Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

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Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by caglewis »

Did anyone watch this last night? Jamie Oliver, an English chef, heard that Huntington WV is the most obese town in the most obese area of the most obese State in the USA and came to Huntington to understand why, and to attempt to change eating habits.
He has taken over the lunch program at a Huntington Elementary school, and is being met with extreme resistance by the kids and the school cooks alike.
Thing one - the waste of food shown absolutely appalls me.
I have a strong suspicion that there are homeless people in Huntington who would scarf down in a heartbeat all the food dumped off those trays into the garbage.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by bigtimehitter »

I actually worked at the Kroger in Barboursville when around 5 or 6 months ago he came in there with his camera crew and recorded one of his shows that was gonna be on TLC or the coocking channel, whichever he is on. He was walking around showing healthy alternantives to eating. I had to sign a waiver in case I appeared on camera so they could put it on TV. :lol:

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

caglewis wrote:I have a strong suspicion that there are homeless people in Huntington who would scarf down in a heartbeat all the food dumped off those trays into the garbage.

Absolutely true, and I know a friend that delivers "meals on wheels" and says that they bring back in dozens of perfectly good undelivered meals, sealed and kept hot the whole time, and the health dept. says they MUST throw them in the garbage rather than give them to needy, hungry people. Sad.
Just more of your ridiculous government intrusion into the lives of every day citizens and caused by the fear of lawsuits instigated by "hungry" :roll: jack-legged lawyers. :evil:

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by caglewis »

Just more of your ridiculous government intrusion into the lives of every day citizens

But that same "ridiculous government intrusion" is what made school meal and meals-on-wheels food programs even offered/available both to kids and seniors.
Granted, I deplore the waste of food; but I also think that there are people of all ages who DO get fed through those programs when they might not otherwise.
I just wish there was a way to use/recycle leftovers other than throwing them out.
When I moved to Ironton there was NO LUNCH in any elementary school except one. Kids HAD to go home for lunch - not only was none provided, they couldn't even bring their own - NO EATING at school was the rule! Do you think going back to that would work?

I have always subscribed to "healthy" cooking and food choices; and for the most part, I agree with Jamie Oliver's suggestions and goals.
But I take issue with his ridicule of the idea of "breakfast pizza". What is the difference between putting breakfast food "between" bread [an egg sandwich] or eating food "with" bread as a side - e.g. "toast", and putting food on top a bread base/crust and calling it "pizza"? I think that's a "definition" problem, not a "nutrition" problem.
Last edited by caglewis on Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

caglewis wrote:
Do you think going back to that would work?

Worked for years and years and years and the kids (nor adults for that matter) weren't obese and out-of-shape like they are these days. That's exactly the problem that brought Jamie to Huntington to start with isn't it.

I don't know why people can't understand that the government HAS NO MONEY to provide programs with... it's MY and (presumably) your money that they so frivolously pass out and then have the narcissistic gall to have big ribbon cutting ceremonies to celebrate what THEY have done. :roll:

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by caglewis »

Think how much tax-payer money it would save if we eliminated competitive athletics - but they're much more important and worth paying for than "eating" is for kids?
If, by your reasoning, you want "exercise" then get it on your own! That worked in the past, right? Why should the government "intrusively" require or provide facilities for "playing games"? Why do you need some special place or equipment paid for by taxpayer funds to exercise? What if I don't want to pay for stadiums and gyms that benefit only a select few for a small amount of time- what a waste! Why is expenditure supporting special "athletes" different or more worthy than providing food and facilities to others?

The impetus of my original question was - how did we get to be such picky eaters, still get so fat, but yet claim we can't afford to eat? And why do kids [or adults, either] refuse to eat good food offered to them but still claim to be "starving"? [takes 66 days!]

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by mstangmom »

There wouldn't be a "wasteful throwing away of food" IF stupid people would stop suing over STUPID things. think about it I bet if we looked hard enough somewherre someone sued the goverment because some school was serving leftovers.

no different than the stupis person who sued McDonalds for giving them HOT COFFEE, guess if they wanted it cold they should have ordered ICED COFFEE.

