The Second Coming - Liberal's god

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by abuck76 »

BUrg , you know they have no substance in their arguments.........They diefy, we support......... :12224

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
tigercannon71 wrote:
abuck76 wrote:You have elevated him , not us......And I did call you a republican......I called you a con........You do know there is a difference?.......I called myself and like thinkers , prodressives, not democrats..............You also know there is a difference..............To deny that cons have demonized OUR President to Anti-Christ status is simply being disingenuous......... :12224

You all have deified Obama since day 1. Its pretty sad really. Of course we shouldnt expect less from your ilk.

See if you can find one post from any of us who support our president were we have did just that. I can't recall anyone on here ever making the statement that he is akin to Jesus other than Kantucky saying that we do.

Support thats what they call it now days huh? Thats funny.

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Why wouldn't I support our President? I supported Bush even though I didn't vote for him and didn't agree with everything he did because he was the President of our country.

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Why wouldn't I support our President? I supported Bush even though I didn't vote for him and didn't agree with everything he did because he was the President of our country.

It gets even funnier now. You trashed the guy constantly and you call that support. You must have learnt a different definition of support than the rest of us.

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by kantuckyII »

abuck76 wrote:You have elevated him , not us......And I did call you a republican......I called you a con........You do know there is a difference?.......I called myself and like thinkers , prodressives, not democrats..............You also know there is a difference..............To deny that cons have demonized OUR President to Anti-Christ status is simply being disingenuous......... :12224

Stop!! The man is a butcher! Who not only approves of mass murder of the unborn he now wishes us all to take part in their slaughter! This is the 40th year of Roe v Wade....Obama IS DEMONIC!!

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by kantuckyII »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Why wouldn't I support our President? I supported Bush even though I didn't vote for him and didn't agree with everything he did because he was the President of our country.
....but, Bush wasn't a baby butchering, Jew Hating, terrorist loving piece of work who's wife is ashamed of her own was so much easier for you guys!

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Oh yeah, Bush really put a dent in abortions while he was in office.
* By his so-called "exceptions" while in office George W. Bush directly supported killing 3.3 million unborn children
* Bush opposed South Dakota's 2006 total abortion ban; because as he told ABC News he supports killing some kids
* Bush never supported Colorado's historic 2008 personhood amendment
* In 2008, South Dakota added enough exceptions to fill a school bus, yet Bush still failed to support it
* Terri Schiavo was starved by Republican judges mostly: Reagan, Bush I and Bush II "conservative" nominees
* Bush's first presidential campaign promise was 'no litmus test;' he would nominate pro-choice judges
* in 2000 in the first presidential debate, Bush declared that he would not try to overturn Roe v. Wade
* in the third 2000 debate Bush repeated his campaign promise: he would continue to appoint pro-aborts
* Bush never attempted to ban embryonic stem cell research but actually funded the grisly research
* did not lead the fight to protect unborn children, and in fact, rejects their God-given right to life
* supports the position that started the abortion holocaust: that a child could be killed if her father is a rapist
* signed misguided child-killing regulations that end with, "and then you can kill the baby"
* Bush's nominee Harriet Miers established SMU's feminist (pro-abortion) Women's Studies endowment
* Bush was thwarted from even naming outwardly pro-abortion Alberto Gonzales to the Supreme Court
* Bush kept his presidential campaign promise of 'no litmus test' by nominating many pro-choice judges
* Bush appointed pro-choice Samuel Alito who issued five radically pro-abortion rulings (upheld PBA, etc.)
* Bush appointee John Roberts worked to further the homosexual agenda and views Roe as settled law
* The Bush family women including Barbara and Laura are pro-choice and one wonders if he is ever a leader in his family, warning his loved ones of the unthinkable consequences of their support for child killing
* Bush stacked the 2004 Republican convention with only pro-abortion prime time speakers
* Promised no pro-life litmus test on personnel and surrounded himself with pro-choice Republicans
* Bush opposed some funding of abortion, abroad, etc., but has given billions of dollars to Planned Parenthood, hundreds of millions more than Bill Clinton ever did; Bush signed HHS budgets giving billions to PP, with Title X bills, authorizing tax-funded abortions explicitly for surgical abortions to kill unborn children including those whose fathers are criminals; and Bush gave Medicaid money for Plan B, the chemical abortifacient.
* Bush was an accomplice to the 15-year partial-birth abortion fiasco; though it raised a quarter of a billion dollars for the pro-life industry, the Republican ban permits other ways to commit late-term and even partial-birth abortions and provided cover for pro-abortion politicians who knew, as Dr. James Dobson wrote, that the PBA ban "does not save a single human life."
* Bush signed the Born-alive Infants Protection Act which, because it was not based on wise strategy, does not affirm the God-given right to life and has the actual effect of saving not a single child because the abortionist now kills the child sooner, and as a result, often more violently
* Governor Bush's judicial nominees gave Texas it's most pro-abortion ruling ever that parents have no say if a minor wants an abortion
* In addition to supporting the killiing of 111,801 children through funds he authorized, and aside from the killing of hundreds of thousands of other kids through the pro-abortion judges and leaders he knowingly promoted, far from being a pro-life hero, former president Bush is typical of the modern Republican hypocrisy on child killing and guilty of the mass murder of millions of innocent children.

