God is in control

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Amen Corner
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God is in control

Post by Amen Corner »

Here is an email i got.

Great life lesson.

A man from Norfolk , VA called a local radio station to share this on Sept 11th, 2003, TWO YEARS AFTER THE TRAGEDIES OF 9/11/2001.
His name was Robert Matthews. These are his words:
A few weeks before Sept. 11th, my wife and I found out we were going to have our first child. She planned a trip out to California to visit her sister. On our way to the airport, we prayed that God would grant my wife a safe trip and be with her. Shortly after I said 'amen,' we both heard a loud pop and the car shook violently. We had blown out a tire. I replaced the tire as quickly as I could, but we still missed her flight.both very upset, we drove home. I received a call from my father who was retired NYFD. He asked what my wife's flight number was, but I explained that we missed the flight. My father informed me that her flight was the one that crashed into The southern tower.. I was too shocked to speak. My father also had more news for me; he was going to help. 'This is not something I can't just sit by for; I have to do something.'

I was concerned for his safety, of course, but more because he had never given his life to Christ. After a brief debate, I knew his mind was made up. Before he got off of the phone, he said, 'take good care of my Grandchild.Those were the last words I ever heard my father say; he died while helping in the rescue effort.

My joy that my prayer of safety for my wife had been answered quickly became anger. I was angry at God, at my father, and at myself.. I had gone for nearly two years blaming God for taking my father away. My son would never know his grandfather, my father had never accepted Christ, and I never got to say good-bye.

Then something happened. About two months ago, I was sitting at home with my wife and my son, when there was a knock on the door. I looked at my wife, but I could tell she wasn't expecting anyone. I opened the door to a couple with a small child. The man looked at me and asked if my father's name was Jake Matthews. I told him it was. He quickly grabbed my hand and said, 'I never got the chance to meet your father, but it is an honor to meet his son.'

He explained to me that his wife had worked in the World Trade Center and had been caught inside after the attack. She was pregnant and had been caught under debris. He then explained that my father had been the one to find his wife and free her. My eyes welled up with tears as I thought of my father giving his life for people like this. He then said, 'there is something else you need to know.'

His wife then told me that as my father worked to free her, she talked to him and led him to Christ. I began sobbing at the news.Now I know that when I get to Heaven, my father will be standing beside Jesus to welcome me, and that this family would be able to thank him themselves.

When their baby boy was born, they named him Jacob Matthew, in honor of the man who gave his life so that a mother and baby could live.

This story should help us to realize this: God is always in control. We may not see the reason behind things, and we may never know this side of heaven, but God is ALWAYS in control.

Please take time to share this amazing story. You may never know the impact it may have on someone. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures Forever.. Psalm 136:1


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Re: God is in control

Post by Mouth's Better Half »

This gave me chills as I read it. We should never doubt that God is in control. I have before in my walk with Christ and it is silly.Great story.

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Re: God is in control

Post by biggdowgg »


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Re: God is in control

Post by dragoncoach56 »

You're right wassup I found a page from the New York times that had names and pictures of all firefighters that died that day. Brave souls all but that story is completely untrue. A very good story though.

Amen Corner
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Re: God is in control

Post by Amen Corner »

It may or not be true but one thing is true, God is in control and things like this happen...

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Re: God is in control

Post by swbaseballfan »

Amen Corner wrote:It may or not be true but one thing is true, God is in control and things like this happen...

and the devil is in control when not so good things happen.......the devil made me do it!!!!!! :twisted:

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Re: God is in control

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

My mother-in-law has a plaque in her laundry room that reads:

"If you feel further from God, guess who moved."

I like that phrase.

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Re: God is in control

Post by abuck76 »

Its interesting when Christians use lies and half truths to spread their message................and they don't have too........ :12224

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Re: God is in control

Post by kantuckyII »

I heard a preacher (not mine) say just this past Sunday, talking about Washington to not forget that, even if it doesn't look like it...God is still in control.