Well if you don't like leftovers for school lunch pack yourself (or your child) a PBJ and some carrot sticks.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

caglewis wrote:Think how much tax-payer money it would save if we eliminated competitive athletics - Attaboy, change the subject to fit your needs. I thought we were talking about fat kids, not whether or not you refuse to ante up for a gym for kids to play in. Come to think of it, as old and crotchety as you act, I'll bet you are old enough to have helped pay for Tank Stadium...... but they're much more important and worth paying for than "eating" is for kids? Nobody said that kids shouldn't eat. You're just one of those FDR leftovers that is waiting on the gubment to throw the grease and carbs at our kids at school whereas I see nothing wrong with a kid walking home and having a good, nutrititious meal fixed by Mom or Dad. Try being a little responsible and take care of your own for a change......
If, by your reasoning, you want "exercise" then get it on your own! Where did I say I wanted exercise?? That worked in the past, right? Why should the government "intrusively" require or provide facilities for "playing games"? Why do you need some special place or equipment paid for by taxpayer funds to exercise? What if I don't want to pay for stadiums and gyms that benefit only a select few for a small amount of time- what a waste! Sure is.... you should try using them sometime. The school where I live provides an "adult playtime" in the evenings and on weekends where anybody out of school can come in and walk or shoot hoops or do yoga or whatever. You should get out and participate rather that sit around all grumpy and complain that it costs you a couple of bucks to help provide the facility. Why is expenditure supporting special "athletes" different or more worthy than providing food and facilities to others? I believe the gubment provides the bare minimum when it comes to school gyms in most cases. I think the local communities have to come up with the rest. As far as I know, any kid in school has the opportunity to go out for the basketball team. If they choose not to or are just too plump from sitting around stuffing their face and doing nothing all the time.... that's up to them.

The impetus of my original question was - how did we get to be such picky eaters, still get so fat, (sitting on your butt)but yet claim we can't afford to eat? It costs nothing to go outside or over to the mall or the gym and walk. And why do kids [or adults, either] refuse to eat good food offered to them but still claim to be "starving"? [takes 66 days!] Because the adults don't exercise any control over the kids. It's much easier to run down and get them a Big Mac when they complain about the food on the table. Mom's used to put supper on the table EVERY night and if the kid turned up his/her nose at it she'd say...."Think it over, it's a loooong time 'til breakfast". :mrgreen:

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

mstangmom wrote:There wouldn't be a "wasteful throwing away of food" IF stupid people would stop suing over STUPID things. think about it I bet if we looked hard enough somewherre someone sued the goverment because some school was serving leftovers.

no different than the stupis person who sued McDonalds for giving them HOT COFFEE, guess if they wanted it cold they should have ordered ICED COFFEE.

Well if you don't like leftovers for school lunch pack yourself (or your child) a PBJ and some carrot sticks.

Right on, Mom. That's a very good reason why tort reform should have been included in the new "healthcare" bill. That would have stopped a LOT of this nonsensical suing. It's wasn't even mentioned.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by mstangmom »

MF while I agree with my statement of why food is wasted, getting back on topic somewhat. the problem is NOT the food. It is the LACK of exercise most kids are lacking today. you can't eat three or more times a day and sit around doing nothing but computer games, television, or whatever that requires no energy and expect to stay skinny (or a healthy weight).

Schools are cutting physical edcation programs = no exercise
Parents are working longer days/or odd hours, and most kids are home alone thus having to stay inside until an adult gets home = no exercise
kids would rather use a control to trow a football instead of going outside and actually doing it = no exercise
I think you get my point.
and if the Government and PARENTS would stop looking at the fat content in the food and look more at how to get kids moving off their a$$ and actually doing something it would be cheaper, and kids would be heathier.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

mstangmom wrote:MF while I agree with my statement of why food is wasted, getting back on topic somewhat. the problem is NOT the food. It is the LACK of exercise most kids are lacking today. you can't eat three or more times a day and sit around doing nothing but computer games, television, or whatever that requires no energy and expect to stay skinny (or a healthy weight).

Schools are cutting physical edcation programs = no exercise
Parents are working longer days/or odd hours, and most kids are home alone thus having to stay inside until an adult gets home = no exercise
kids would rather use a control to trow a football instead of going outside and actually doing it = no exercise
I think you get my point.
and if the Government and PARENTS would stop looking at the fat content in the food and look more at how to get kids moving off their a$$ and actually doing something it would be cheaper, and kids would be heathier.

