Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by kantuckyII »

85inside wrote:
seofan_via_dublin wrote:yes the two are separated by east/west dimensions, and an ocean,
but the fact remains the same that the US is farther North than Israel.

I dont know why KantuckyII argues the case that it may very well be America that is the "enemy" that comes from the North. He makes the argument that America's President is the antiChrist, is against Israel and is not a Christian. I believe it is very very possible that someday, America may be that one enemy.

I do not say that Obama is the anti-Christ! I have never said that. At one point, I pondered it watching his followers fainting and such around him but I have never came out and said he was. I think he has the same spirit though. I do not believe he is a friend of Israel and, to provide an example, during the campaign he made three different shifts over just a period of days about his views on how Jerusalem should be controlled and who it belongs to. It would wildly vary according to the feedback he got on it and he was getting some heat.

As a Christian, I still believe the promise that God gave to Abraham still stands, 'I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you' so I believe it's very important that our nation to continue to be a friend to Israel, especially as we approach these last days.

Why do I say that the US is like an ancient Egypt? because...Israel, as in the days before the carrying away placed their confidence in Egypt defending them from their enemies, not God. They were warned to not do so and we all know that Israel was carried off into captivity. Today, I believe that Israel leans on the United States for their safety and continues to live in unbelief and reject their God who they are named for.

This army that is going to fall down on Israel is from 'the north parts' (I just would find it hard to believe that anyone could describe the United States as being from 'the north parts' when the United States is plainly the west) Anyway, this army is going to be massive, they are coming from spoil and they are going to be defeated by God Himself for the purpose of showing Israel, "So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward"

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by Space Cowboy »

Kantucky, if you study Revelations, the movements (militarily) by the major powers aint really hard to figure out. The following is my opinion, but based on present political alliances and financial situations, it makes sense:
(1) Russia and satellite countries will attack Israel from the north. They will be aided by the Egyptians and Iran/Iraq in a classic pincers movement.
(2) The 10 nation confederacy (including the US) will be bogged down in their own turmoil, causing them a delay to mobilize.
(3) The Russians will double-cross the Egyptians and move on into Egypt, thinking Israel is destroyed.
(4) China, SE Asia, N. Korea, India, and Pakistan will move in rapidly to sieze total control of the mid-east. IMO, The Chinese will move north around the mountains with about 50 million of their troops and they will have made an alliance with India and Pakistan to unite with them and swing aruond the mountains , to the south, with approximatly an army of 200 million. (another classic pincers movement)
(5) The 10 nation confederacy finally mobilizes and meets the eastern armies in the Jezerel Valley.
(6) The regrouped Israeli military along with Archangels will decimate whats left.
I could be wrong, but I dont see China being able to move that many soldiers over the mountain range that stands in their way and they sure dont want to loose any of their army strength to India or Pakistan in a limited nuke exchange. Plus that would keep them from being able to split off one fourth of their own army to secure Russia.

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by kantuckyII »

You're talking here about the first war that is described in Ezekiel though, right? I have heard a lot of speculation about whether this battle will take place immediately preceding the Rapture of the Church or not too long afterwards. I tend to believe this will be right afterwards but who knows for 100% sure? I'm NOT a prophecy expert by any stretch of the imagination but from what I gather is that this massive army will be whipped so quickly it will be astounding. I tend to believe that a lot of their demise will be from messed up communications which will cause many to die from friendly fire..not hard to believe in today's world. To Ezekiel it must have been confusing though!

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by Space Cowboy »

kantuckyII wrote:You're talking here about the first war that is described in Ezekiel though, right? I have heard a lot of speculation about whether this battle will take place immediately preceding the Rapture of the Church or not too long afterwards. I tend to believe this will be right afterwards but who knows for 100% sure? I'm NOT a prophecy expert by any stretch of the imagination but from what I gather is that this massive army will be whipped so quickly it will be astounding. I tend to believe that a lot of their demise will be from messed up communications which will cause many to die from friendly fire..not hard to believe in today's world. To Ezekiel it must have been confusing though!

