Is there a dress code for America's Funniest Videos audience

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Is there a dress code for America's Funniest Videos audience

Post by carbon_dated »

It's almost sickening to see that many people dressed in their Sunday best for a silly show of even sillier videos. Doesn't make sense to me, but it must be that Bergeron works better with a well-dressed audience.

Tell me of another TV show where the audience is better dressed than the host?

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Re: Is there a dress code for America's Funniest Videos audience

Post by caglewis »

that many people dressed in their Sunday best

How is "Sunday best" different in your estimation from ordinary clothes? Why is trying to look nice somehow "sickening"? Don't we all try to wear/look our best on special occasions?
I don't watch the show, but I don't get your complaint either.

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Re: Is there a dress code for America's Funniest Videos audience

Post by carbon_dated »

I just think that if you're out in LA and want to see the show you wouldn't be allowed to unless you had your suit or your best dress packed in a suitcase. My complaint is that it appears there's a dress code and since that in-house audience is on camera a lot, more than most shows, you wouldn't be allowed in the studio unless you're dressed to the nines.
Why can't they be allowed to wear the type clothes you see on say, Let's Make a Deal, or Price is Right?
AFV is one of my favorite shows to flip to when there's nothing else on, but I just don't understand the dress code. In fact, I'm going to write them today.

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Re: Is there a dress code for America's Funniest Videos audience

Post by biggdowgg »

I agree, it does look like everyone in that audience is right out of the "leave it to beaver" show :razz:

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Re: Is there a dress code for America's Funniest Videos audience

Post by vids4ckcrash »

Maybe the dress code on Springer is more to the choosing of Southern Ohio? :mrgreen:

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