Thanks for the memories...

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Thanks for the memories...

Post by Peake »

I wanted to say a final goodbye to everyone on this site. I have truly enjoyed my years posting on this board. I recently got a new job working a few more hours, and I am getting married soon, so I just don’t have the time I used to.

I have really enjoyed the debates we have all had, and the friendships I have made because of this board. I wish you all well and maybe I will check in now and again. Thanks!


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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by Spenceman »

well take care peake and gratz on getting married hope everthing works well for you...and good luck!ttyl spenceman

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by marshallman »

Well, believe it or not but you were the first one I posted a reply too!
I know I gnawed on your nerves, but hey, you like Michigan, what can I say but nice debating with you :mrgreen:

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

You'll be missed, by more than a couple of posters.
Especially by me.
Hopefully you find the time to stop back in and say hey to us crazy buckeye fans
throughout the year.

Good luck and congrats.

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

You'll be back. They all come back. :-D

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Re: Thanks for the memories...


i will miss the great articles you have wrote on here. i enjoyed our debate over curry and meeks tremendously. i wish you nothing but the best with your upcoming wedding and the new job.

Do you mean that he copied and pasted?

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by avalanche »

Have to say that I have known Peake for some time now, and he is very good person. He is also a very intelligent and has a great deal of knowledge of sports (Michigan in general-I get my Michigan info from him).

He was very respectful and classy by saying goodbye and thanking everyone, and why did you (ozzie) take a shot at him? I am sure people have posted things that were purely borrowed thougts. Because he copied a blog article and did not site it people will label him, wow.

Anyways, good luck my friend and I will have to come see a Duke game with you.

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by Orange and Brown »

Good luck!!
:122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by ballparent »

hammerdown wrote:i agree that shot was uncalled for especially after telling everyone he wished them well.

That "shot" was more than called for since Ozzie and several mods/administrators spent quite a bit of time deleting posts or threads where he was very crass, name-called, belittled, you name it, to other posters, not only me but many others. As for the copying and pasting reference it has been well known among most that the majority of his comments were digested versions of other's posts from other forums, not counting the ones directly copied and pasted. His "well wishes" should have included an apology to the board for all the occasions he called posters ignorant, along with all the other comments made. As for the reference to his intelligence.... ;-) well...usually basic grammar skills, spelling, and punctuation come with that label. That was one big clue to his copying/pasting tricks...if the words were spelled wasn't his post :-D . Anyway, he may just respond to this and get the attention he's been missing. :12222

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by theassassin »

wont be missed by me

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by avalanche »

For those of you pointing out imperfections, I am sure other posters on this board could come up with a few for you.

I have seen some your posts ballparent, and from what I have gathered you take offense to anything that the man says. I do not know you, but my guess is you are a certain Mother of a certain Rock Hill player that walked on at OSU, and you feel like you have to defend everything Ohio State, because “everyone” is supposed to love them on here.

I find it interesting that you point out that Peake’s ideas were just regurgitated from other boards. I would venture to say that 99% of the posted material on any public chat forum is merely BORROWED ideas from: ESPN, CNNSI, CFB News, Bucknuts, Scout and Rivals sites.

I know Peake personally. We may not always agree with each other, but I know that he probably has forgotten more sports then I know. He was a junior when I was a senior, but he was always a good leader, played hard, and was very well liked. I like to give him up the road every now and again because he used to block my shot when we were younger, but he quit growing when he was in 7th grade and I blocked his shots in high school.

He probably should not have insulted certain individuals on here, but hey I see it on here everyday. I also enjoyed one of the past posts that you were debating with Peake about your knowledge and you included back yard football games with your brothers. You tried throwing a right hook and left yourself open to some body shots with that one. What do you expect someone to say when an indivdual counters with that comment.

I have seen a good majority of your posts, and all evidence points to you being the imperialist nation of the board who feels they can annex anyone who does not comply with your set of rules. Someone may have to help me out, but under the rules posting I did not see-you will be graded on this site, so make sure to use correct grammer and check for spelling errors-this is an Internet chat forum, and people will spell things incorrectly and for the most part no one will care.

