America's response to the murder of American citizens?

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

Feds questioning the filmmaker. Soon they'll probably arrest you if you simply utter known facts on Mohammed's life. I've said it before, I'll say it again, the more Americans Islamic terrorist kill, the more accepting America is of Islam.

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by Bear »

The film maker is on probation and terms of the probation is that he is not allowed around computers. Got any more tin foil laying around, because you may need it.

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

I understand that but it's the whole ball of yarn. Haven't saw the film yet or the trailer but...Muhammad was those things from that I've heard that he's been portrayed as but yet Clinton has called it an 'awful awful film' Again, I haven't saw it but the content is pretty much the historical Muhammad

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by Bear »

Jesus was a blasphemer and Abraham an adulterer, all your judeo christian religions are false.

Buddha is the only form of enlightenment.

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

Jesus is my Savior! The 'light of this world' He is the Creator of the Universe - He died for all sins and everyone's sins, those who will receive Him will gain eternal life. Buddha was lost..he was never walking in light

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

Before you discredit the source, remember, they are simply quoting known facts:

While the Obama administration says there was no "actionable intelligence" foreshadowing the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, there were at least four attacks on diplomatic and western targets in Benghazi leading up to the murder of the U.S. ambassador.

“This (the U.S. Consulate) was a place that was targeted months before with an IED (improvised explosive device)," Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House intelligence committee who has been briefed on the attack and investigation, told Fox News. “It's clearly a target that they wanted to hit and they wanted to cause casualties. ... It's just too many coincidences here”

On June 6, an IED was thrown at the perimeter of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. On June 11, the British ambassador's motorcade came under attack by a rocket-propelled grenade, or RPG. Two security personnel were injured. Seven days later, on June 18, armed gunmen attacked the Tunisian consulate and burned its flag. And on Aug. 5, five weeks before the assault on the U.S. Consulate, the International Committee of the Red Cross building in Benghazi was also struck by RPGs.

On Friday, the chairman and ranking members of the Senate homeland security committee, Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins, sent a letter to the State Department inspector general requesting an investigation into the U.S. Consulate’s security posture at the time of the attack. The letter specifically references the previous attacks in June on the consulate and the British ambassador’s convoy, adding:

“Does the risk assessment process consider the capacity or lack thereof of the host country to provide security? Did the Libyan government request or suggest that security could be improved at the Benghazi facility prior to September 12th, 2010?”

Read more: ... z26YSeUXII

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by ItownHosscat »

Would your savior be proud at the fact that you have nothing N.....o....t...h...i...n...g else in your sad life to do than to sit on this site an on the computer for hours daily spewing hatred.Hatred of Obama,hatred of Democrats,hatred of everything you don't like.You claim to be a person who "teaches" Sunday school.I will say this if my children were being taught anything by you,other than How to hate 101,they wouldn't be around you long.I have never,NEVER seen any "Christian" act the way you do.I have actually been approached by people I work with that read this site and have asked me if I knew who you were.And they pretty much have said the same thing Ive just said.You bud need help,seriously.If Obama gets reelected you will probably have to be commited...Have a nice day

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

You know, you're not a very nice person Hosscat. I've had a lot of people tell me a lot about you. I've been told you'd NEVER say the things you do to me if you didn't know I was so physically messed up. No, I wouldn't be picking a fight with you if I was healthy but many would understand it if I did. Like the time you flipped me off in Chillicothe. Seriously? would you have done that to a healthy who might have smacked the dog out of you for doing so? From what dozens have told me, no way! ..but..that's neither here nor there...but....

I do a LOT Of things besides sit on computer and spill out what you call hatred of Obama. I do hate him being our president. I surely do. Tell me, how can YOU support a man who's the most radical abortion proponent in our nation's history..both as president and as a Senator? How can YOU support a man who wants to destroy the coal industry which will put thousands upon thousands of local people out of our part of the country! How can YOU support a man who's mocked the Bible over and repeatedly? How can you support a man who wants to destroy the Defense of Marriage Act? who wants to remove all anti-abortion laws off the books? Who's pastor and mentor cry out for God to darn America? who supports the Hamas?

I can assure you, when I do stand in front of God one day, I'll be far more comfortable with my position than you will with yours.

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by ItownHosscat »

Lol...I "flipped" you off because I didn't want dad to take his hands off the wheel and do it.As far as being nice,it was a new years resolution to be nicer. :roll:

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

Well, I'm glad you're helping him out - it's interesting to see you have such a relationship.

Now, perhaps you can answer my questions? You think your baffled by my hatred of everything Obama stands for, then, you should know how I am puzzled about the way you seemingly love him? He could VERY well cost you your job before he leaves office. I know you think it's very secure but things can and probably will get very rough in our neck of the woods if Obama is reelected

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by Bear »

The DOMA is discriminatory against people who are in a loving and committed relationship.

Abortion is a woman's decision, and is actually down for the past four years, but the conservatives are making it so getting contraceptives are more difficult, which in turn will either increase abortion. Never mind the number of these children that will end up in the system. You know why crime was down across the board in the 90's? Roe V Wade. Check out Freakanomics. Good read that uses real facts, not the ones conservatives make up in their heads.

