradford 1
Colt McCoy 0

Top 50 Defenses Faced
Tim Tebow 10
Sam Bradford 3
Colt McCoy 0

Defenses Ranked Worse than No. 70
Tim Tebow 1
Sam Bradford 8
Colt McCoy 10

1A Opponents Total Defense

Texas Opponents - Total Defense
FAU - #94
UTEP - #116
Rice - #115
Arkansas - #73
Colorado - #80
Oklahoma - #65
Mizzou - #100
OSU - #87
TT - #72
Baylor - #88
Kansas - #95
ATM - #114

Oklahoma Opponents - Total Defense
Cincinnati - #26
Washington - #112
TCU - #2
Baylor - #88
Texas - #50
Kansas - #95
KSU - #118
Nebraska - #66
ATM - #114
TT - #72
OSU - #87
Mizzou - #100

Florida Opponents - Total Defense
Hawaii - #59
Miami - #24
UT - #4
Ole Miss - #16
Arkansas - #73
LSU - #36
UK - #37
UGA - #28
Vandy - #29
USC - #11
FSU - #14
Bama - #3

Here is an article about the wrist bands he wears. All have some special meaning.

Tim Tebow’s faith and compassion are never far from his mind and heart, even when he’s running over defenders on the football field. Florida’s junior quarterback isn’t hiding his feelings, either.

Under his eyes, he wears black patches with a reference to one of his favorite Bible verses. On his wrists, he wears seven bracelets, each with a special meaning. Here’s a look at Tebow’s adornments:

A black bracelet reads Miracles ICDP, which is a tribute to former UF football player Darryl Perry. Perry suffered cardiac arrest and was on life support, because doctors thought he had brain damage. He spent three weeks in a coma but awoke and has almost fully recovered.

A white bracelet reads Pray Strong on one side and Romans 12:12 on the other. The Bible verse reads, “Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.”

An orange bracelet reads TPS, which stands for Time, Place, Substance. It was given to all the players by Mickey Marotti, UF’s director of strength and conditioning. It’s meant to remind the players that they need to make sure they don’t put themselves in bad situations and that everything they do reflects on themselves and the program.

Eye witness

Tebow isn’t sure when he first wrote Phil 4:13 on the glare-reducing black patches under his eyes, but according to a check of photos on UF’s web site, Tebow’s message first appeared during the LSU game on Oct. 11.

Underneath his right eye is the word Phil. Underneath the left is 4:13. Philippians 4:13 is a verse Tebow often quotes: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

“I put those things on sometimes before, and I just thought, ‘Hey, this is pretty cool,’ ” Tebow said. “I can put this verse on here and people see it, they’ll be, ‘Hey, what’s that?’ and it’ll be an opportunity to do something good.”

n An orange bracelet reads Semper Fi, which is short for the Latin term semper fidelis (always faithful). Those words are the motto for the U.S. Marine Corps, but the bracelet was given to Tebow by a good friend who is not a Marine.

A white bracelet reads Gracie, for a little girl suffering from leukemia. The youngster is often a guest at the football team’s family meals.

A yellow bracelet reads Sunshine on one side and Never Let your Teammate Down on the other. It’s in memory of former walk-on Michael Guilford, who died in a motorcycle accident, along with a female UF student in October 2007.

A blue bracelet reads Quiet Strength on one side and Hope for Kalen on the other. Kalen is another young girl suffering from cancer. Tebow met Kalen and her mother after practice, and they asked him to wear the bracelet. “I told them I was honored to,” Tebow said.

As for a favorite bracelet, Tebow said: “Sunshine, probably, because he passed away, but all of them mean something to me, especially Gracie and Kalen.”

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by hollandkat3 »

I can't stand Florida, but how could anybody not like Tebow? What a class act!!

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by Brutus8907 »

My beef with Tebow isn't so much with Tebow himself, but rather the Heisman committee. He's a great guy, a great team leader and seems to have a great head on his shoulders, all rarities among big time athletes today...but the man just didn't put up Heisman worthy numbers this year and had no place in New York last night over Graham Harrell. I wish Tebow the best, he'll go down as one of the best players in NCAA history but I was tickled to death that he didn't win the Heisman...better luck, or should I say, better stats next year.

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by JChipwood »

I agree Brutus!!! The guy lost basically because GH had a better year and was left off the ballots in that area of the country. Last year Tebow won with numbers and this year was average for 4-5 games. The other finalist and GH had outstanding numbers and I vowed to never watch the Heisman Ceremony or put any thought into it again if he won. With that said, wow, Tebow is a great person and a really good football player. I am just not totally impressed with the rushing tds or rushing numbers b/c they are designed calls and usually up the gut for short yardage. I certainly would never say I hate him though. I do agree with he needs to share some life lessons with his thug teammates and teach them overall respect for life and the game of football.

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Re: To the Tim Tebow Haters...

Post by Peake »

How can someone not be impressed with his rushing ability? Name a QB who can take the punishment he takes everyday? There isn't one. He flat challenges LB's to hit him, and he punishes them half the time. If anyone else in the country had so called "designed plays" like him, they wouldn't have a head.

His stats were down because the offense around him got better. They didn't need to run him 15-20 times a game like last season. Some of his numbers were also taken away by Percy Harvin (who IMHO is the best college football player in the nation).

I would say that he was average 1 game this season, and they lost that game.

Thug teammates? Is that really called for? Seriously? There are plenty of "thugs" on every team.

He will go down as one of the best players to ever play the game when he moves onto the NFL.

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