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Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:53 am
by wvufan
i disagree with the person who can't drop their kid off at the gym for a 2 hour practice. if you don't trust the coach, then don't let your kid play. yes, abductions do occur, however there are 14 other kids there. the coach isn't gong to take your kid. he doesn't have time. you parents are either already there or rushing into the gym to talk about other peoples kids or the coach. doesn't your school conduct background checks on the coaches? the school my kid attends surely does.

Also, i agree with JChipwood, there is no place for a parent at junior high practices. get over it, please. there is something wrong if your can't step away and let a coach do his job. and whoever wrote the comment about the coaches' job being to teach the parent, get real. the coaches job is to teach your kid and mentor your kid, not cut your umbilical are responsible to do that yourself!

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:58 pm
by Lightle04
al this is very true but it is fun to stir the pot on these threads to get a variety of sometimes heated answers and usually you guys are pretty much right on.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:16 am
by wvufan
where are you gahsmom2014? :122246 don't you think you owe the coach an apology? did you even know the circumstances surrounding the game and why the kid didn't play? how much time do you have on your hands to know everthing about the kid when he isn't even yours! i guess when you saw the comments from others you decided to bow out gracefully. :122249 oh well.........

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:34 pm
by bd wannabe
i agree with wvufan where are u mom? didn't you answere your own question, if the coach is an instructor of an athlete doesn't practice count? the dictionary doesn't say anything about game time instruction only, now does it? i don't think this is about this kid & his playing time in the game, i think it is more of a way for you to attack the coach in a sneaky way b/c you are dissatisfied with other decisions made regarding other players & their playing time. what is the definition of a player? does it include showing up prepared to play the game, equipment/uniform in hand or is the coach responsible to see to it that the uniform makes it to the gym too. what about when "little Johnny " shows up for his college class without his final term paper, should the professor give another day to go do it? what if "little ricky " wants to be a doctor but never makes the grades? it's only fair to let him be a doctor anyway even if he does kill a few people don't you think? if the truth were known i would guess that the player & his parents are more understanding than you of the coaching decisions made, & probably agree with the coach, but i guess you obviously know them really well & would have the answere to that since you know their child's practice record, behavior pattern, & grade history. alot of time on your hands huh. how about this definition TEAM: a group of people working together to attain a goal ordinarily unattainable by individuals. maybe we should work on this one. 2 or more players on ONE side in a game. sounds strange to this group huh, on one side???? how about Friend:a supporter of a cause or group. support who me, me, me, me, me???think we could all use some work here too? without friends in the end i don't care what kind of athlete your kid turns out to be, his or her life will be miserable. spend time setting more important examples like this one instead of teaching them how to cut throat & manipulate to get where you want to be in life,these coaches are not stupid & can see right through the kissing up. In the end the kid will be much happier & so will you.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:32 am
by Pringles105
Don't forget pt begins with the player and how hard they work I began in 7th grade and couldn't do nothin but my work ethic got me playin time with a startin spot and improved me as a player that is what a coach looks at true it does count on talent a bit too but the player has to earn the pt the coach aint gonna just give it to them and if they want to play they got to work hard its one thing to pratice its another to pratice hard.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:39 am
by JChipwood
I am not going to beat up mom on this b/c she evidentally came to battle with no weapon other than false accusations with a definite personal agenda or axe to grind. The man on the bench that night plays no favorites and is as fair as the day is long. He is also a high quality coach for the 7th grade job. Also it sounds like he went out of his way to make an impossibility possible. The kids need to be accountable and they learn from parents how to do that. Some kids are evidentally going to have to learn from parents of a friend rahter than their own and that is sad.

