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The Instructor
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User Control Panel

Post by The Instructor »

I have a question.

Why can't I look at my own posts?

In the User Control Panel, when I click on "Your Activity" and then "Show Your Posts", it says, "Sorry but you are not permitted to use the search system."


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Re: User Control Panel

Post by Runner »

I think that it was disabled about the time that the board crashed. We used to be able to search other users posts as well. I believe they tried to re-enable it after a period of time but it still caused the server to crash.

PhpBB boards have been having several issues as of late. Including NOT being able to see all threads as shown in this screenshot of a newly made gaming forum.....

This screenshot was taken using IE6 and several people are seeing the same thing using that version of IE. The blank spaces are where the title of the threads should be. You can click on the blank spaces on the threads will open up, but you have no idea what you are clicking on.

IE8 also has issues when viewing that forum. The page scroll really jumpy like you are missing drivers for your video card. But all seem to work well with IE7 and Firefox

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Re: User Control Panel

Post by huedawg »

Runner wrote:I think that it was disabled about the time that the board crashed. We used to be able to search other users posts as well. I believe they tried to re-enable it after a period of time but it still caused the server to crash.

PhpBB boards have been having several issues as of late. Including NOT being able to see all threads as shown in this screenshot of a newly made gaming forum.....

This screenshot was taken using IE6 and several people are seeing the same thing using that version of IE. The blank spaces are where the title of the threads should be. You can click on the blank spaces on the threads will open up, but you have no idea what you are clicking on.

IE8 also has issues when viewing that forum. The page scroll really jumpy like you are missing drivers for your video card. But all seem to work well with IE7 and Firefox

This is probably a simple java script error regarding the theme that is being used . IE6 does not respond well to this , however , most other browsers you wouldn't even notice anything was wrong . As for phpbb having issues, there are not very many at the moment with the latest version 3.0.4 . One of the biggest is the email issue regarding subscribing to topics and such , however, this appears to be related to the end users server setup , how php is compiled ( as cgi etc ....) and the send mail () function .
Check to see if GZIP is enabled on this board , if so , disable it .
If you are having personal issues with phpbb ( and after checking bug tracker ) , submit a ticket and I will personally pull it and take a look at yours :)
Last edited by huedawg on Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: User Control Panel

Post by huedawg »

I should add that if it is a java script issue ( or anything theme related ) your best bet for support would be the author's site for the theme .

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Re: User Control Panel

Post by Runner »

The site that I made the screenshot of is not mine. It belongs to a guy from Scotland.

I don't think the owner of the board is running IE6, so he does not see the problem and "claims" the problem is solely on my end. But I have contacted several people who have IE6 and they see they same thing.

I even contacted phpBB customer support about it and one of the techs said she tried different browsers and only found that problem with the same browser that I was using at the time, although other browsers have been having problems at times as well. She thought it was due a FTP or database error. But since it was a free website and not a paid subscription, they are working on the paid forum problems first and don't know when they will get around to correcting the problem.

If you have IE6, see if you can see the same problem I have seeing it. Here is the direct link to what I took the screenshot of

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Re: User Control Panel

Post by huedawg »

The site is using a modified version of phpbb so there is no way to really tell what is going on here , however, one is for sure and that is the problem is not the core code ( phpbb ) . I took a stab at it and I believe I am right after viewing the site . It is a java type issue . If you go to the site and view it's source code , you will notice lines like this

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html dir="ltr" id="min-width" lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns=""><head><title>General Discussion</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript" /><meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" /><meta name="description" content="Talk about all you want General Discussion General discussion" /><meta name="title" content="General Discussion" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="/27-ltr.css" type="text/css" /><link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="/improvedsearch.xml" title="BSETeam - Best Sniper Elites - Soldier of Fortune Snipe team" /><link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="" title="Search forums" /><script src="/js_58/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
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Notice all the script action going on ? Bottom line is update your software ( browser ) and you will be fine or find another theme to use. The current theme has way too much stuff going on for IE6 to handle . I will add that that particular theme is not exactly up to standards as far as coding goes . Also, the version of phpbb that this site is using is a highly modified version ( not that it matters ) . It is impossible to know what they have done to it .
And I can assure you this has nothing to do with FTP or the database .

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The Instructor
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Re: User Control Panel

Post by The Instructor »

Thanks guys!

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