How to fix illegal immigration

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Chieftain »

I wish you conservatives would stop using the scattergun approach and stay on one topic rather than jumping around. You can't make one arguement because you lose it and fall back into changing the subject and adding other topics.

Title was "how to fix immigration". The starter of the thread wished to blame us for not taking "menial" jobs. Of course, the REAL facts show there aren't enough jobs -- tough, dirty, menial or otherwise for all the unemployed, underemployed or those who ran out of approxiamtely 20% of the working age population. You can't refuse to take a job if there isn't one there for you. Thats the silly B.S. that conservatives always spout. The jobs are non-existant. But, they "blame" someone to enhance their ideology which fails time & time again.

Immigration is a regional problem ( read California & Arizona) and not a National one. JOBS ARE A NATIONAL PROBLEM. There aren't enough of them. Unemployeds far outnumber the illegals. If the unemployed took every menial job from an illegal, we'd still have millions unemployed. Thats not the problem.

Solving the problem needs to look where it started -- businesses who are raking in maximum profits, hiding it offshore and sending good paying jobs overseas to pay slave wages there. Once again, the ideology seeks to make the Middle class & poor the scape goats and let the rich/businesses off scott free. Just like SB 5. Nothing more than an assault l on the Middle class.

It has been pointed out repeatedly that while illegals aren't a good thing, without even those poor folks, the economic growth in the country would have slowed down and the economy died much earlier without the economic benefits they provided. They may be illegal, but they buy food, gas, clothes, etc. Very convienent for the Conservatives to set up a straw man to blame while protecting their rich business friends. We have elected to have smaller families here which does not promote economic growth and forces the country to add immigrants , legal and otherwise to keep an engine of growth going. However, when businesses are screwing their fellow citizens its easy to create a straw man and shift the blame, as is being done here, on to illegals. Keep an eye open as more reports confirm that illegals are headed back to Mexico because there aren't even enough "menial" jobs for them, much less us. And, by the way, many if not ALL those menial jobs that employers fill them with illegals are for THEIR benefit to exploit them.But do we throw those crooks in jail ?

Wise up.

Instead of deregulated, unfrettered capitalism that the conservatives want, the country needs to take back control over business and regulate it and control it for the benefit of all, not just the very limited few.This worked well for decades and decades until greed reared its ugly head. This now is a simliar repeat of the Great Depression in which one party forced on the country deregulated and unfrettered capitalsim which went bust and destroyed much of the country. Its another repeat now. Ever play the game Monopoly ? Know how it ends ?

Its currently underway in the U.S.

Wise up.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Space Cowboy »

Paladin, What part of "for the most, I agree with you" dont you seem to get?
Now, I will admit that I did get off subject but the only point I was making about illegal immigration is that it is just that- fault, thought you had enough common sense to see that. I even agree with your last post that its way more of a regional problem than a national one, but you seem to think that the only thing these illegals want is a job and that is so far from the truth. You youtself strayed from the subject by blaming big business, which your side of the political spectrum is just as guilty of kissing up to as the right.

You might think you are so much wiser than I.......dont care cause I see you for the socialist that you are, even though you want to hide behind all the political arguments you want.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Westsider1993 »

I started this forum because I wanted to bring light the growing epidemic in this country. Laziness of our young ones, and laziness of the young parents. And for those of you wondering I served for 3 years active. U.S. Army FT. Leavenworth, Kansas. So yes i know Uncle Sam is always hiring,, been there done that got many Tshirts. Don't make it what it wasn't meant to be. You can try to turn it grey all you want. My statement is this...No jobs no illegal problem. Problem....check........Jobs...check wether they are menial as you put it or not there are jobs. And our kids won't do them

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Boonedawg »

They will if mommy and daddy stop giving them everything they want. Make them earn what they get. My kids have no problem with doing grunt work. When they want something you'll find that they will do what it takes to make it a reality....if not then they don't want it bad enough.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Chieftain »

Once again, the propaganda is being stretched. While there is a problem with unemployment with the youth, it is the adults and especially those 35 & up where the real problems are. Those in their 40's & 50's are really screwed. That is the core of the unemployment problem.