pringles, Man that is one very loooooooooong sentence!!!!!! JK

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:01 pm
by Go Big Blue
It seems that many of the new posters on this thread wants to continue to stir this this topic and cause more hurt and harm. I know some of you don't even have children involved. Please stay out of this mess that has been created. You need something else to keep you busy-take care of your own kids. As for bdwannabe and wvufan with all your blaming I'd sure like to be perfect like you guys. It seems that the two of you want to keep the trouble going which would consider you poop stirrers-which doesn't surprise me you've not disguised your true identities very well at all. Maybe GAHSMOM 2014 realizes that they made a mistake, and they want to let sleeping dogs lie. By the way you two ever heard of pots calling the kettle black? You two say you support the coach and want to make things better for him, but in the real world you're making it worse. The more you post the more trouble you are making. This thread began about a coach's actions and a players plaing time- and then suddenly it jumps to the big concern of parents staying at the gym for practice. It sounds like to me that you two were upset about something else and felt this was the perfect opportunity to get your digs in and have someone else take the blame. The two of you need to "get a life", practice what you preach. Maybe if you had a job you wouldn't have so much time to cause hurt for others and the kids involved. By keeping this topic hot you're the ones hurting the coach!! With friends like you this poor guy doesn't need any enemies.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:06 pm
by Go Big Blue
Chipwood, surprised to see you so involved, these negative comments--not normally your style.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:03 pm
by 91blue14
well we have deviated from the word coach. accepting this title comes with far more other titles mixed together.

i can remember 24 7th graders your like wow. the best thing about it was 4 teams 2 at each half of the gym working in offense and defense. instead of just 10 kids on the floor.

some kids dont need to be coached and some teams you can just go out and throw the ball up and they will handle business on the floor. they were prepared and had an edge on their teammates. some kids bust their butts but something will eliminate them by the time high school hits.

i can remember i liked athletic kids. the 8th grade guy played big as possible so there was a transition period here. those who can adjust and play there role will be much happier than thinking about last year playing alot.

then you become a freshmen usually 1 or 2 kids will leave this team and play jv now the new trend is taking place is basketball really for me. am i willing to give my all like most and see no reward but by being part of the team. you are an injury away from seeing a different team again and your position on the depth chart has changed and you may or may not be asked to contribute at some point or that point may not come in some cases. make it worth your while have fun you are learning far more than a game you may become a coach someday :mrgreen:

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:42 pm
by bd wannabe
go big blue, your opinion obviously must be influenced by something or someone other than the posts here on this topic as i don't see where the main issue at hand has been about gym time with parents. if you read the initial posting on this subject it appears that it is the ONLY one that shows a personal attack on anyone. it appears that posts have been made from many different locations (schools), in regards to parents in the gym but as in the case when one sits in church & thinks the pastor is preaching to them, you think this subject is personalized to some individual. i could care less about parents gym time, but personally see no reason for not dropping a child there as far as safety, however do understand there are instances where a parent could need to stay for conveniece, for fuel & transportation (living far from the school). the issue at hand here from my stance has remained to that in support of not only one coach, but most, who do need appreciated & not continuously harrassed as seems to be the case so often not only in this incident but numerous. if you actually read my previous entries you will notice i don't claim to be perfect & include the fact that i too have in the past incorrectly criticized a coaches decision, the difference is admitting the fault & trying to move on & change it, even if that required an apology. it is also important to remember, this forum is open to opinions of people from various points of view & may not be referring to one school, coach or sport even, many people have family members & friends who have been harassed as a coach, it's the nature of the business. They are all entitled to an opinion & i would venture to guess that there are multiple entries on here in which people don't have children involved, are they not allowed to support coaches in general, because that is the take home message i have gotten from many (not all) of them, even with wvufans' strong comments. if you did actually read the previous posts & are basing your opinion strictly on these (which i doubt) it is not obvious to me. As far as trying to say hurtful things to anyone, most of these entries appear to me to be generalized to all sports, kids, coaches and territorial areas & have no hidden meaning or identity, it is what it is "coach bashing" but as the old saying goes" if the shoe fits wear it". kids are a blessing & one should remember there are more important things in life than sports as said in my past entry. remember, tragedy is only a phone call away & then all the small stuff becomes irrelevant. as far as the coach not needing enemies, i think it is obvious he has one but there again don't they all, i guess they should just accept it & the rest of us in support, should just watch it go on until they run another one off & move on to the next!