I agree..... again. :-D

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by Tigercannon71 »

I agree with Mom on this. Lack of exercise is what the problem is. Our grandparents cooked with lard everyday yet look at pictures a lot of them were skinny why is that? They got off their butt and worked in the farm and factories.
I thought the show was way to staged for my taste.
Here is a funny thing. I ran the Bun Run 5k in Huntington this summer and they actually interviewed me after the race. A few days later I get a call from the producers or somebody like that to do a screen test. I went up to Huntingon to do it, but alas I didnt make the final cut. Hopefully they show me after the race that would be cool.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by eagles73Taylor »

^^^^ They may have cooked with lard, but our grandparents and parents did not eat the same amount of processed food that we and our children do. Whens the last time you peeled potatoes and mashed them, or did you use a box? Back in the day you bought or grew fresh and canned them or ate them. Now, everything is already prepared you just reconstitute it and they are loaded with horrible additives and preservatives.

I will also agree that the lack of exercise by many is why we are a nation of porkers. You couple little to no exercise with eating these processed foods and what do you get?

Also, years ago the poor couldnt afford anything to expensive to eat, ever hear of eating high on the hog? Nowadays, you can get most food at walmart for a fraction of the cost it used to be. Instead of making your own cookies or treats, you simply buy a box of twinkies.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by IronTigerMum »

eagles73: You are so right, as is mom.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

It is about the food.
High Fructose Corn Syrup is in nearly everything we eat and drink,
it is not able to be processed by the body, and contributes to higher amounts of weight gain
and increased abdominal fat stores. If you have the exact same eating habits as someone
else, only they eat natural sugar, and you eat HFCS, you will gain more weight than the
other person and will store more of this fat in your abdominal areas. You will also show
more signs of obesity, such as a tendancy to be more lethargic. Which leads to the
lack of exercise and it all snowballs from there.

Don't change your diet at all, but completely remove HFCS from your intake, you will
lose weight and lose abdominal fat stores.

And to quote Lamar Burton and Reading Rainbow, "Don't just take my word for it" http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/arch ... /91/22K07/

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by caglewis »

Absolutely granted to all of the above. But school lunch/food programs have to operate within a budget. If the food [even if it's healthier] paid for by your school system [supported by your tax dollars] is not eaten and therefore subsequently consigned to the garbage, what is the benefit to either the kids or the budget?
If it's your job to provide food for kids, your own or more, then don't you kind of cater to their preferences if you want them to eat it - isn't that the goal?
I get Jamie Oliver's point - and that's the way I always cooked. But schools can't cater to individual preferences - they have to feed everyone and don't have either the time or money to do "special" fresh stuff. How you choose to cook at home is a different story!
And I don't think using "processed" food [granted not the best] is such a huge "no-no" as he says - esp for institutional facilities who have to feed hundreds - not just one family.
At that point providing ANY food/nutrition [cheaply and quickly] that is actually EATEN [not thrown out] by the clients/students/kids is the main purpose and ultimate goal.
But, granted again, we ALL need to improve/change our eating and exercise habits.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Heres another thing ok you only eat like maybe 2 meals at school. The rest you eat at home. So its not going to help you if you eat 1 healthy meal then go home and eat 3 bad meals.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by caglewis »

Are any of you watching this show? Jamie Oliver is meeting great resistance in his attempt to make school lunches healthier - trouble is, I can see both sides. I completely understand his point, but if kids won't eat the healthier food you fix then you're not really providing nutrition. I also get the point of the school cooks and meal planners that they need to be able to quickly prepare food for X people within a limited budget amount.
I applaud his efforts to introduce new concepts of food choices, flavors, and preparation methods. I have a grade-school-age granddaughter whose only food choices are chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes [no gravy], pizza, and mac and cheese, and who defines "salad" as carrot sticks with ranch dip.
I really did pack lunches for my kids for years; and I included them in menu planning and preparation for the suppers I cooked at home. Eating out [or ordering pizza] was a very rare treat. Neither of them was or is a particularly picky eater - But their kids [my grandkids] is a whole other story!
Last edited by caglewis on Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

caglewis wrote: I have a grade-school-age granddaughter whose only food choices are chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes [no gravy], and mac and cheese, and who defines "salad" as carrot sticks with ranch dip.

"Because the adults don't exercise any control over the kids. It's much easier to run down and get them a Big Mac when they complain about the food on the table."

Thanks for making my point, Granny. You are one of the people CAUSING the problem. :mrgreen:

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Re: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Post by caglewis »

And did YOU, Mr ????, NOT get that I said "granddaughter"? She lives far away from me. I am NOT the person who regularly feeds her; but when I do see/visit her briefly, whatever food I fix rarely suits her - but maybe she just hates her Grandma. Which would probably endear her to you.
Last edited by caglewis on Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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