And lets not change the subject again. The "theory" by a conservative is there is a problem with illegal immigration that takes the jobs of Americans, especially those of the "lazy youth" of the country. The jobs for youth are but a tip of the iceberg. The thread still smacks of a racist tone. Jobs in SEO did not go to illegals. There simply are few to no jobs for anyone, menial or otherwise. But , please stand on your soapbox and preach about how tough you had it and today's youth are wimps. Pound that chest, conservative. Outhouses are gone now ( for the most part in SEO) and no one digs them out anymore, except maybe at your house ( or is that "hovel"). What dirty, menial jobs are we talking about ? If its landscaping /grass cutting, those are seasonal jobs and lots of kids here fill them in the summer. Picking the fields ? Again, seasonal and more commonly found out West ( California & Arizona, where the regional problem is ).

Help us out here , pilgrim. Educate us on all these numerous menial jobs that kids in SEO won't take.If there is a glut of them, maybe we can reduce the unemployment rates in Ohio. Tell us, O wise one. We are ready to start counting up all these "jobs" you can identify in SEO.
Last edited by Chieftain on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Chieftain »

Wow ! How many times did Fido change the subject ( and add no facts) and FAIL to answer the question for the "problem" . Ideology run amok. And that is the conservative way. On any subject. On any problem. Obstruct, deny, or change the subject. Make wild claims. Can't win an arguement and avoid an indepth analysis to handle a problem. Ideology & politics.

Illegal immigration isn't the problem. Youth not taking "menial" jobs isn't the problem. Duck looking at the core of the REAL problem.

I rest my case.

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by KVDW »

Paladin_II wrote:
Help us out here , pilgrim. Educate us on all these numerous menial jobs that kids in SEO won't take.If there is a glut of them, maybe we can reduce the unemployment rates in Ohio. Tell us, O wise one. We are ready to start counting up all these "jobs" you can identify in SEO.
I personally know of SEVERAL large, locally owned farms and small businesses that went under due to a lack of getting primarily young folks to work them. And yes, this is common local knowledge straight from the horses mouth.... the farmer's themselves. Yes, the farms were "seasonal" for most but the season ran for about 9 months of the year.... from March preparing the ground and planting early crops (potatoes, onions, etc. ) 'til late Nov. still harvesting fall crops ( pumpkins, gourds, turnips, etc ). These young "seasonal" workers were led and directed in small groups by adult, full-time farm workers that all lost their jobs, too. The total jobs lost would undoubtedly run in the hundreds (just with-in this township) with probably 10-15 % of those being full time farm workers with families..... not to even mention the truckers that hauled the produce to market all across the country..... AND the loss of low cost FRESH produce to the local communities for miles around.
You obviously have no clue how much work there is and how many people it takes to run a major farm operation from maintaining and repairing the equpment in the winter to preparing the ground in late planting.... to fertilizing.... to weed and insect control... to hoeing and tilling and watering all summer..... to harvesting, sorting, cleaning, packaging and shipping in the fall.
Believe me, a MAJOR source of jobs and revenue (menial as they were) left this area when the manpower quit coming out to man those jobs and the farmers (those that are still alive) will tell you right to your face that that is why they went under. The teenagers and young adults simply would no longer do these jobs.

BTW... you may want to check out some of the local orchards still operating in the area.... all manned by almost 100% Mexican labor.
Our kids and young adults can't stand the thought of a little dirt under their fingernails. :evil:

(AND... as you mentioned, this isn't even an agricultural area). :shock:

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by 2trap_4ever »

My honest answer to this question

1. Trenches at the border
2. Snipers
3. One warning shot

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Re: How to fix illegal immigration

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »


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