I am sure your attacks mean little to him now, since last time I checked with him he was working at Duke University and about to get married.

Anyways, I do not know how anyone could think they are being mature by attacking someone when they say goodbye. I live by the rule of thumb that if you have nothing nice to say, they do not say anything at all, but hey who am I?

I am sure I will probably get a reply of how dare I, but oh well. Twelve hour shifts at the hospital seem to make me care less about what people will say on a public chat forum.

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by theassassin »

i am sure you are right that other posters could find imperfections of mine... so be it. i wont lose any sleep over that.
as for not having anything nice to say dont say anything at all... tell that one to peake.
his arrogant attitude should fit in nicely at puke u

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by avalanche »

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Yes I will call him and let him know his attitude will not get him very far in life.

You want to start a hate on Peake thread, be my guest. I say keep it classy and don't say anything. I would guess that people on here posting negative things are being viewed as immature.

Puke U??? Cute. Only one of the most prestegious Universities in the country.

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by ballparent »

Good Morning. :-D
Don't hang out banners on his intelligence if you don't want his blatent faults brought out...and not occasional typos.
As for even responding to this thread at all I didn't intend to and even tried to overlook the fact that peake felt the need to mention me by name in his opening mantra (and yes, I had it deleted from his post) but when Ozzie's comment was questioned I felt the need to clarify some issues.
One thing I do know is that peake's knowledge could not possibly be as abundant as he has always seemed to think it is. He is quick to name-drop and mention who he knows, his info sources, and belittle posters anyway he can. You're right, this is just an internet chat forum and I'm glad any note I made about growing up around brothers and playing sports with them gave peake something to feel superior about. But it seems he felt superior to everybody on here so I didn't take it personal, just another peake angle.
I'm glad he's lucked into the girlfriend he has and was able to ride her coat tails all the way south, especially after his less than glamorous leave from this area. It seems he has a history of insulting people, even Marshall University fans and coaches.
There may be no rule on grammar but there is certainly one on respect which he chose to ignore. I question his knowledge, his abilities, but I will not turn into a four-year-old and call him degrading personal names which he did on many occasions and then you or anyone else wonders why anyone would choose not to send him a fond farewell?
As for your comment, " I say keep it classy and don't say anything. I would guess that people on here posting negative things are being viewed as immature." :roll:
It's amazing that this is what several have had to deal with from peake for quite a while. His knowledge would have gotten him a lot farther on this board if he would have shown some class on many occasions.

Here's a sample of his posts to others:

“I know how this works”

“I told everyone sooner or later”

“Doubt all you want, I could care less. I have a soon-to-be brother in law who works in the athletic department, contacts with several insiders (michiganscout). This story has been out there for quite some time. There was a very very very similar story posted on The difference were a few details I was given.Like I have stated before I work freelance for scout, work/worked in media, so it pays to know people. It is what it is. That is why I said take it at face value. Give me more details than I have brought to you and didn't have to, than you can question my accountability.”

“claim to be? lol. Anyone who knows me knows this is a fact.”

“85 your posts are ignorant.”

“You are a typical a-hole fan that has nothing to add to the board except hand out insults about a team that you make no educated statements about.”

“I say you have no knowledge of what you are saying because you have made statements that were false already.”

“Yes I do think his comments are ignorant. He said no coach at Michgian has lost ot PSU. That is ignorant. He said that Carr always coached Michgian teams in January bowls, that is wrong, so in my eyes yes that is ignorant.”

“Ok, whatever. I hold your opinion about as high as I hold a cheeseburgers.”

“Well, you really didn't say one educated thing. You don't know one person who is in the know at Michigan so you are speculating. You were wrong with your analogies, you were wrong with some of your history. You just one of those people who enjoy hearing themselves talk and thinking they are correct.”

“I think you need to go back, do a little research, and maybe restructure what you are saying.”

