little league

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Re: little league

Post by osumufan »

gapper wrote:They need keep all 12 and 13 yr olds down for sure and then ask the 14 yr olds who wants to stay down and who wants to go up. I would say that most parents of those who are 12,13 and 14 should have a say so as to what division they want to play. Does he at least want the team if it is competitive? They definately should take all older girls up and let the others choose.

AmI reading this right there are 12 year olds in junior league? Did things change I thought that was only an option the year the date changed from Aug. to Jan 1st for birthdate? Enlighten me please.

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Re: little league

Post by slider00 »

Seems to me that HueDawg stirred this pot up by accusing the Rock Hill board of being full of cliques and saying that something is about to "go down" on the hill. I believe anyone on the board should have the right to set the record straight because what i can see there are a lot of misinformed opinions around here.

I do believe the board and league will be just fine this year
Last edited by slider00 on Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: little league

Post by The_Sports_Junky »

gapper wrote:you "crack" me up. I would like to see a school sponsored middle school baseball/softball. It is really big in scioto county and I think if more ovc teams want this then we can get the school board to go for it. If it is sponsored they would hire coaches and I think that would be best. Again, I love the girls and would do what i could for them. You are a good coach, also, strike-out---I hope it all works out because I know it's in the best interest of these girls to play ball.

Vote them out if they don't want to support the kids.

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Re: little league

Post by on a mission »

Looks like were off to a great start!

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Re: little league

Post by huedawg »

slider00 wrote:Seems to me that HueDawg stirred this pot up by accusing the Rock Hill board of being full of cliques and saying that something is about to "go down" on the hill. I believe anyone on the board should have the right to set the record straight because what i can see there are a lot of misinformed opinions around here.

I do believe the board and league will be just fine this year.

Where did huedawg run off to anyway?

No one "stirred the pot, however, one did state their opinion while in the process, others have already started to show their "true" colors once again . There is no need to keep posting on about something like this , it's like beating a "dead horse" . Also, I see you just joined , welcome to the site :)

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Re: little league

Post by catdad3 »

I'd like to say that there needs to be more people like rick noel and chad p on that rh board I thought things were supposed to be better on the hill this year but it sounds like more of the same nobody wants to do anything but argue back and forth they still can't get anyone to be president I say bring back john haskins

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Re: little league

Post by codeman00 »

i've been on the hill every night this week, practice is going good, kids are having fun, everyone seems to be helping out, all seems well so far. It don't really matter to me who is on the board as long as the kids come first, which i believe they always have and still do. Let's play ball.

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Re: little league

Post by huedawg »

codeman00 wrote:i've been on the hill every night this week, practice is going good, kids are having fun, everyone seems to be helping out, all seems well so far. It don't really matter to me who is on the board as long as the kids come first, which i believe they always have and still do. Let's play ball.

Well said .

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Re: little league

Post by osumufan »

//// wrote:
osumufan wrote:
AmI reading this right there are 12 year olds in junior league? Did things change I thought that was only an option the year the date changed from Aug. to Jan 1st for birthdate? Enlighten me please.

Before making a comment like this PLEASE get a Little League rulebook and study it.

1 The date was not changed from Aug to Jan. The cuttoff date was moved from July 31st to May 1st. Look on Page 29 of the 2009 Little League Handbook. The first year the age limit was implemented Leagues had the option to keep the regular cut off date or adopt the new one. The next season it became mandatory for ALL leagues to enforce the new cutoff date.

2 .12 yr olds can play JR League look on page 33 of the 2009 Little League Handbook.

Enlightenment accomplished hopefully.

If I had a rulebook sitting next to my computer i wouldn't have asked the question! I am so sorry but I was thinking about girls softball which was changed to Jan1 st. Gapper was talking mostly about softball. So there is the reason I was talking softball. If you are from Rock Hill there is no wonder people don't want to help if they get such a snippy response when they ask a question!I f you aren't a Rock Hillian then I aplogize to the other good people who are trying to do good by the kids!

Since you are the all knowing one with a rule book at your disposal could you tell me pitch count rules for 12 year olds? How many pitches can you pitch before you are not allowed to catch in the same game?

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Re: little league

Post by osumufan »

I thought you meant baseball my mistake,I apologize I shouldn't have been short with you because of someone else's bs made me lose my composure like that. Once again I apologize.[/quote]

No problem! I understand. ;-) Serioulsy do you know about the pitchcount/ catching rule? My son will be having to do a little of both this year and I was wondering how his team was going to work it out.

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Re: little league

Post by osumufan »


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Re: little league

Post by Peanut »

sports junky----- the comment on the middle school softball/baseball was meant for the school board. I would like to see the school system sponsor middle school baseball/softball. It was in no way toward RHLL. I think we definately would have a lot of interest, but if they would hire coaches and sponsor it then things would go more smoothly.

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Re: little league

Post by SJK »

I don't have a 2009 LL rule book. Was wondering if anyone knows if a girl, whom turns 11 in late March, can be moved up to the 11-12 league, and if so, if choosen for all-stars, would she play on the 9-10 or 11-12 league.

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Re: little league

Post by The_Sports_Junky »

SJK wrote:I don't have a 2009 LL rule book. Was wondering if anyone knows if a girl, whom turns 11 in late March, can be moved up to the 11-12 league, and if so, if choosen for all-stars, would she play on the 9-10 or 11-12 league.