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Re: God is in control

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

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Re: God is in control

Post by caglewis »

Amen Corner wrote:It may or not be true but one thing is true, God is in control and things like this happen...

Tell that to all the folks living along the Red River in Fargo.
God controlled the temperature, weather, and amount of precipitation - but humans [not God] stacked sandbags for hours, days, and miles to try to prevent and counteract the threat of harm and destruction all that "God-controlled" stuff posed to them and their families.
Last edited by caglewis on Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: God is in control

Post by kantuckyII »

This is still a world where the majority of it's inhabitants continue to demand free will, rejecting God's control over their lives. Misfortune and misery is a frequent result of such rebellion.

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Re: God is in control

Post by grizzlynatural »

And those who dont believe will spend eternity in hell. You can only control your own thoughts. I for one, believe.

Amen Corner
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Re: God is in control

Post by Amen Corner »

caglewis wrote:
Amen Corner wrote:It may or not be true but one thing is true, God is in control and things like this happen...

Tell that to all the folks living along the Red River in Fargo.
God controlled the temperature, weather, and amount of precipitation - but humans [not God] stacked sandbags for hours, days, and miles to try to prevent and counteract the threat of harm and destruction all that "God-controlled" stuff posed to them and their families.

I apoligize for this topic it was meant to be a positive post.
Those who don't belive in god won't understand where i am coming from.

Cag as far as the red river that is part of a plan God has, as is everything he does.
We don't understand sometimes but we are people not God.God is Awesome!!!!!

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Re: God is in control

Post by swbaseballfan »

what kind of plan does he have flooding everything?

stuff just happens sometimes.

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Re: God is in control

Post by dragoncoach56 »

Amen Corner wrote:
caglewis wrote:
Amen Corner wrote:It may or not be true but one thing is true, God is in control and things like this happen...

Tell that to all the folks living along the Red River in Fargo.
God controlled the temperature, weather, and amount of precipitation - but humans [not God] stacked sandbags for hours, days, and miles to try to prevent and counteract the threat of harm and destruction all that "God-controlled" stuff posed to them and their families.

I apoligize for this topic it was meant to be a positive post.
Those who don't belive in god won't understand where i am coming from.

Cag as far as the red river that is part of a plan God has, as is everything he does.
We don't understand sometimes but we are people not God.God is Awesome!!!!!

Amen it was a positive post. Even Christ used parables in teaching. The point I wanted to make by checking it out is God does work miracles and people don't need to make stuff up to exalt his works. And it offends me when good people with good intentions such as yourself find themselves reading and enjoying these things when they are untrue. Just like the e-mail about the eagle verse in the koran,I looked it up and there is nothing even close to that anywhere in that particular part of the koran but that doesn't mean the sentiment behind sending it was a lie. You posted what you believed was a beautiful and inspirational story. It is not your fault it wasn't true.As I said there was many heroes that day and I'm sure God was with all of them.

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Re: God is in control

Post by vids4ckcrash »

It isn't that difficult.

It is not that difficult to prove and/or disprove most of the amazing stories that you receive via e-mail. And most have just a trace of truth or are false in entirety. But they all prey upon our desire to promote our beliefs or amazement.

There are enough Amazing stories that are true that it is not necessary to enhance or promote untruths to provide inspiration. Might I suggest Daily Guideposts if you have no other source. And yes there may be entries in Daily Guideposts that are not totally true, but I guarantee they have a better track record that your e-mail.

There was one in reference to a football player not long ago, that if researched was more inspiring and amazing than what was posted. But in the eagerness to prove one's belief in man's and God's goodness, research was not done. And falsity was propagated once again.

We have those on here who travel the gamet from Rev Felts/ Rev Jeremiah Wright to Jimmy Franklin. If you do not know who Jimmy Franklin is, I suggest that you listen to WPAY (104.1 FM) Sunday night from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM.

There is one on here that I fully expect to see beside Rev Felts someday. But this person does not know my God. My God's good works do not require meaness, falsity and elaboration to promote. My God is a benevolent, kind and loving God. Sorry about yours.

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