5 Ohio State Football players suspended

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5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by toast »

http://content.usatoday.com/communities ... -tattoos/1

Absolutely stupid rule!

And the players should have received proper education from the coaching staff regarding the rules......and they didn't! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by GoBuckeyes2786 »

I agree 100%! at first I was aggravated about the 5 games and prolly more so the deal with newton. But as you said and I feel the same, their not buckeyes if they can sale those treasured items for some cash. The sad thing is it wasn't that much money at that, like $1,000-$1,500. I could understand their ignorance for $20,000 or better. There is no excuse for it

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by toast »

Maybe Trussel and his staff are just covering for the players and maybe the players did not receive proper education. None of us REALLY know now do we?! Believe what you want I suppose.

We will obviously learn more over time so I will reserve judgement until later.

I could care less what any player does with an award. (ring, trophy, gold pants or whatever)

If they need money and want to sell the stuff that should be their prerogative. Selling "their stuff" doesn't make them any less of a Buckeye. I care about how they conduct themselves on the field and in the classroom.

If the money was used to help the families and they really didn't understand the rules their punishment should be reduced. We shall see.

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by whompascat »

i bet most of the $$$ went for beer and pizza!

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by fbnut »

whompascat wrote:i bet most of the $$$ went for beer and pizza!
I agree. Herbstreit pretty much just threw Pryor under the bus on espn.

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by abuck76 »

A Buckeye player who sells his rings and , I can't hardly say it, their Gold Pants!, deserve to no longer be called Buckeye's. I would eat my own crap, live in a box, rather than sell my legacy. I am and always will be a Buckeye. We will survive this. Do not lose sleep or cry for us. Remember these two names. Braxton Miller and Rod Smith. GO BUCKEYE"S!!!

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by farmer »

I remember reading before that Archie Griffin said that the tie with the Team Up North that kept him from getting another pair of gold pants. That he would have traded his Heisman Trophy for it because of the meaning and pride behind the gold pants.

Getting rid of your things for something that you need is one thing just to get a tat is another. This is why when you see the Bucks play sometimes they just do not have the emotion in the way they play the game. Some of the players winning is not as important as it was during the past. Wonder what Chris Speilman's thoughts are on this.

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by GoBuckeyes2786 »

Mark May was raising hell of espn because the NCAA took it too lightly and should have suspended them for the sugar bowl. Also saying the NCAA favors the big ten and let's them off easy and that if it were Ryan mallet and Arkansas, mallet would not be playing in the sugar bowl because the NCAA comes down harder on sec schools and favors the big ten and pac 10 lol..... This being said after Ohio state take a hit (big ten) and USC gets raped (PAC 10) and cam newton is still playing in the bcs title (sec) ... Am I the only one missing something here? Lol

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I know what these "kids" did was wrong as far as the NCAA is concerned because it broke their rules, but they sold things that belonged to them. Whether people like it or not because they were awards, rings, and Gold Pants, it was still items that were theirs so why shouldn't they be able to sell them if they so desire.

The thing that really pisses me off about the whole ordeal is you have a kid in Cam Newton who knowingly bought a stolen laptop, then threw it out the window when the cops arrived which proves he knew it was stolen and not a darn thing is done about it. No suspension at all. Instead he is awarded a Heisman, AP Player Of The Year, and a couple other lofty awards. So we award a kid who admittedly broke the law, because it is unlawful to buy and possess stolen goods whether you know they are stolen or not, and we punish kids who sell things that belong to them. I know it's an NCAA rule that says you can't, but it's a stupid rule. If you own them then by God you should be able to do anything you want with it whether anyone likes it or not.

Another thing, why doesn't the NCAA suspend them for the Sugar Bowl???? I'll tell you exactly why. They would lose their a$$ in revenue because who is going to sponsor a blowout and just how many Ohio State fans do you think would travel that far now to watch a blowout. It just shows it's all about the dollar for the NCAA.

Is this going to open up investigations into other college players with tons of Tats that we all know they can't afford? I wonder just how many Arkanasas players have Tats that were acquired that same way. Look at the players who have full sleeves and Tats all over their bodies. Those things aren't cheap so is the NCAA going to investigate them as well??

I hope they all go pro and don't have to set out one game of their suspensions. It would serve the NCAA right. Let the crooks like Newton and Bruce Pearl get by with murder and punish kids for selling things the own.

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

gahs4ever wrote:1) They "own" their own autographs.

2) Those tatoos cost several hundred to over a thousand dollars and more.

3) To exchange a signature for a free tatoo is wrong according to the NCAA is because the practice is not extended to the general public.

4) If you think not, go to you local tatoo parlor and offer your signature on a picture or football for a free tatoo.

5) It is this advantage that makes the practice wrong in the eyes of the NCAA.