I cant say with any certainty how long after the rapture of the church this will happen. We do know that the anti-christ cannot have total power until the rapture though. There must still be alot of turbulence on the earth for a little while following the rapture, but he is blindly followed since he comes up with what most people on earth seem to think are the solutions to all the problems. Apperently, at this time, Israel still has the blinders on, since they will make a peace treaty with him. What I gather, the final battle, that starts right before Christs return, will be about 2-3 years after the anti-christ takes control. That aint gospel, since Im going on memory of that part of the Bible (shame on me). I have pretty well figured out how the anti-christ will deny GOD and explain the rapture all at once: "There is no god, the aliens took them." I dont think as much of the combined armies of the east destruction will be friendly fire, as much as the fact that they are not as technically proficient as the west. At the same time, when you have 600 million soldiers attacking each other (4 different sides) within the confines of less than 500 square miles.....well, I think all of them will find out that friendly fire aint...... :122246

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by godsgeneral »

I don't think the bible mentions whether or not the Battle of Gog and Magog will take place before or after the rapture. I do believe we could be a rocket launch away from the trumpet sounding. Israel is planning its biggest ever civil defense drill this week that will include five days of simulated enemy rocket attacks.

With recent comments from the US upsetting Israel and Israel's comments concerning Iran I believe an Israeli attack on Iran is near. I don't believe they will tolerate them much longer. When they do, neighboring countries will join in the fight against Israel. This could be when the rapture occurs to setup a collapse in the world's infrastructure. With 1 billion Christians gone, the greatest support for Israel, mixed with the world's organizational chaos, this would be a good time for the world's anti-semitic nations to make a move on Israel. Along with Russia, Germany and other countries that wish to deal with Israel finally and completely.

Ezekiel's prophecy mentions that God will protect Israel and Psalm 83 somewhat implies God's intervention by way of natural disaster and heavenly intervention. On the heels of worldwide chaos, 1 billion people disappearing and the mysterious destruction of the armies from Iran, Russia, Germany, etc., the opportunity for a man to appear on the scene with a peace treaty solving the problems between the Jews and the Arabs is in place.

If you are around to witness these events, you will soon wish you had never been born or deeply regret not going to the alter when you had the chance.

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by kantuckyII »

I have pretty well figured out how the anti-christ will deny GOD and explain the rapture all at once: "There is no god, the aliens took them."

Let me start out by offering a disclaimer, there is nothing in the Bible that says that what I am about to say is on target but it's kind of a theory that I have personally.

I would think that perhaps the anti-christ will say or use as an explanation that God judged Christians because they worship Jesus Christ as God and that God wiped them off the planet immediately in His wrath over the worship of Christ as God incarnate!

Islam teaches that all Christians, who believe and accept the claim of Deity of Jesus Christ are all going to hell because they believe that. They will say that there is only one God and that Christ is not God but we know that Jesus Christ and the Father and the Holy Spirit are one..but three...a mystery we cannot understand but that is what the Bible teaches. Islam teaches that not only did Christ not resurrect but that He also did not die on the cross but rather, an impostor died in His place. This then makes religion, Christianity and Islam on the same grounds in that they both become a religion of 'good works' and grace is no longer in affect.

It would make sense to me...what does Islam, who is the religion of the eons long enemy of Israel teach? that Christ is not the Messiah, not God....think about makes perfect sense

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by godsgeneral »

Then all the liberals will look around, realize that all the conservatives are gone and declare, "We won!"

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by Space Cowboy »

godsgeneral wrote:Then all the liberals will look around, realize that all the conservatives are gone and declare, "We won!"

But now we are bordering on politics. In my personal opinion, when talking about christianity, both sides are way off target. The right, for the most part gets it wrong. The left, for the most part, just doesnt get it, period. Christs beliefs would seem pretty radical to both sides.

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by godsgeneral »

That was mostly a joke but I agree with you.

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by 85inside »

Space Cowboy wrote:
godsgeneral wrote:Then all the liberals will look around, realize that all the conservatives are gone and declare, "We won!"

But now we are bordering on politics. In my personal opinion, when talking about christianity, both sides are way off target. The right, for the most part gets it wrong. The left, for the most part, just doesnt get it, period. Christs beliefs would seem pretty radical to both sides.

Excellent post!

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by kantuckyII »

It's never been about Republicans or Democrats, it's about those who are born again, and those who aren't. Granted, one party seemingly is far more tolerant of God than the other but that's neither here nor there....heavens, there's millions of people I believe that will be pretty stunned ten minutes after the rapture of the church to find out that they never had a ticket to start with, they were only kidding themselves and were never born again. No one will get to heaven by good works!