“you first post and you choose to waste our time with that?!?! Welcome.”

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by avalanche »

I am finding this thread harder to respond to because it is very clear that some of you who claim to be respectful yourselves can not show enough self control to just let things go.

I have no problem with anyone not liking a person on here, but in my opinion, just say I won’t miss you or something to that extent and move on. There really is no need for banter about this or that. All of that stuff was in the past and if I recall correctly there was a thread created encouraging you, someone who has professed that they are more mature then your counter part, to stop the confrontation. I see now that given the most minuet opening you will take it. This tells me that someone may have as many issues as the person they are talking about.

You know that his knowledge could not be as abundant, based on what? Is he less knowledgeable of a subject because he is not an Ohio State fan, or because his grammar is not very strong? I can tell you one thing about nursing school, there were a lot of poor writers in my class, but they could do their job and do it well. If you are going to question someone’s knowledge I think you need to be more specific and use better examples.

You do not like the fact that someone name-drops, yet when you are questioned about sources, what else are you supposed to do? If someone said hey you do not work in this wing, I would probably “name-drop”. I know he wrote for scout so I would purely speculate that he knows a person or two.

There is no need to belittle, that is on him, but I see it everyday on this forum and I have seen it on this thread. It is interesting to see people point out that you should not name-call, yet those who say it should not be done are doing the same thing. I am really confused by all of the bickering and hypocritical statements.

When comparing resumes I find it helpful not to bring up backyard football, but hey that one is one you.

I'm glad he's lucked into the girlfriend he has and was able to ride her coat tails all the way south, especially after his less that glamorous leave from this area. It seems he has a history of insulting people, even Marshall University fans and coaches.

Am I mistaken or did you just respond to my post by saying belittling is wrong? What is the less then glamorous exit from the area you are referring to? I am so confused by your comments. I do not think you comprehend that some people have lives outside of this internet chat forum, and I am sure that him leaving and this board had no weight on his conscience. I know his fiancé, very intelligent and very kind person. I am sure she would not agree with your comments about him. When you get a job working at Duke, I doubt it has little to do with luck or riding someone’s coat tails.

I have no clue what you are referring to with the comment about insulting Marshall coaches and fans. He made comments about where he felt the program was, and I am certain that a good majority of Marshall fans would agree with his statements. I am a Marshall season ticket holder, and I have no problem with what he said. I do not like to pay for a losing product, and if I had my way, which I do not, then we would have a new coach right now. Does this mean I am insulting my fellow fan?

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by theassassin »

probly not a good idea to make negative comments about your employers on a chat forum such as this. i probly shouldnt try and explain ballparents post but just putting 2 and 2 together.

you state on this thread that people should keep negative comments to themselves and just let it go yet, i go to the peake/westfall boys basketball thread and read your negative comments toward coach davis. seems to me that is being a tad bit hypocritical.

yes, i said PUKE U... dont give a crap how prestigious the university is still doesnt change anytihng about their arrogant, holier than thou attitudes........ like i said before, peake will fit is nicely.

as matter of fact after reading oyur posts on this thread and the peake/westfall thread you sound just like him..... maybe you are peake coming back under different name......hmmm :shock:

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by avalanche »

Yes I am Lazerus, Peake passed on and now I am him in another life.

I played at Chesapeake and I am critical of the program when I feel that things are not going the way they should. I praised Chesapeake all year long, but when you are 0-2 in two seasons in the district semi-finals then I am not a happy alumni. There is nothing wrong with me questioning. I did not insult anyone by being critical. I did not call anyone out, nor did I say one negative thing about the players, I only questioned the coaching.

