Ohio VS. OSU

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Ohio VS. OSU

Post by itshartleytime »

Any comments on the game???

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by huedawg »

I like cookies :mrgreen:

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by mattash »

Went to the game. If OU's qb could throw better they would of won this game.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by mstangmom »

Agreed Mattash, there were a couple of those interceptions that I thought the OU QC should have ran. he was already clear to run it but choose to throw instead. but he did a great job considering.

I don't know where you were on the field, I couldn't see it from my seat. but the punt that put OSU on scoring position really looked like it was out of bounds from my seat. how about yous?

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by 2trap_4ever »

With 4th ranked Oklahoma winning big, will OSU drop to number four and Oklahoma pass them for number 3.

Remember, last week, Georgia and USC both won but USC won by a bigger margin so they were the new number 1.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by mstangmom »

I bet OSU drops more than that after this game. If they wish to to make it to the top again they are going to have to play WAY better than they did today.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by ballparent »

itshartleytime wrote:Any comments on the game???

What freaking game????? OSU didn't wake up and realize they were in a game and the object was to try to win until almost the fourth quarter. Petry makes that huge field goal last week and this week they use Pretorius who misses it and then blows an extra point. And why are we having to depend on field goals to beat teams like OU. Kudos to OU's QB Jackson, he earned his team respect and never gave up. And all due respect to Tressel but I will never see what he continues to see in Boeckman, who just doesn't have the athleticism or the ability to perform consistently under pressure. I thought sure that Bauserman would take the field today. Congrats to Marcus on the tackle towards the end of the game. Boom Herron continues to impress but Beanie is needed, maybe as a motivational factor.
A win's a win but c'mon, if we continue to play like this we are going to be eaten alive. It's embarrassing considering how much hype and emphasis has been given to our so called "loaded" team. But I can always return to my Buckeye dreams that this is all a veiled plan by Tressel to avoid injuries and hang back until the big one and then the stars will align and the Buckeyes will roar onto the field like I've been waiting for them to.
Let's go Buckeyes!!!!!

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by 3morethan2 »

Like i said on another thread they should have put pryor in and maybe bauserman and i agree when people say boechman
isnt good enough to win the big game next week is gonna be a big game but they're gonna need terrelle heck there gonna need everyone to step up big and maybe some players that no one is talking and ill give credit to OU they put a scare into ohio state and made plays when they needed to early in the game but a win is a win

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by Peake »

I totally disagree with anyone who thinks anyone other than Boeckman should be starting. Pryor is not ready, period. I watched him get stuffed the majority of the time he was in. He did have a really nice run towards the end of the game. Todd is your starter, and who ever thinks that Pryor should start over him is crazy.

Beanie is the lifeblood of this team. If he is not in the lineup, than this team is going to struggle ( in the since that they won't dominate).

Herron looked pretty good today. I was impressed with him. He makes great cuts, but can dance a little too much at times.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by Orestes »

I refuse to give an opinion until after the USC game. JT's teams have frequently flirted with disaster against inferior teams. In 2003, OSU won a BCS Bowl, but BG was kicking an onside kick against them in the 4th QT during the regular season.

There is no reason to drop them in the polls. There is no reason to guess and wonder. All will be answered in a week. If OSU wins or it is simply a great game, then the OU game is a fluke, and had more to do with OSU's interest. If they are blown out, then the concerns from this game are legitimate.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by ballparent »

As for Boeckman as starter, it's Tressel's call, and he has chosen Boeckman, I wasn't crazy about Boeckman last year and even less after today. Pryor, a great fill-in, but young, might as will give him a chance though, he couldn't be any more inconsistent than Boeckman, at least the boy can run with the ball. But I would like to see Bauserman get some play time, I've been very impressed with him, he reminds me of Ironton's Millertime # 9 ;-), very athletic and willing to move the ball himself if necessary.
These two photos of my favorite plays of today's game pretty much sum up my feelings:
I liked the band and always love when the gang sings Carmen Ohio.



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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by Orestes »

Eh. Boeckman had three or four balls dropped today, and really, Robo and Hartline were totally checked out mentally. I thought Boeckman was fine. When he had time, and when the WRs were open, he delivered. His only problem was making some late throws. He had an easy TD to Hartline if he just gets rid of the ball. Boeckman is better than Craig Krenzel, and it's not that close.

The O-line was pretty bad. The WRs (especially Robo and Hartline) were really bad. The defense didn't play until it became urgent, but Malcom Jenkins played a nice game.