Go to I think it's on forms.

Little League also has a 11 year old tournament.
Last edited by The_Sports_Junky on Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: little league

Post by The_Sports_Junky »

Yes it was. Hope it helps.

Little League Age Chart for 2009 – Softball Only
A participant born in 2003 is league age 5.
A participant born in 2002 is league age 6.
A participant born in 2001 is league age 7.
A participant born in 2000 is league age 8.
A participant born in 1999 is league age 9.
A participant born in 1998 is league age 10.
A participant born in 1997 is league age 11.
A participant born in 1996 is league age 12.
A participant born in 1995 is league age 13.
A participant born in 1994 is league age 14.
A participant born in 1993 is league age 15.
A participant born in 1992 is league age 16.
A participant born in 1991 is league age 17.
A participant born in 1990 is league age 18.
NOTE: The above age listing is for softball divisions only, and only for 2009.

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Re: little league

Post by The_Sports_Junky »

gapper wrote:sports junky----- the comment on the middle school softball/baseball was meant for the school board. I would like to see the school system sponsor middle school baseball/softball. It was in no way toward RHLL. I think we definately would have a lot of interest, but if they would hire coaches and sponsor it then things would go more smoothly.

I know. I was talking about your school board.

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Re: little league

Post by Peanut »

I know alot of schools do not sponsor middle school baseball/softball. I only know of Coal Grove in the Ovc. ALso, if you have a March B-Day of 2009 then you are a league 10 yr old, You can play 11-12 in league play but you would have to play 9-10 all-stars.

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Re: little league

Post by rosemount rebel »

glad the kids don't act like you people. no wonder little league is going down the tubes. IT'S FOR THE KIDS LET THEM PLAY... :twisted:

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Re: little league

Post by TIGERS90 »

I have to say...reading all of the replies...being around Ironton Little league for many years...playing as a kid and now seeing it as a parent...things haven't changed much...It's still nothing but politics...and some of the people who are involved are only there for personal gain and not for the kids playing the game. While there are a lot of people who are involved that really care about the seems like the ones that don't care override the decisions of the ones who actually know what's best for the kids and what matters to the kids. "Clicks" are what really hurt all sports along with politics and personal egos...This season is just like many of the past...whereas numerous parents are willing to help and be a part of things only to be there for the kids, have been told that they weren't good enough to even help the kids in practice...while the people making the decisions don't even show up to help out...and the kids are stuck sitting on their hands...and not learning a thing....Baseball at this level is supposed to be about learning...and having a good time...From what I am hearing...Little league as a whole isn't doing a very good job making this happen at all of southern ohio....but as far as I am concerned...Ironton is way below an acceptable level.....I am sooooooo glad that Kentucky has for my child and many year we won't make the same mistake as we did this season.....Kentucky will be our boys new home for the summer.....

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Re: little league

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

From the "There are two sides to every story" category, I have something I'd like to add to this thread.

Youth sports in general has its good points and its bad points. It provides kids an opportunity to participate in sports and to have fun doing so. Unfortunately, the involvement of the adults is most always the bad part.

I have been involved with the Ironton Little League for more than 20 years, only 10 or so while my own kids have played. I have seen lots of things happen so I'd like to comment on some of the statements made so far.

I believe it false to say "numerous" parents who want to help are denied the opportunity. I have been around for a long time, served on the board for many years and been the league president for a few years as well and I can only think of a small number of adults who have been denied the chance to coach or manage. I can't think of the exact number but in 20 years I would guess it to be less than 10. I can follow up by giving some of the reasons for people not being approved to manage or coach without being specific to reveal anyone's identity.
1. Not passing the Little League mandated background check.
2. Not fufilling the duties of a manager or coach when previously approved (ie. not umpiring or finding a replacement, not covering team assigned concession duty, not attending practices or games as scheduled without calling players to cancel).
3. Being suspended for conduct unbecoming or against National Little League rules.

I regularly hear the word "politics" thrown around and have my own definition of that term. It's usually used by people who are upset that things haven't gone their way and need a term with negative connotations to describe the system. Also, using the word "cliques" carries a negative tone when the fact is that after spending so much time together, people who work together so often genuinely become friends. Of all the people on the Ironton Little League board, I can only think of a couple who were my friends before I got to know them through little league but now I call them all friends.

I agree there are people who use youth sports to help their kids gain an advantage and I hate to see it happen. To lump everyone who helps run a youth sports organization into that same category would be unfair and off base. I think parents who feel slighted and spend time at the ball park or online complaining about the league or bashing those involved is much more damaging than those few involved just to serve their own interest.

There is no doubt there are people unhappy with every little league or youth sports organization and the Ironton Little League is no exception. I take pride in the fact that we have a group of volunteers that I feel do their best to be fair and do what is best for all the kids in the league, not just a few. It's a shame that youth sports organizations get such a bad name because of a few parents angry because they didn't get their way.

I have never avoided those with critical comments about our league and welcome anyone's comments or criticism. Anyone with comments or advice can speak to me personally any time or can address the entire board of directors at a meeting. I realize for some that is not an option and they would rather take their kids to another league to play. For their kids, I wish them the best of luck and hope they continue to enjoy the game regardless where they play. For those parents, I think you'll find that oddly enough, those "politics", "cliques", and other problems will likely follow you wherever you go.

Jim Mahlmeister, Ironton Little League President

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