Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by ItownHosscat »

Tressel shame,shame,shame.
A couple of things come to mind.
1)At least he doesn't coach at Michigan.
2)I bet our point totals go way up.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by ManitouDan »

Cmon Tres agreed to a suspension, he DID NOT DO THAT BECAUSE OF HIS INNOCENCE --- at this point with all thats happened the program looks rogue and out of control.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by 1987chieftains »

Now not only has the tattooed 5 drug down the coach, they have given a black eye to the school. A big ten school. NOT an SEC/PAC10 school the BIG TEN!! I hope the pocket change and cool tats make them sick everytime they look in the mirror at them. FOOLS!!!!!

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by mister b »

Mister B wrote:Not a Buckeye fan but not a hater either. With that said, JT is a standup guy and takes the blame along with the medicine.

In this day and age, the lack of good parenting that most of these players did not receive, why would someone want to be a head coach at the college level in this age of "amateur athletics"?

The NCAA and the universities make hundreds of millions of dollars yearly from these "amateur athletes" and the coaches are supposed to babysit them at all times to keep them "pure".The definition of hypocrite = NCAA.

And coaches like Meyer, Tressel and Saban are making $3.5 million a year which is by no means a paupers wage. It'd take me 65 years with my wages now to make what these guys make in one and that's without the other bonuses. Put them all on a pedestal if you want but they're all overpaid babysitter's and are revered too much. The coaches,athletic director's and school President's are just as much at fault as the NCAA - (Most of them run the darn thing anyway).
...and almost every college football fan wants their program to have the same success as these 3 have had over the last 10 years. Overpaid for what they do and the pressure they have, maybe or maybe not, but I do agree that our priorities concerning college sports are out of control.

Lets call D1 & D2 football for what it really is and stop kidding ourselves, it is the bastardized, minor league of the NFL that they don't have to fund.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by d-5 »

So who really cares :shock: They all cheat the kids

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by noreply66 »

I saw a coach look at a under age girl yesterday--let get a new coach--lol

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by javagt »

Looks like Tressel will sit out the MAC portion of the schedule....

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by therepublican »


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, he will be there for Miami U. game.

Listening to Mike and Mike this morning. I think they were right when they played the snippet of Tressel's speach last night and said they didn't buy one part of what he said. Tressel said he was not sure at the time (in April when he received the emails) who to talk to about the imposing issues he new were coming. Like many have said, that is really hard to believe. The NCAA directly states whom a coach should go to in these cases, there are AD's, and even a designated person in the sporting office who is supposed to have all the NCAA rules ready and available to the coaches. I'm not buying this one. Tressel flubbed up, and I can honeslty say, in his speech last night, I felt something for tressel I don't usually respect him for, he seemed seriously scared and somewhat sincere, but I think that is because his rear end was on the hot seat like never before. He had 10 second lapses of no words, curling his lips, he looked scared. I feel bad in a way, because all those players got him in this mess and he wouldn't be there if they hadn't decided to get inked. It's pathetic and as grown men, they should throw the towl in for their coach, for humiliating the university, the fans, the alumni for selling their stuff, and for everyone who has stuck up for them. I'm pretty sure ole Pryor still doesn't have a clue what he has caused..honest truth, he isn't that smart. AS a leader of one of the biggest programs in the country, he should have advised his players and told them what they were doing probably wasn't right and stoped.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by CavsFan08 »

I will give Buckeye fans credit, they sure can create excuses better than anyone in the country! Your coach knew he was wrong, he tried to cover it up in-house. He got caught. Now all those other schools you guys have bashed for the past few years such as USC have become your partners in crime. Enjoy the slide down because more sanctions are sure to come. If you say you are "THE" university of America, you better act like an "All American" all the time!

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by footballfanatic1 »


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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by CavsFan08 »


That is something that every person who cannot accept that their school has done wrong says. Ask any USC fan, they would say the same thing that other schools have had the same problems. But let me ask you, with all the slimy media people in the world today, don't you think they would find something if in fact it was going on? Just like the did OSU? Come on, how big of a story would it be if they found that Auburn did in fact pay Cam Newton...those journalists have been digging for months to get that story. As they did with OSU....and they got them. Don't say it happens everywhere because obviously it doesn't....Sorry to burst your bubble but he isn't the class act he writes about in his book!

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by fightingtigers45 »

As to FT45, the only thing I can say is the recent report out of the SEC saying that coaches in that league routinely offer more scholarships than they are allowed and they recommended othrs do the same if they want to keep up. If Meyer was a part of that sham then that answers your own question about lying.
Florida is actually one school that does not oversign.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by Malcontent »

Any school who has an athlete running around with a $1500 Tat on each arm and driving an Escalade better investigate themselves. All schools who over sign recruits need to be nailed also. Some of these schools not only don't care what the NCAA says , they don't care what their conference says about over signing. Some other things while I'm on this soapbox. These schools who permit one and out athletes to play basketball and not attend school, should be given the death penalty. Any coach responsible for a school getting the death penalty, should be suspended a year and if he is responsible more than once should be suspended for life. OK I'm finished!