I do not really care that much of who you assume I am. You want to come see me, come to Kings Daughters and we can talk. Oh wait, I am really Peake at Duke proclaiming to be someone else. :lol: :roll:

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by theassassin »

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: ^^^

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by marshallman »

ballparent wrote:Good Morning. :-D
Don't hang out banners on his intelligence if you don't want his blatent faults brought out...and not occasional typos.
As for even responding to this thread at all I didn't intend to and even tried to overlook the fact that peake felt the need to mention me by name in his opening mantra (and yes, I had it deleted from his post) but when Ozzie's comment was questioned I felt the need to clarify some issues.
One thing I do know is that peake's knowledge could not possibly be as abundant as he has always seemed to think it is. He is quick to name-drop and mention who he knows, his info sources, and belittle posters anyway he can. You're right, this is just an internet chat forum and I'm glad any note I made about growing up around brothers and playing sports with them gave peake something to feel superior about. But it seems he felt superior to everybody on here so I didn't take it personal, just another peake angle.
I'm glad he's lucked into the girlfriend he has and was able to ride her coat tails all the way south, especially after his less than glamorous leave from this area. It seems he has a history of insulting people, even Marshall University fans and coaches.
There may be no rule on grammar but there is certainly one on respect which he chose to ignore. I question his knowledge, his abilities, but I will not turn into a four-year-old and call him degrading personal names which he did on many occasions and then you or anyone else wonders why anyone would choose not to send him a fond farewell?
As for your comment, " I say keep it classy and don't say anything. I would guess that people on here posting negative things are being viewed as immature." :roll:
It's amazing that this is what several have had to deal with from peake for quite a while. His knowledge would have gotten him a lot farther on this board if he would have shown some class on many occasions.

Here's a sample of his posts to others:

“I know how this works”

“I told everyone sooner or later”

“Doubt all you want, I could care less. I have a soon-to-be brother in law who works in the athletic department, contacts with several insiders (michiganscout). This story has been out there for quite some time. There was a very very very similar story posted on The difference were a few details I was given.Like I have stated before I work freelance for scout, work/worked in media, so it pays to know people. It is what it is. That is why I said take it at face value. Give me more details than I have brought to you and didn't have to, than you can question my accountability.”

“claim to be? lol. Anyone who knows me knows this is a fact.”

“85 your posts are ignorant.”

“You are a typical a-hole fan that has nothing to add to the board except hand out insults about a team that you make no educated statements about.”

“I say you have no knowledge of what you are saying because you have made statements that were false already.”

“Yes I do think his comments are ignorant. He said no coach at Michgian has lost ot PSU. That is ignorant. He said that Carr always coached Michgian teams in January bowls, that is wrong, so in my eyes yes that is ignorant.”

“Ok, whatever. I hold your opinion about as high as I hold a cheeseburgers.”

“Well, you really didn't say one educated thing. You don't know one person who is in the know at Michigan so you are speculating. You were wrong with your analogies, you were wrong with some of your history. You just one of those people who enjoy hearing themselves talk and thinking they are correct.”

“I think you need to go back, do a little research, and maybe restructure what you are saying.”

“you first post and you choose to waste our time with that?!?! Welcome.”

Thank you, ballparent- I think I know as much about Marshall as peake if not more. Considering I played for them, graduated from there and go to all the games. Am I happy with them? NO! But, every little positive spin I would give them peake would bash a recruit, new coach, upgrades or schedule. Same thing with OSU whom I also love and follow. He even went so far as PM me and telling me to choose sides because I can't defend or like both :!: I heard reasons why he left Marshall media and it was when he went to Campbell U or something like that but I won't get into that here.

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Re: Thanks for the memories...

Post by avalanche »

I think you have the wrong person for one. You are talking about Rober Harper I do believe. Robert is the director of sports media at Campbell last time I checked. I met Robert a long time ago at Marshall functions.

I am a little confused as to why you seem to think you know so much. I also graduated from Marshall and I have season tickets to both football and basketball. I can not begin to tell you how many functions I have attended.The only thing I really know is what the coach, athletic director, marketing director, and boosters tell us at the meetings. I would venture to say that someone who is around the Marshall Athletic Department knows a thing or two.

I am sorry but this thread is getting redundant. You sound just like the person you are describing:

Considering I played for them, graduated from there and go to all the games.

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