This would be the best team ever

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Re: This would be the best team ever

Post by Peanut »

I will also go with Shane Harper. He played behind a 7th grade line all year and still had a great season. You put a line that has been together for awhile in front of him and you couldn't get him down. He is a really good teammate to the younger boys and I was really impressed with him on both offense and defense. He is truly a good all around player. I won't take anything away from the coal grove player, but this year I go with Harper!!!

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Re: This would be the best team ever

Post by pcohio »

xotigerfanox wrote:Offense

QB:Trevon Bolin
Coal groves line
And port west. recievers


Defensive ends:Hunter Mckee,Dakota howard
Tackles:I dont know many tackles?
Nose guard:Dont know

Backers:dilon murry,port west. backers


I find it interesting that your "best team ever" consists of four Waverly players that played on a team that won two games the entire season! I agree with Dilon Murray as I feel behind a strong line and fullback that he would be one of the best backs in Southern Ohio! Waverly has some decent athletes, but you notice that most of the replies to your question do not include ANY Waverly players!

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Re: This would be the best team ever

Post by rockhillbasketball »

rmwab wrote:
rockhillbasketball wrote:
hornet323 wrote:hoggy is better than harper and stats prove it. just let go of the fact that you got beat by coal grove and move on. and by the way hoggy is 14

Stats mean nothing.
It's about heart. Hogsten has none.
Put that in your book of facts.

ok you say he has no hart 2 time regional chanpion 3 time golden glove chanpion

and chanpion out of 7 different states record 67 fights only 4 losses that takes alot of heart and if you dont thank he has heart ask is uncle
he plays for RH he is hoggie hogsten or ask his friend crumb also boxes and plays for RH jr high Put that in your book of facts. here is one of his fights on youtube

did you forget we was talking about football?

we not me football!!
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Re: This would be the best team ever

Post by we not me football!! »

Waverly did only win 2 games. They do have potential but they have a long way to go. In all honesty, the best player they had who had more t-d's/interceptions than anybody was Evan Ferguson. He understands the game very well. He did a great job this year. Too much emphasis is put on the Murray boy, he's always got an excuse. Ferguson is better. Howard can run like a deer. He's probably the fastest kid they had on the team. Waverly had big issues with the line this year, didn't seem to block very well, I would have pulled a couple of them...for not even trying. It looked like they had just as much "beef" on the side lines that never got rotated in. Waverly doesn't seem to rotate much. They leave the same players in all the time, win or lose...

Pocket Aces
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Re: This would be the best team ever

Post by Pocket Aces »

No heart? Boxing toughness isn't an indicator of heart? Thirteen yards per carry and a multitude of touchdowns/big plays don't count for something? Being a major contributor to a championship squad doesn't earn some street cred?

Look, I barely know the young man. I usually am a decent judge of character and he seems to me to be a good kid. They all have their faults, ain't been but one perfect youngster walk this Earth.

Therein lies the problem with this dang Internet. And believe you me, I've put my foot in my mouth numerous times. Just because you can't beat the young man on the football field, you gotta get on the darn computer and try to tarnish his accolades and his team's accomplishments. You lost. Get over it. Football, more than any other sport, is a team game. Coal Grove still beats Rock Hill without the young man who so many try to put down.

HE IS A KID. Do you know what goes on at the dinnertable at his home regarding grades, discipline, maturity, etc. Didn't think so. "Don't judge lest you be judged".

No heart. GMAFB. You know if I got beaten by someone, I think I would me pounding the rock on the basketball court and trying to get a feather in my cap there.

Or you could always get out of the sandbox, strap on the headgear and hop in the ring with the young man.

Yo, then give the young man a holla that he ain't got no heart.

Frank Reagan
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Re: This would be the best team ever

Post by Frank Reagan »

Pocket Aces, this thread belongs on your moratorium thread. And, Pocket Aces is right earlier in this thread, these internet message boards are the devil. Kids posting and bashing other players from other teams, heck even their own team mates if the truth be known. I know, I know. These boards are for mindless chatter about this and that, but when junior high kids are being questioned, especially by name, enough is enough. What happens on these fields and courts isn't what matters and for a great majority won't mean anything in life, unless you are lucky enough in life to make it beyond the confines of Lawrence County with sports or become like Tim McGraw's character in "Friday Night Lights". The real business for these kids is what goes on in the classroom and how they can adapt that to real life. Yes, sports does teach life lessons like class, sportsmanship, work ethic, teamwork, etc., but those without some sort of book smarts doesn't lead to a productive life after interscholastic sports.

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Re: This would be the best team ever

Post by crazymidgets »

so true

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Re: This would be the best team ever

Post by Hornets53 »

QB: Alex bare
RB:Bryan Steele
RG:jacob bocook
LG:Levi Wyatt
RT:Blake danner
LT:Brandon newcombe
LE:Aaron Wilson
RE:Danner Dutey
WB:kyle Estep
linebackers- Bocook#53,Wyatt#54,Steele#33,Estep#34
D line: hoggy#42,Danner#56,Newcombe#75,Barret# 64

idk bout you guys but theese are my picks.....7-0 baby!!!!!

I think we all get my point.....LETS GO GROVE

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Re: This would be the best team ever

Post by rhfootball14 »

qb: chris clemente
rb: dion brown
Fb: Shane Harper
wr: Danny Miller, brian Steele,
Oline: Ironton line

de: Danny Miller, Chris Stevens
Lb: Shane Harper, Chris Clemente, Brice Krum, Jake Malone
Cb: Jorden Brown, Tanner Dutey,
S: Jonah Cox

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