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by therepublican »

I might add..if I am the OSU B-Ball team that is ranked #1 in the country, I would be extremely upset right now that this info surfaced at the time it did. I think Tressel also owes the B-Ball team an apology for stealing their light during a time that should be a highlight for B-Ball seniors. This is where covering up the truth gets you.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maAyfcO- ... detailpage

For those who "Stand" by Jim Tressel..uh hum..

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by Peake »

My two cents.

I am a Michigan fan, and everyone knows it.

I respect Tress and I believe that if you poll everyone on here and ask which Michigan poster has more respect for OSU my name will be on most lists. Tress is a class act and has always ran a program that I would be dam proud to send my son to.

I have heard from more then one credible source that Tress on the recruiting circuit is one of the most classy individuals you will run across. He wants kids to want OSU, and that is something I admire. He doesn't push a commitment and actually encourages kids to take all their visits.

With all of that being said there are a few things that can't be disputed.

1. When these kids (players) come in, they have hour upon hour long meetings about their amateur status, I know I have been there done that. These meetings are informative and Q&A. Any question the players can think of are addressed. Pryor and company KNEW as did the entire athletic department and coaching staff, that as long as you are an amateur you are not allowed to sign anything for money, sell any jerseys, headbands, shoes, etc for money, and any GIFT given by the NCAA or University to you-you are not allowed to sell until you are no longer an amateur. This is very very basic.

Example: AJ Green lost 4 games this season for selling his bowl jersey. For anyone who acts like this is a ridiculous rule, yo are entitled to believe that and I too agree, but it is the rule and it is clear and made clear.

2. I strongly believe that there is more going on then meets the eye with the tattoo situation. This is only my opinion, but I don't believe that a tattoo parlor that is under federal investigation for drug trafficking and embezzling was purely picked by these players by chance. I do believe that these kids are probably getting kickbacks and or drugs from these guys. I am not saying all of them, half of them, or a few, but rather at minimum one of these kids is into something they shouldn't be. Now, before you knock me, I am hip to societal norms. I don't have a problem with weed, if people want to smoke it I could care less. I think it should be taxes and legalized anyways, but that is a conversation for another day. My point, someone is getting more then tattoo's imo.

3. Tressel saying he didn't know what to do with the information is a lie. He looked every single person in the eye and lied. When your players name pop up in a federal investigation, you better get on it and get on it quick. Coaches know who to go to when you receive reports such as those. You take it to the SID first, then it is passed along to the AD. The is common protocol, and the fact that he said he didn't know what to do is a lie.

4. The NCAA will get involved and their will be further punishment. I fully expect the entire 2010 season to be erased and Tress to lose the same amount of games that his players did. The real problem here is competitive advantage. Tress choose not to reveal information because his star players would be suspended. That is giving OSU a competitive advantage. Basically he used ineligible players for the entire season knowing that if he passed along the information he would lose his star players.

That is my two cents.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by Omega »

I feel this incident may be more damaging to the OSU football program than some think.

Lying, or being charitable, witholding information from the University and the NCAA
is a violation against the heart of the principals of instituional control.

OSU's offical actions in this matter are at best an attempt to avoid further major NCAA sanctions.

OSU is looking down the barrel of NCAA sanctions as where meted out to Southern Cal:
a two year bowl ban and loss of 10 scholarships for three years. Plus, adding insult to injury,
throw in a federal investigation of the program, you have a reciepe that could cause a spiral
that leads to the destruction (death penalty) of OSU football.

Tressel needs to pracitce what he preaches, that being integrity, by immediately resigning.
I am a grad of OSU and have followed and supported the program for 50 years, but
there comes a point when integrity becomes more important than winning football games.
We can play the moral equivalency game by saying other schools have done worse or cite the
hippocracy of the NCAA, but the University needs to restore honor despite whatever the costs may be.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by Peake »

I think you are an OSU apologist and it has showed the entire time.

I do agree with a lot of what you have to say, but I think OSU got caught with their pants down, egg on their face, etc and are having a difficult time facing reality like everother program who has screwed up big time has had to do.


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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by ManitouDan »

Tressel = Bruce Pearl. never thought i'd be saying that one.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Peale, your two cents are worth so much more.
I informed this forum in December that this had a drug related backdrop.

JT messed up big, and this is far from the first time.

I fully expect the 2010 season to be wiped away, for him to serve a suspension along side his players for 5 games, and to be personally barred from off campus recruiting for at least one season.

The violation doesn't include recruiting issues, so I doubt a USC style scholarship hit is in order.

Tressel is a great person, and a wonderful example 98% of the time.
But he has a 25+ year history of seeing himself as bigger than the NCAA, and as untouchable.
Maybe it is his Youngstown connections coming out (if you don't understand that comment, then you don't understand Youngstown).

OSU is the biggest cash cow the NCAA has, and I expect an example to be made of JT.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by ManitouDan »

dub i know you bleed the osu colors -- I appreciate your candor on this. Tres really really stepped in a pile of crap. I agree about him being a fine man. Fine men screw up all the time. While I've never been a fan of osu I've always had respect for Tressel. Hope he somehow handles the future better than the past 12 months. MD

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