I also thought the playcalling was awful, but expected that before the game. JT never calls a diverse game before the season's first big game. We have yet to see the Pony set with Saine at FB, which was apparently practiced a great deal all of spring and fall practices. We have yet to see a Pryor package. We have just used him as a typical backup QB. Supposedly, he has a package with specific plays in them just for his skill set. We have only seen 2 or 4 different routes from the WRs. Simple routes. Easy to cover. We also have seen zero misdirection from the running game.

I think JT thought he could win this game easily as long as his players took care of the ball and gave good effort. They were not mentally in the game. Can they turn it on this week? I hope so.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by Peake »


I am sorry but the amount of the offense that Pryor could absorb in 5 weeks is not enough IMHO to make this team a National Championship team. The players that came back, did so because they want to win a NC. If Pryor takes over for Boeckman than that would send a very bad message IMHO.

The offense would have to be so simplified for Pryor, as where Boecman I garuntee has a much more complex duty in the offense.

Vince Young wasn't ready to win the big one untill he was a junior, I honestly doubt Pryor is your answer. If Beanie plays in this game totally different game.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by ballparent »

peake wrote:Ballparent,

I am sorry but the amount of the offense that Pryor could absorb in 5 weeks is not enough IMHO to make this team a National Championship team. The players that came back, did so because they want to win a NC. If Pryor takes over for Boeckman than that would send a very bad message IMHO.

The offense would have to be so simplified for Pryor, as where Boecman I garuntee has a much more complex duty in the offense.

Vince Young wasn't ready to win the big one untill he was a junior, I honestly doubt Pryor is your answer. If Beanie plays in this game totally different game.

I don't need your apologies, or you to call me out by name to direct your comments at me. I'm giving my opinions on a team, coach, and players I support and have and will do so in the Championship years and the down years, or in betweens. No, I'm not always happy with a few players or games but I have all faith in Tressel that he knows the way and will guide this team on a path that will lead them to perform at their best. Your opinion of any player, their performance, or any move they might make or what kind of message it might send matters not in the least to me. Pryor's great, has been impressive so far, and I look forward to his future on the team and I'm tickled he saw Ohio State as his home. As I said in my previous posts, Boeckman's play time is Tressel's call, his decision, I may not agree all the time, but I have faith in Tressel. And if you'll re-read my posts (since you seem to enjoy reading Ohio State threads ;-) ) you'll see that Pryor wasn't who I wanted to see on the field.
I do however respect these opinions concerning Pryor.....Boeckman's comment on Pryor and yesterday's game " "If Terrelle was out there and ignites the offense a little bit and makes some plays out there, I'm all for it," Boeckman said, "because we needed to get going today, we needed some kind of spark."
And Tressel's on whether he's ready to handle the pressure...." I said to Coach Bolls, I said, "Why don't we have Terrelle see if he could take this?" Whatever the score was, 6-point score, what was it, 19? And Coach Bolls says, "You sure you want to put him under pressure like that?" And I said, "When would you like his first pressure to be?"
Would I like to see Bauserman get some play time in the tight situations to see how he would perform, sure, but I'm not the coach. And while you're re-reading you'll see that I already made the statement that Beanie needs to be on the field, even as a cohesive factor for the team. So most of your comments made specifically to me didn't even address my post. Go figure.
Hears what I don't understand....why a devoted Michigan fan like yourself bothers to come on an Ohio State thread to comment or throw your two cents into the conversation in the first place, and call one of their fans out by username to direct your comments. Trust me the last thing I will choose to consider in thoughts about my team is the comments or opinions of a Michigan fan. That sort of discredits any opinion you might have on the get go with me. I wouldn't dream of including myself on a Michigan thread or intrude on devoted followers of their team's conversation, just wouldn't go there, not my place. Keep your opinions of any posts I might make and leave my username out of your meanderings especially when your reading comprehension factor on my posts is lacking.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by ballparent »

Here's how Pryor handled the pressure of OU that seemed to make the rest of the OSU team fall apart. Maybe Tressel and Boeckman have got something there....hmmmm....Works for me. :12222



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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by whompascat »

if pryor plays at usc it will be ugly. you can't win big games with freshmen

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Dropped balls from starting experienced WRs, absolute horrible blocking from your O-Line,
no Beanie to hand it off to, and more importantly no Beanie to stay in and block.

