Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

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Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »



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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by kantuckyII »

I think Gov Romney really scored a HUGE point last night discussing unemployment under Barack Obama. A % point here..1/2 there etc etc but...it's hard to see what that really means but as Romney pointed out, that percentage difference of people out of work since Obama took office equates to NINE MILLION people! That's a far easier way to look at it..nine more million Americans out of work

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by kantuckyII »

Another hugely powerful point by the good Governor!
"But let me not just stop there. Don’t forget what’s key to bringing back jobs here is not just finding someone else to punish, and I’m going to be strict with people who we trade with to make sure they follow the law and play by the rules, but it’s also to make America the most attractive place in the world for businesses of all kinds. That’s why I want to bring down the tax rates on small employers, big employers so they want to be here. Canada’s tax rate on companies is now 15 percent. Ours is 35 percent. So if you’re starting a business, where would you rather start it?" - Mitt Romney

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by kantuckyII »

Let's face it...both of these men are millionaires. Yes, it's true that Romney's is bigger than Obama but how did he make it? through good and smart business practices! How did Obama make his? actually mostly through sales of his book! Now, he's trying to sell the American people just more words.

I want someone who KNOWS business! who knows how to be successful! Mitt Romney is that man!

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Romney knows business allright! He knows that if you buy a company and shut it down and send the jobs overseas to China, you make millions of $$$$$$ in the process!!!!!

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by kantuckyII »

"Well of course they add up. I was someone who ran businesses for 25 years and balanced budget. I ran the Olympics and balanced the budget. I ran the State of Massachusetts as a governor to the extent any governor does and balanced budget all four years. When we’re talking about math that doesn’t add up, how about $4 trillion of deficits over the last four years, $5 trillion? That’s math that doesn’t add up.

We have a President talking about someone’s plan in a way that’s completely foreign to what my real plan is, and then we have his own record, which is we have four consecutive years where he said when he was running for office he would cut the deficit in half. Instead he has doubled it. We’ve gone from $10 trillion of national debt to $16 trillion of national debt. If the President were reelected, we would go to almost $20 trillion of national debt. This puts us in a road to Greece. I know what it takes to balance budgets. I’ve done it my entire life. So, for instance, when he says yours is a $5 trillion cut, well, no, it’s not because I’m offsetting some of the deductions with -- reductions withholding down the deductions."- Mitt Romney
Seriously? Has Obama's flowery speech really left so many people blind to the facts and figures of his own record?!

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Mitt's numbers add up? You can't be serious! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prove it.

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by kantuckyII »

Prove they don't! If Obama and all his experts couldn't, I'm sure you can't either

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by Paladin »

Business isn't government and government isn't business. The job is called PRESIDENT. Romney did things as a businessman most would call offensive and at odds with good government,hurting employment,hiding tax money and circumventing laws. THats what you call GOOD government ? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by kantuckyII »

Oh please Paladin, I know you're not stupid. We certainly do need someone who understands business running this country. Good business practices start and aid business growth. That equates into jobs...job holders that pay taxes that support our country and drop the debt. You know deep down that Obama is an inept buffoon, even if you won't admit it openly, you do know it.

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I'm still waiting for the proof that Romney's plan will work. Show me, tuck! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by kantuckyII »

Well, you'll have to learn patience cause we've been waiting for four years for Obama to show us that his will work and our patience is growing mighty thin cause he's only went backwards. Must be a linkage problem? he's stuck in reverse!

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Still don't see any proof!

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by noreply66 »

NYBuckeye96 wrote:I'm still waiting for the proof that Romney's plan will work. Show me, tuck! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
They showed on CNN last night that it will not work

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by kantuckyII »

CNN? Home of Candy Crowley! the lady who sided with Obama over the statement about Benghazi when it was clearly shown later she was wrong and came to the rescue of Obama clearly a violation of the rules for a moderator in a Town Hall Type Debate. A lady who FAILED to press Obama to answer the simple question, "Who made the decision to not send more security to Libya when it was sought?" She had no problem pressing Romney for specifics

I don't know about you Left Winger Obama lovers but I want to know myself, who made that decision?! Who's he trying to protect? Himself? Anyway, it's time for a Congressional investigation in this matter. and there should be no letting up till there is a clear and concise answer - Who Said NO Or Who Ignored Their Pleas!

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by kantuckyII »

Candy Crowley interrupted Romney 28 times and Obama only 9 times. Biden interrupted Ryan 82 times and the moderator, 31, in their debate! It's amazing, they don't want America to hear them. Obama and Biden are plainly afraid that they're going to lose this election, big time!

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by KVDW »

Paladin wrote:at odds with good government,hurting employment,hiding tax money and circumventing laws. THats what you call GOOD government ?
no, that's what i'd call the last 4 years. :lol:

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by Tigercannon71 »

NYBuckeye96 wrote:I'm still waiting for the proof that Romney's plan will work. Show me, tuck! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sure worked for Romney as Obama pointed out jealously last night. So the real task is for you to disprove it, which you cant.