6) For exactly this same reasoning, if you are a 4.0 student on scholarship (like these athletes), try finding a booster to line your pockets for thousands or cars or jobs for your relatives as a reward for your academic achievements.
Exactly, so is the NCAA going to investigate every athlete who has tattoos covering every square inch of their arms and most of their chests and legs knowing full well these kids can't afford them? If they are going to punish these 5 from Ohio State then they need to find out just how all these other athletes on every team across the nation can afford to be covered in all of the very expensive ink. You know as well as I do that they are probably doing the same thing. It's just that no one has ratted them out yet which I'm sure is what happened here. This isn't just a coincidence that all of a sudden this little tattoo parlor in the middle of nowhere gets raided and this comes to light.

I admit what they did was wrong as far as the rules of the NCAA are concerned. But on that same token, these are items that belong to them and they should able to do with then as they please. They universities make millions and millions selling their likenesses, their jerseys, footballs with their signatures on them, but yet the athlete himself can't make a buck doing the same. It's ridiculous. Just like I pointed out that the NCAA isn't going to suspend themm for the bowl game because they know they would lose millions in revenues from sponsors pulling out and fans not paying the big bucks to go watch Ohio State get their a$$ handed to them.

Recieving stolen property should also be deemed wrong by the NCAA as well as cheating on exams, but yet you still see Newton playing don't you. Lying and cheating in recruiting is also wrong but you still see the scum bag Bruce Pearl coaching don't you. Selling pot and stealing from dorms is wrong too, but you still saw Masoli allowed to walk on at Ole Miss and play football. That is what is wrong with the NCAA. Some get a little slap on the back of the hand and are told "Now that is wrong and don't do it again" and are allowed to go on and play and coach, while others get a half a season suspension that basically destroys their college carreers. It's a double standard that shouldn't be allowed.

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by Charge »

The players are getting what they deserve, but did Bruce Pearl a grown man who makes millions of dollars and knows the rules and lied to the NCAA get what he deserved? Dez Bryant lost a whole season for having lunch with Prime Time and lying about it. The NCAA is a joke! I hope Tress doesn't play them in the bowl game this would hurt the NCAA and teach the players a true lesson. It would also show people Ohio State runs a top notch program.

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

farmer wrote:I remember reading before that Archie Griffin said that the tie with the Team Up North that kept him from getting another pair of gold pants. That he would have traded his Heisman Trophy for it because of the meaning and pride behind the gold pants.

Getting rid of your things for something that you need is one thing just to get a tat is another. This is why when you see the Bucks play sometimes they just do not have the emotion in the way they play the game. Some of the players winning is not as important as it was during the past. Wonder what Chris Speilman's thoughts are on this.
Speilman called into the radio station Thursday and absolutely destroyed those involved!

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by farmer »

I could only imagine what Speilman would have said. Because he played with pride for himself and team. Not the look at me attitude many players have today. Which is on of the big reasons why these players must have a tat to begin with. Tress makes them sing after the games but some traditions should stick with players without a coach telling them all the time. Just imagine what Woody would have done.

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

I can only hope that Woody would have punched those involved in the face!!!

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by Hoggy »


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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by Malcontent »

First of all I think if these players violated a rule that they absolutely knew was wrong, they should be suspended for the Sugar Bowl as well as they rest of next year.

Now on the other hand, I don't think the NCAA or Ohio State should benefit from using any players names or autographs to make money without giving the player his just dues. Why would you give a player an award and say, this is yours but not yet. I'm sorry but this NCAA is a big joke. Look at all of the oversigning of players some of these schools do and the NCAA doesn't have the courage to do anyting about it. They should investigate any athlete, no matter the sport, who drives around campus in a big Escalade or sports car. Find out where it came from and who paid for it. They should develop audit teams and investigate all these universities. You can bet that there wouldn't be anymore sports due to all of the athletes getting suspended.

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by biggdowgg »

GoBuckeyes2786 wrote:Mark May was raising hell of espn because the NCAA took it too lightly and should have suspended them for the sugar bowl. Also saying the NCAA favors the big ten and let's them off easy and that if it were Ryan mallet and Arkansas, mallet would not be playing in the sugar bowl because the NCAA comes down harder on sec schools and favors the big ten and pac 10 lol..... This being said after Ohio state take a hit (big ten) and USC gets raped (PAC 10) and cam newton is still playing in the bcs title (sec) ... Am I the only one missing something here? Lol

would you expect anything else from Mark 'the idiot: May?

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended


The "OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY" has been too clean for too long. Other schools have suspended numerous players for different infractions but not THE Ohio State University. All the top programs make millions of dollars every year and try to sweep things under the rug and all will eventually get caught. I guess some of the problems, and their may be more surfacing were hidden by "The Vest" for awhile now. I guess what gets me more than anything is that these young adults today are selling their rings, gold pants, autographs etc. for what, a freakin tattoo for god's sake. These are things you do when you have no values, pride in accomplishments, etc.. On the flip side of this, the universities make millions of dollars off these kids every year and maybe it's time to compensate these "amatuer atheletes" by paying them money. We all know they get plenty of stipends and that was enough in the past but not in today's society. I'm out !!!!!

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by dazed&confused »

If Tressel and Smith want to impress me with their integrity, they should suspend the players immediately.

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Re: 5 Ohio State Football players suspended

Post by Hoggy »

^^Well said....I couldn't agree more.

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