When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by my2cents »

The South Park episode about Wal Mart hit it right on the head. You are being subliminally brainwashed while you are in Wal Mart and you realize you are not "Spending Money" you are "Saving Money" and the more you spend the more you save. There is an evil behind it. :twisted:

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by Philos_Finest »

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Leo Byrd
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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by Leo Byrd »

Yes, get in and get out.

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?


For the most part.

I have started going in and getting what I came for and then walk around just to waste time and see if something catches my eye. :idea:

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by Focused »

I go to Wal-mart and Krogers to visit with neighbors and friends while my wife shops..

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by caglewis »

gahs4ever wrote:I take a list in, and then completely ignore it and my plan to buy a toilet seat winds up costing me $125

HELPFUL HINT: Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach
Obviously you don't grocery shop very often or you'd already know the absolute primary rules are, and have always been, EAT FIRST AND TAKE A LIST.
And making that list involves planning meals and menus in advance.
When my kids were young we sat down together every 2 weeks before my payday and planned/decided what they wanted to eat/me to cook for the next 2 wks.
And I bought the needed ingredients/groceries required to prepare those planned 2-wks worth of meals. WE PLANNED, I MADE A LIST, SHOPPED, COOKED, AND WE ATE together at our kitchen table at home - very rarely OUT or fast food .
It seems to me that very few kids grow up in families who do that today.
My own now adult kids included.
Last edited by caglewis on Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by Black Panther »

caglewis wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:I take a list in, and then completely ignore it and my plan to buy a toilet seat winds up costing me $125

HELPFUL HINT: Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach
Obviously you don't grocery shop very often or you'd already know the absolute primary rules are, and have always been, EAT FIRST AND TAKE A LIST.
And making that list involves planning meals and menus in advance.
When my kids were young we sat down together every 2 weeks before my payday and planned/decided what they wanted to eat/me to cook for the next 2 wks.
And I bought the needed ingredients/groceries required to prepare those planned 2-wks worth of meals. WE PLANNED, I MADE A LIST, SHOPPED, COOKED, AND WE ATE.
That's the way to do it cag!

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by caglewis »

Did you watch the "Food Revolution" TV show based in Huntington, WV, last year with chef Jamie Oliver? It was primarily about improving the school's lunch menus with healthier choices. But it stunned me to hear the vast majority of those kids involved had absolutely no concept of preparing/eating a home-cooked meal, or even ever seeing that done. Let alone the initial menu-planning, shopping in advance for "ingredients", and then cooking it, and putting it on the table.
I really enjoy cooking - always have - and enjoy reading cookbooks - getting new ideas - trying different things. Rachael Ray kept talking about and including LEEKS in her recipes. I didn't know what they were and couldn't find them here in Ironton. BUT WALMART HAD THEM - And now I love including them in my cooking - but unfortunately I have to go over to KY to the closest WalMart.
And I try not to do that very often - I'd like my tax money to stay in OHIO so I try to shop at home.
YES INDEED - I have a plan and a list whenever and wherever I go shopping. I have no money to squander on frivolous things so I stick to my list!
Last edited by caglewis on Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by caglewis »

And so much of what you SEE is irrestably tempting, RIGHT? Just buy all of it?
Stick to your LIST, friend; stick to your list! Saves enormous amounts of money and calories too!! And fights with your wife when you fail to come home with the stuff on the LIST she gave you!

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by caglewis »

"She got home from work a little while ago" at midnight? OK, is your wife a 3-11 worker?
Grant you, that skews your meal schedule and planning considerably.
And those apples do indeed sound good, and it was great that you fixed them! But there's absolutely no eating allowed after 6-7:00 PM. Ask any of the victorious dieters on here!
Eating late is the same kind of plan-wrecker that grocery-shopping hungry is! Things to be avoided!!

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

If I go in by myself I go to get the thing I'm after and nothing more. I don't go "shopping". I am usually in and out in less than 15 minutes.

Now, if I go with my wife we seem to hit every freakin' aisle and we're in there for what seems like hours. She has to look at everything.

The only bonus about being in there that long is getting to see all the freaks that are roaming the aisles. You know, like the ones you see on the web site with all the pictures of WalMart shoppers.

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Re: When you enter Wal-Mart... do you have a plan?

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

yes............get in and get the hell out..............

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