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Re: Who wants to play a game of MITTNOPOLY?

Post by abuck76 »

Romney Wants To Get Rid Of Planned Parenthood

Romney Said He Would “Get Rid” Of Planned Parenthood To Reduce The Federal Deficit. According to KSDK of Missouri, “…Mitt Romney detailed cuts to reduce the debt, including Planned Parenthood. […]As for ways to reduce debt, he suggests a few cuts. ‘The test is pretty simple. Is the program so critical, it’s worth borrowing money from china to pay for it? And on that basis of course you get rid of Obamacare, that’s the easy one. Planned Parenthood, we’re going to get rid of that. The subsidy for Amtrack, I’d eliminate that. The National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities,’ he said.” [KSDK, 03/14/12]

Romney Opposed Birth Control Coverage Requirement

Romney Opposed Requirement That Employers Provide Health Care That Covers Contraception. According to Politifact, “The Obama campaign ad said that Mitt Romney opposes requiring employers to cover contraception and would eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood. Romney has said he would abolish the contraceptive coverage requirement and he has said repeatedly that he would eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood.” [PolitiFact, 8/4/12]

Large Study Found That Free Birth Control Led To Dramatically Lower Rates Of Abortions And Teen Births. According to Associated Press, “Free birth control led to dramatically lower rates of abortions and teen births, a large study concluded last week, offering strong evidence for how a bitterly contested Obama administration policy could benefit women’s health. The project tracked more than 9,000 women in St. Louis, many of them poor or uninsured. They were given their choice of a range of contraceptive methods at no cost — from birth control pills to goof-proof options like the IUD or a matchstick-sized implant. When price wasn’t an issue, women flocked to the most effective contraceptives — the implanted options, which typically cost hundreds of dollars up-front to insert. These women experienced far fewer unintended pregnancies as a result, reported Dr. Jeffrey Peipert of Washington University in St. Louis in a study published last week.” [Associated Press, 10/11/12]

Romney Supported Constitutional Amendment Which Would Jeopardize Legality Of Birth Control

2011: Romney, On Huckabee, “Absolutely” Supported Constitutional Amendment Establishing Life Beginning At Conception. According to The New York Times, “In early October on his Fox News show, Mike Huckabee asked Mr. Romney if he would have supported ‘a constitutional amendment that would have established the definition of life at conception.’ ‘Absolutely,’ Mr. Romney said.” [The New York Times, 11/4/11]

Personhood Amendments, Which Aimed To Define A Fertilized Embryo As A Person, Would Make Common Forms Of Birth Control, Including Oral Contraceptives, Illegal Because They Prevent Implantation Of A Fertilized Egg. According to Salon, “But [Mississippi’s] Initiative 26, which would change the definition of ‘person’ in the Mississippi state Constitution to ‘include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the equivalent thereof,’ is more than just an absolute ban on abortion and a barely veiled shot at Roe v. Wade — although it is both. By its own logic, the initiative would almost certainly ban common forms of birth control like the IUD and the morning-after pill, call into question the legality of the common birth-control pill, and even open the door to investigating women who have suffered miscarriages. … [T]he Personhood movement hopes to do nothing less than reclassify everyday, routine birth control as abortion. The medical definition of pregnancy is when a fertilized egg successfully implants in the uterine wall. If this initiative passes, and fertilized eggs on their own have full legal rights, anything that could potentially block that implantation – something a woman’s body does naturally all the time – could be considered murder. Scientists say hormonal birth-control pills and the morning-after pill work primarily by preventing fertilization in the first place, but the outside possibility, never documented, that an egg could be fertilized anyway and blocked is enough for some pro-lifers.” [Salon, 10/26/11]

Romney Even Opposed Landmark Supreme Court Case Blocking Laws Which Criminalize Birth Control

Romney Opposed Landmark Supreme Court Decision Which Overturned Laws Banning The Sale Of Contraception, Even To Married Couples. According to The New Yorker, “Since the first time Mitt Romney ran for President, four years ago, he’s been on record reversing his previous support for abortion rights. However, when pressed by George Stephanopoulos in the debate Saturday night, Romney went beyond mere opposition to Roe. He said he thought Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 case that first made explicit the right to privacy, was also wrong. ‘I don’t believe they decided that correctly,’ Romney said. In this, the front-runner was eagerly seconded by Rick Santorum, who said the Justices ‘created through a penumbra of rights a new right to privacy that was not in the Constitution.’ In Griswold, the Court ruled that a Connecticut law banning the sale of contraceptives, even to married couples, was unconstitutional.” [The New Yorker, 1/10/12]

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