ARTL prolife profile summary: Exceptions are a window to the soul. Republicans like George W. Bush are pro-choice with exceptions. Pro-lifers have been told to support Bush-style politicians because such leaders are willing to save ninety-nine of a hundred kids, so we should promote these politicians because it would be best to save ninety nine percent and then come back later to save the others. That is the partisan hype. The reality is different. South Dakota tried to ban all child killing and George Bush told ABC news, to paraphrase: "No, that's not my position. I advocate the right to kill some unwanted children. If they won't let me kill some, well then I say, go ahead and kill them all." That's the truth. Will Duffy, founder of the Collaborators Project, gives this analogy: "Imagine an anti-holocaust leader in German who opposes a districts ban on killing innocent Jews because it doesn't include his exceptions, say for killing infectious Jews and those born of suspected criminals; so the district then includes these exceptions, and still this politician refrains from supporting the ban. That is how history will judge George W. Bush in his hypocrisy regarding America's abortion holocaust." If Bush were "merely" aware of the plan to kill one innocent child, and he did not try to stop it, the Bible teaches that he would be guilty of murder (Deut. 21:7-8); but when he actually funds the killing of that child, his guilt is so much greater, as though he tore the child's body apart himself (see also Deut. 21:1-9). Christians who give this president a false sense of security, as though God approved of him as a protector of the innocent, are doing him a tragic disservice. Republican mass murder is not preferable to Democratic mass murder. Exceptions are a window to the soul. Lip service, campaign rhetoric, and throwing bones to Christians aside, George W. Bush has a pro-abortion legacy.
Last edited by Burg_Grad_77 on Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by Paladin »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hilarious !

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by abuck76 »

Poor old tuck and his minion TC......... :12224

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by wink »

Obama's "second coming"........ WOW, I'll bet Michele is disappointed.

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by wink »

kantuckyII wrote:
abuck76 wrote:Image ................................... :12224
Does Michele have a new wig ???

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by abuck76 »

Never did wear wig....New hairstyle..........Looks beautiful......... :12224

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by ManitouDan »

you can the girl out of the trailer park ...... but ........ LOL

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by ManitouDan »

my bad ,, not trailer park...... ghetto.... MD

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by kantuckyII »

Here it is; if you follow a man over your God, you have started to worship the man. Again, God is not dead, Obama is not His replacement.

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by mikepike »

i was in DC prior to Obama's first inaguration. I saw t-shirts and posters proclaiming him as The Savior, The Messiah, and The Chosen One. If they weren't made by Liberals, then by whom? And if they weren't proclaiming him to be a diety, then what were they proclaiming him to be?

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by abuck76 »

So you are generalizing to all?..............Not very good critical thinking skills............. :12224

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by mustang_lvr »

abuck76 wrote:So you are generalizing to all?..............Not very good critical thinking skills............. :12224
I would agree

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by dazed&confused »

mikepike wrote:i was in DC prior to Obama's first inaguration. I saw t-shirts and posters proclaiming him as The Savior, The Messiah, and The Chosen One. If they weren't made by Liberals, then by whom? And if they weren't proclaiming him to be a diety, then what were they proclaiming him to be?
Gosh, just watched the Inauguration and all I saw were people wearing toboggans with Obama stitched on them. Yea, pretty radical stuff there.

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Re: The Second Coming - Liberal's god

Post by abuck76 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .......Now that is funny...I bet they had buttons and tee shirts on with Obamas name too.........Crazy libs!!....... :lol: :lol: :lol: .............. :12224

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