These are the reasons Boeckman looked less than stellar on Saturday.

OU played the best game they could play, dominating the line of scrimmage for 3 quarters.
OSU played a very poor game on the offensive side of the ball, a solid game on defense with a couple of lapses in decision making, and a good game on special teams (would have been great if not for missed FG and PAT).

At the end of the day, the Buckeyes got a ton of tape to review and use to get better, and OU still lost by 12.

This game reguardless of how many fans had to buy stock in Rolaids, was a better prep game for USC than Youngstown ST could have ever been. OSU played poorly at the O-Line, didn't get consistent penetration on the D-Line, gave up some big plays on pitch counter runs. The good news is, they have a week to breakdown film and get better.

Sure, everyone in America knows that if they play like they did on Saturday against USC, then they will lose. Don't expect them to do it though. They will be improved, the O-Line will fire off the ball, and Beanie will be back in the game.

The one thing this game showed me more than anything else, is Beanie's value in the passing game. He is a good outlet option, and does a great job at protecting the QB when asked to block.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by whompascat »

if the o has to depend that much on 1 player they are in trouble. is beanie the best player to ever put on a helmet?????? wake up osu is not that good they need some playmakers.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by ballparent »

whompascat wrote:if pryor plays at usc it will be ugly. you can't win big games with freshmen

No, but it's just as easy to lose big games with veterans, although yesterday's weak win wasn't in the least all due to the QB, the sloppy play was a team effort, but as Boeckman himself said concerning Pryor, "because we needed to get going today, we needed some kind of spark." Hopefully Beanie will be 100 percent and give this team the spark they need, even the players are looking for it to come from somewhere.

And anyways, about the freshman comment.... :-D
Oh, c'mon, what freshman was it, in a pretty big game, Tim Tebow....
Tebow played a role in the Gators' victory in the 2007 BCS National Championship Game against Ohio State. He threw for one touchdown and rushed for another, finishing with 39 rushing yards. Pretty good for a freshman against a previously undefeated team. Yea, he won the Heisman as a sophomore, must have had a pretty good freshman year.

Oh, yea, and Juice Williams.......
Earned honorable mention freshman All-America honors by The Sporting News ... Named the team's Rookie of the Year ... Rushed for 145 yards vs. Purdue, which was the most for an Illinois quarterback in a single game, and scored his first career rushing TB against the Boilermakers ... Was one of five true-freshmen quarterbacks in the nation to start during the 2006 season ... Was named Rivals.com's Freshman of the Week after win over Michigan State ... Ranked 10th in the Big Ten in passing yardage per game, total offense per game and pass efficiency ... Ran for 54 yards and a TD at Northwestern ... Was 13-for-29 for 171 yards with a TD, an INT and 53 yards on 19 carries at Wisconsin ... Went 13-for-33 for 156 yards with two INTs at Penn State ... Threw for two TDs against Ohio, going 16-for-34 for 186 yards and an INT ... Also rushed for 96 yards on 17 carries against the Bobcats, including a season-long 45-yard romp ... Went 10-for-21 for 190 yards and two TDs against Indiana ... Also rushed 10 times for 53 yards against the Hoosiers ... Starred at Michigan State, rushing for 103 yards on 17 carries and passing for 122 yards with a TD and an INT on 9-of-16 accuracy ... Made first career start against Iowa, going 9-of-32 for 161 yards with one TD and three INTs ... Also ran 17 times for 44 yards with a long of 16 ... Had a career day against Syracuse, going 9-of-16 for 227 and two TDs ... Had TD passes of 76 and 69 yards, the 11th- and 13th-longest plays in Illinois history, respectively ... Became the first QB in Illini history to throw two TD passes of more than 65 yards in one game ... Hit 2-of-4 passes for 25 yards and rushed four times for 26 yards against Eastern Illinois.

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Re: Ohio VS. OSU

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

They have plenty of playmakers, the biggest of which was not in pads for the game.

Beanie is the leader of the offense, he is the featured back, and he is the best blocking RB in the Big Ten if not the entire country.

When you don't have a 150 yard per game rusher in the backfield, and you don't have the backside relief blocker in the backfield for pass protection, then your QB is going to look shaky.

The O-Line should have blown the Bobcats off the ball in the first 3 quarters the way they did in the 4th.

Without solid O-line play, it doesn't matter if you have Peyton Manning, Herschel Walker, Jim Brown, and Jerry Rice as your playmakers. They won't have time to make the plays.

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