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:40 pm
by bd wannabe
by the way, not posting anything here that hasn't been spoken in words, not really trying to "hide my true identity" anymore than you are, and disagree with the comment about people without children involved staying out of the mess. the ones with "no children involved" probably have a more true or unbiased opinion than people who do & the one personally attacked probably appreciates their opinion even more.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:01 pm
by wvufan
haven't been on here for a while because i work for a living. just got back from 2 weeks abroad. :-D great trip! i like being a productive menber of society. anyway, not stirring things up, could care less. just defending the coach against the likes of people like you. i'm sure glad that no kid of mine or myself has to participate in an athletic program with you guys!

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:43 pm
by indianfan

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:03 pm
by Pringles105
I agree with most of that except not all parents tell their child their the best and most I know encourage them to work hard and prove their selves but other than that well put.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:37 am
by falconfan86
I agree that we do not always get all the facts, sometimes there are other reasons..however I use those games to help develop my bench, giving kids the time on the floor then, will pay off down the road in a tight game...But I myself have disciplined players, starters and subs alike....we don't always know the facts. But if you are blowing out a team, then sometimes be a bigger coach and allow everyone to play...If a player refused to go in a game for me, I would just send them to the locker room early...if they ar too embarassed to play then they are too embarassed to sit there and watch...after the game I would address the issue with the player...informing him that going in and playing his hardest and doing everything he needs to then, will translate into more playing time down the road...but also playing at Junior High and on is a privilege and playing time is earned not payed for....

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:29 pm
by 91blue14
i can remember a dad saying my son is not getting the same minutes as the other starters well i had the book he was in foul trouble ``3`` in first half gotta sit. great player loved to try and block shots :mrgreen:

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:56 pm
by a_c_m
Go Big Blue wrote:Good rule of thumb..always treat all children the way you would want your own treated. Good or bad.

Go Big Blue is correct! I had this very same conversation once with a coach. Some of the players were not getting to play much at all even when the team was winning or losing by a lot. He had a very young son at that time and I told him that I hope someday another coach does not do the same thing to his son that he did to some of the kids that year.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:07 pm
by qualified101
wvufan wrote::lol: it really amuses me to see all you spectators who know nothing of what goes on in practice or the game when the kids are with the coach. or better yet you probably do because some of you have nothing better to do with your time than stick your nose up your kids butts every minute of the day! my husband coaches and it sickens me to sit in the stands and listen to all the crap people like you have to say when you know nothing about the circumstances! :122247 the coaches have reasons when they don't play the entire team. for heavens sakes people, these kids are in jr high, get over it. did your parents yack like this when you played or did you even play? get a life, kids learn by example, what kind of example are you setting when you go on like this. i'm sure you don't speak of all this in confidence. you want "little Johnny" to hear your gripes and complaints so he can carry on the tradition. Drop your kid off at the gym, let the coach do his job , and go home.

self esteem is an issue, i do agree. However, its called life. you don't always win, so you need to learn early in life.

coaches have many roles: they are mentors, disciplinarians, guidance counselors, referees, and the list goes on and on and on. for those of you who have issues, sign up, take the class and give of your time. dont' see anyone busting the door down to do that now do you? :122249

why yes, i want to know what is going on in my kids life and that includes what goes on at practice. plus some coach's are complete idiots and they only get the job because no one else wants it. btw, you and your husband knew what you were getting into when he took the job so dont moan about it now.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:27 pm
by wvufan
ain't moaning about my husband coaching or anything else for your information. its people like you that make participation or the desire to participate in coaching a real drag. i am also involved in my kids life, but i can and have cut the cord. get a life. as stated before, if you think some coaches are complete idiots, and your are so "qualified101", then sign up, take the course, and do it yourself. you'd probably want to change all the kids diapers.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:23 am
by ManitouDan
did'nt take the time to read this whole saga but will say from a coaches perspective their have times where I've had kids NOT want to go into a game. I know their parents and/or others were wondering " why isn't little Joey or Suzie in the game " ?? Because the kid begged not to go in . NOT saying that happened in any case here. Just throwing that in because it's happened to me in softball and BB MD