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by 85inside »

kantuckyII wrote:It's never been about Republicans or Democrats, it's about those who are born again, and those who aren't. Granted, one party seemingly is far more tolerant of God than the other but that's neither here nor there....heavens, there's millions of people I believe that will be pretty stunned ten minutes after the rapture of the church to find out that they never had a ticket to start with, they were only kidding themselves and were never born again. No one will get to heaven by good works!

Very true.

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by 85inside »

kantuckyII wrote:It's never been about Republicans or Democrats, it's about those who are born again, and those who aren't. Granted, one party seemingly is far more tolerant of God than the other but that's neither here nor there....heavens, there's millions of people I believe that will be pretty stunned ten minutes after the rapture of the church to find out that they never had a ticket to start with, they were only kidding themselves and were never born again. No one will get to heaven by good works!

It wont get you to heaven, by itself, but God calls us to good works. Ministry counts. Many, many "pew potatoes" just sit in their pews week in and week out getting spiritually "overfed." Just sitting around waiting for heaven. it would do all church goers well, to get out and do some ministry.

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by godsgeneral »

This is the sad truth. Even after the rapture, after the seal judgments of the arriving anti-christ, the red horse whose rider will take peace and make men slay one another, the black horse of famine comes on the land, 25% of the population is killed (Pale Horse) by the sword, hunger, plague and wild beasts, new believers will be beheaded, the wrath of God comes by way of earthquake, the sun darkens, and meteors fall from the sky. It will be so bad that people will cry for the rocks to fall on them but yet they still won't repent.

Then the 7th Seal of silence.....the calm before the storm. Here come the 7 Trumpet judgments.
1st Trumpet: 1/3 of the grass and trees and earth are burned up.
2nd Trumpet: 1/3 of the sea creatures and ships are destroyed and a third of the sea turns to blood
3rd Trumpet: Wormwood falls to the rivers and streams and causes people to die from drinking this water
4th Trumpet: 1/3 of daylight hours are lost
5th Trumpet: the hordes of hell are released to torment mankind
6th Trumpet: another 1/3 of mankind is killed as the 4 angels are released

and Rev 9:20-21 says....
The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood-idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.

This paints the picture of human depravity that we are beginning to experience in the world today. Some are so indulged in their fantasies and lusts that nothing will cause them to turn from their wickedness.

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by kantuckyII »

It wont get you to heaven, by itself, but God calls us to good works. Ministry counts. Many, many "pew potatoes" just sit in their pews week in and week out getting spiritually "overfed." Just sitting around waiting for heaven. it would do all church goers well, to get out and do some ministry
Only grace will get you to have NOTHING to do with it, ministry counts for none of's grace plus nothing

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by 85inside »

kantuckyII wrote:
It wont get you to heaven, by itself, but God calls us to good works. Ministry counts. Many, many "pew potatoes" just sit in their pews week in and week out getting spiritually "overfed." Just sitting around waiting for heaven. it would do all church goers well, to get out and do some ministry
Only grace will get you to have NOTHING to do with it, ministry counts for none of's grace plus nothing

As long as you are comfortable seeing what is on the "big screen", so beit. I dont want to stand up on judgement day and say, "I was just relying on Your grace Lord. I am sorry I did not use the talents you gave me to minister to your people."

Many like minded "pew potatoes" are taking the same "grace" stance.

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by kantuckyII »

First, you don't know what I do, or don't do in my church and secondly, if someone is relying on anything other than the grace of God to save them, then, they're not saved to start with. No human being will take one single ounce of the glory of Christ when it comes to our salvation. It was 100% the work of Christ.

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by ironmen1987 »

Yes we are saved by the grace of God through his son Jesus but remember the teaching of the three servants and the talents they were given...I believe God has a purpose for all of us whether its teaching a class or scrubbing the toilets. We bring him glory through our selfless acts of worship and yes scrubbing the toilets is an act of worship if you're doing it out of love for God. As for the "end of days", I for one can honestly say i'm not worried about my 401 plan cause we wont be around to spend it anyway.....

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by godsgeneral »

Grace will get me to heaven, works will determine my rewards upon arriving.

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Re: Are We Witnessing The Final Days?

Post by CANNIBAL »

heck we all got on life to live on earth, so why not just live it to its fullest and enjoy it how ever you may please. :122245

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