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

Crime is down because of abortion?

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by Bear »

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

uh....this same group is the same one that's so against capital punishment. Spare the guilty while killing off the potentially guilty?

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by abuck76 »

You are an idiot tuck....You are Pro-Death..... :12224

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

I really and seriously wondering if you're demonically possessed abuck. Yes, I'm serious

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by abuck76 »

If tuck were in charge, this would be true................By the way tuck.........BOOGA BOOGA....... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ......... :12224

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

Great article! These people HAVE to get it right! Their daily survival depends on it!
Israeli Foreign Ministry officials say U.S. ignored Arab radicalization
Foreign Ministry official on signs of ‘radicalization’ in Arab world: ‘We knew what was happening, but the Americans preferred to find excuses.’

For months before the most recent attacks on U.S. embassies in North African states, Foreign Israeli Foreign Ministry officials say U.S. ignored Arab radicalization
Foreign Ministry official on signs of ‘radicalization’ in Arab world: ‘We knew what was happening, but the Americans preferred to find excuses.’ and U.S. State Department officials had been arguing over developments in these countries. Senior figures in Jerusalem claimed that Washington was burying its head in the sand and ignoring the increasing radicalization in states such as Tunisia and Egypt.

The Obama administration, which since the beginning of the Arab Spring has aided, directly or indirectly, the forces that brought down the dictatorial regimes in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Lybia, now finds itself in a position of helplessness. The attack on the consulate in Benghazi, in which the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed, and the storming of the U.S. embassies in Tunis, Sanaa and Cairo, proved the great hostility to the United States and the unwillingness of these country's new leaders to challenge domestic public opinion.

Senior Foreign Ministry officials say their conversations with their Washington counterparts have focused on what Jerusalem terms "radicalizing trends" against not only Israel but also against the United States and the West in general.

For months before the most recent attacks on U.S. embassies in North African states, Foreign Ministry and U.S. State Department officials had been arguing over developments in these countries. Senior figures in Jerusalem claimed that Washington was burying its head in the sand and ignoring the increasing radicalization in states such as Tunisia and Egypt.

The Obama administration, which since the beginning of the Arab Spring has aided, directly or indirectly, the forces that brought down the dictatorial regimes in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Lybia, now finds itself in a position of helplessness. The attack on the consulate in Benghazi, in which the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed, and the storming of the U.S. embassies in Tunis, Sanaa and Cairo, proved the great hostility to the United States and the unwillingness of these country's new leaders to challenge domestic public opinion.

Senior Foreign Ministry officials say their conversations with their Washington counterparts have focused on what Jerusalem terms "radicalizing trends" against not only Israel but also against the United States and the West in general.

"The Americans were constantly trying to supply explanations and excuses for events in the post-revolution Arab states, and simply ignored the problems," one senior Israeli official said, adding, "In practice the administration's ability to affect events in the Arab world has decreased immensely."

The Foreign Ministry official presented the example of Tunisia, which was expected to be moderate despite the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood. Several weeks ago Israel's ambassador to Poland, Zvi Rav-Ner, reported that the Tunisian ambassador to Poland had been called back to Tunisia unexpectedly, ending her posting there. Rav-Ner added that all five women serving as ambassadors of Tunisia in various countries had been recalled at around the same time.

Read rest here: ... n-1.465210

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Re: America's response to the murder of American citizens?

Post by kantuckyII »

Here's one for you lol

Washington Democrats and Republicans are questioning U.S. taxpayer aid to the Middle East amid anti-American riots in the region and the fatal attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

And that aid adds up to billions of dollars every year. In Tunisia, the State Department has allocated more than $300 million dollars since early 2011. In Sudan, the U.S. spent more than a half million dollars in 2012. And the tab for Egypt and Libya alone since last year exceeds $3 billion dollars.

One of the first attacks occurred Tuesday at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, a country that has received $1.6 billion in each of the past four years. Egypt has since 1979 been the second-largest recipient of U.S. aid, following Israel. Roughly $1.3 billion of that annual aid goes to Egypt’s military, according to Congressional Research Service.

Four Americans were killed Tuesday in the Benghazi attack, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Like Egypt, Libya was part of the political uprising that started in late 2010 known as Arab Spring in which residents in the Middle East brought down long-standing dictatorships. However, residents have struggled in the aftermath to bring democracy and political stability to the region.

The U.S. has since the start of the uprisings in Libya in early 2011 given that country more than $200 million -- including $89 million in humanitarian assistance and $25 million from the Defense Department, according to Congressional Research Service.

Several Capitol Hill Republicans have since the recent anti-American attacks started calling for either a stop to such aid or at least tighter restrictions, despite the Obama administration saying that cutting off support would not resolve the “complicated” Middle East situation.

“The American people are tired of this,” Sen. Rand Paul said Thursday on the Senate floor. “Our Treasury is bare. There is a multitude of reasons why we should not continue to send good money after bad

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