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Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:32 pm
by qualified101
wvufan wrote:ain't moaning about my husband coaching or anything else for your information. its people like you that make participation or the desire to participate in coaching a real drag. i am also involved in my kids life, but i can and have cut the cord. get a life. as stated before, if you think some coaches are complete idiots, and your are so "qualified101", then sign up, take the course, and do it yourself. you'd probably want to change all the kids diapers.

sorry i work for a living and i dont work at the school so im automatically out. thats why i ref, to make a difference and to make the game of bball more fundamentally sound.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:15 pm
by bogo
If you watch some AAU coaches that have 2 or 3 players he really looks out for and the other players are just pons in the coaches world then you will know what a coach IS NOT.
It is amazing what some so called coaches will do to young minds for there own gain.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:51 pm
by Pringles105
This has got out of hand ELE EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY and the definition of the word coach in my oppinion to teach game of what their coaching and the player has to earn pt. Life isn't fair as you know you have to earn things and a coach can help teach this cause you do have to earn it if their on the bench well I would if I was a parent would tell my kid to use that as motivation to improve and earn pt.

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:02 am
by falconfan86
Part of the problem in sports is that we have gotten away from where you need to try hard, practice (not only during season, but out of season) and listen to your coach...We tend to have rules where at the peewee level everyone plays, which I agree with, but when these player move on to jr. high and high school, where it is not pay to play, they and their parents have a hard time adjusting...Remember every coach will tell you players are made during the off season, if your child is sitting on the computer or at a video game during the summer or off season, there is another kid out there working at his game...sometimes it is that overlooked player that works the hardest...Like the country song says..."not everyone made the team, but we turned out alright...It is a different world". Good coaches work with all the players on their team, you don't know when the that next player will be with the them and give them the confidence to excell at any time in a game...

Re: Definition of the word COACH

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:49 pm
by wvufan
to qualified 101 , i also work and not in the school system thank you. i'm not going to continue to reply to you because you are evidently one of the refs that make it hard to watch a ballgame :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: my husband doesn't work in the school system either, he just has a genuine desire to make a difference in a kids life and he wants to help the school build a basketball program. he certainly isn't in it for the $ or the huge trophy and all the perks he gets for doing it :lol: :lol: :lol: