Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by LucasJackson »

Why do you reference him as "catholic?" why not as a Christian? Do you often reference people by denomination? Or do you not acknowledge Catholic's as Christians?

By the way, Alice was doing worse. It was all an act from him. Maybe they should have had a performancevfrom Amy Grant or Vince Gill instead? All they did was have affairs while married to other people and then married each other. Church folks still love those two

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Alleged by the media to have affairs there is no proof that Grant and Gill had an affair.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by kantuckyII »

I don't know how intelligent you are Dino and I also don't know your education level. I'm assuming you've had 'some high school'? I could have you wrong but I think you do have some problems with reasoning and comprehension. I know this might be difficult for you but perhaps you can have your sponsor read this to you and then explain it to you.

This is the 'Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights' president Bill Donohue's statement on this issue. I think that he answers why I referenced Catholic as the most offended in this but...I think all can find something to be offended about who are Christians:
Nicki Minaj, fresh off looking like a fool with Madonna at the Super Bowl, showed up last night on the red carpet at the Grammys with a guy dressed like the pope. This was just a prelude of what was to come.

Minaj's performance began on stage with a mock confessional skit. This was followed by a taped video depicting a mock exorcism. With stained glass in the background, she appeared on stage again with choir boys and monks dancing.

Perhaps the most vulgar part was the sexual statement that showed a scantily clad female dancer stretching backwards while an altar boy knelt between her legs in prayer. Finally, "Come All Ye Faithful" was sung while a man posing as a bishop walked on stage; Minaj was shown levitating.

None of this was by accident, and all of it was approved by The Recording Academy, which puts on the Grammys. Whether Minaj is possessed is surely an open question, but what is not in doubt is the irresponsibility of The Recording Academy. Never would they allow an artist to insult Judaism or Islam.

It's bad enough that Catholics have to fight for their rights vis-à-vis a hostile administration in Washington without also having to fend off attacks in the entertainment industry. The net effect, however, will only embolden Catholics, as well as their friends in other faith communities.
I don't believe that Alice ever done anything remotely like this. He certainly didn't do it on prime time television either. I do know since he made his profession of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that he no longer performs some of his music he recorded in the past so even he wouldn't deny that some of his material has been unacceptable but certainly nothing like this and again, certainly not on prime time TV

No doubt this 'no talented nothing' will have a lot of influence among adolescent girls most of all and that's what's more troubling. The Battle For Their Minds is very real and alive today as it has always been..just maybe a little worse. The music industry doesn't give a crap about any one's children and that's yours too if you have them. They only care about the mighty dollar and if 'the love of money is the root of all evil' (and if God said it, it is) then what a great example of that. I wonder how many mom's and dad's set with their children and watched that garbage that night and never turned it off or expressed their disgust over it....and we go, 'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by abuck76 »

So tuck, you are for governemnt intervention into peoples lives? :12224

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by LucasJackson »

tigercannon71 wrote:Alleged by the media to have affairs there is no proof that Grant and Gill had an affair.
You speak of a sexual affair. There is never any evidence to that, unless you or i were in the room when they had sex. However, both openly admit of a relationship far before either left their spouses. Sexual in nature or not, they left their families to be with each other. They are still considered leaders in the Christian music scene. I acutally find this more disturbing that the grammy performance. To my knowledge the performer the other night was not professing to be a Christian. The "Gills" professed and still profess to be Christians.

I am not here to say that they are or are not Christians. However, I find it hypocritical that many Christians will throw stones at Non Christians, but overlook what happens in their own house.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by ironmen1987 »

Actually Grant did face a lot of backlash over her past. Some still refuse to listen her. If you sin and seek forgiveness that doesn't mean you spend the rest of your life at the back of the church as punishment. The sin didn't cost her the talent God gave her, only the adoration of many fans.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Dinocrocetti wrote:
tigercannon71 wrote:Alleged by the media to have affairs there is no proof that Grant and Gill had an affair.
You speak of a sexual affair. There is never any evidence to that, unless you or i were in the room when they had sex. However, both openly admit of a relationship far before either left their spouses. Sexual in nature or not, they left their families to be with each other. They are still considered leaders in the Christian music scene. I acutally find this more disturbing that the grammy performance. To my knowledge the performer the other night was not professing to be a Christian. The "Gills" professed and still profess to be Christians.

I am not here to say that they are or are not Christians. However, I find it hypocritical that many Christians will throw stones at Non Christians, but overlook what happens in their own house.

So you're saying you cant be friends with somebody? You consider that being an affair? If thats the case then there are far more adulterers in the world than it seems.
Ironman is right she did face a lot pf backlash as did he, but as christians its the ability to take a "sinner" and embrace them after they have asked for forgiveness thats makes them christians.
As for the performance the only fault I find in it was it was a horrible performance. The song itself sucked. Rock music in general has evoked images of witch craft and other imagery for years look at Black Sabbath's early years.
'Generals gather in the masses like witches at black masses'. Wasnt it John Bonham who bought Alistar Crowleys house and performed seances there? So for her to use the Catholic church and exorcism as a topic of a performance and a song is nothing new in the theatrical world of music. Again this was scheduled at like 10:30 or later by that point all little ones should be in bed and the ones that did see it should be old enough to seperate acting from reality and this clearly is acting.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by ironmen1987 »

As for the performance, I'd never have even known about it if not for this topic. Secular television is full of things that go against biblical teachings. I've found the best answer to be not to turn it on if I don't want to see it. Just my opinion...

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by Tigercannon71 »

ironmen1987 wrote:As for the performance, I'd never have even known about it if not for this topic. Secular television is full of things that go against biblical teachings. I've found the best answer to be not to turn it on if I don't want to see it. Just my opinion...
Thats the best thing to do instead of complain just turn the channel.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by ItownHosscat »

I want my MTV........\m/

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by LucasJackson »

ironmen1987 wrote:Actually Grant did face a lot of backlash over her past. Some still refuse to listen her. If you sin and seek forgiveness that doesn't mean you spend the rest of your life at the back of the church as punishment. The sin didn't cost her the talent God gave her, only the adoration of many fans.
Totally agree. Did she ask forgiveness? Restitution? How can you commit adultery with someone, stay with that person and it not be adultery? It's like committing a sin, asking forgiveness for the sin and then doing the same thing again..and not calling it a sin.
Sandy Patti is another in this group.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by LucasJackson »

Friends ? I'm friends with women, but I don't write them love letters and leave them in their golf bag.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Once you divorce a person you no longer commit adultery you are free to do what ever you want. As Happy says friends can listen to endless love in the dark. Again unless you are one of the two involved you don't what they did. I mean a love note isnt adultery. Sex would be adultery. Love notes and things of that nature are bad choices which start you down
a bad path, but def not adultery.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by biggdowgg »

abuck76 wrote:tuck, that is one of things that make this country great..........If you do not like it, turn the channel..........I do not want the likes of you saying what anyone can or can not watch........... :12224

thats what I have been saying for years, why watch a movie or read a book "or anything else" if you KNOW there is going to be things in there that you dont like :12224

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by kantuckyII »

abuck76 wrote:So tuck, you are for governemnt intervention into peoples lives? :12224
What does that have to do with this thread? I never stated that I wanted the Government to intervene here, did I? I asked, 'why did the network allow this?' When I stated that, I had just read an article that said that the promoters of the show and their networks previewed or had knowledge of what was going to be done. I never watch that show anyway as I think most of that music flat out sucks period....

...yesterday,I was watching Crosby and Nash performing
and I thought to myself how sad the current music scene is, it's garbage and fluff to start with. No wonder they have to be so provocative today...the lack of talent is glaring!

My concern is genuinely for the young people today. Someone on here thought it was funny talking about boys being molested. How do you get to that? As I said, the battle for the mind is terrible and more prevalent today than it's ever been! They're not equipped to mentally deal with images like she showed. Heck, it's not just that, you see it on so many shows today. Take Law And Order, there's always subtle, almost subliminal imagery in their dialogue trying to bring their minds to that 'one voice, one world' thinking.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by kantuckyII »

'Generals gather in the masses like witches at black masses'. Wasnt it John Bonham who bought Alistar Crowleys house and performed seances there? So for her to use the Catholic church and exorcism as a topic of a performance and a song is nothing new in the theatrical world of music. Again this was scheduled at like 10:30 or later by that point all little ones should be in bed and the ones that did see it should be old enough to seperate acting from reality and this clearly is acting.
That song lyrics bothers you that says, 'Generals gather in their masses like witches at Black masses?' the rest of that stanza says:
Generals gathered in their masses,
just like witches at black masses.
Evil minds that plot destruction,
sorcerers of death's construction.
In the fields the bodies burning,
as the war machine keeps turning.
Death and hatred to mankind,
poisoning their brainwashed minds.
Oh lord, yeah! for me, I think it's a great song that really speaks loads of truth! Think of Adolf Hitler or Stalin or other leaders who've done this very thing! Millions die..millions of orphans, women raped...people starving and of course soldiers being killed because of these losers! Can hell be too hot for them? There has to be a special spot reserved for these people! Oh, and even though it should go without saying, I know, on here (and I'm not meaning you 71) you can't take that for granted but of course, I'm talking about those who start these wars, not people like our own who've ended them!

Jimmy Page was the one who earlier dabbled in the occult.

It rots the mind, is all that crap does like she done! I'd like to think that consumers who seen that would write to the sponsors and say, I'll not buy your products because you sponsor such garbage as I'm VERY concerned with my country and where it's going!

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Lack of talent? You must be listening to the wring type of music. I agree some artist are nothing, but fluff, but there are way more talented artist out there than you think.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by Tigercannon71 »

The song lyrics dont bother me I actually wore my Black Sabbath Paranoid tape out I listened to that song in particular before every football game when I was a senior. I was just saying black magic has permeated rock music since it started. Thanks for the correction on Jimmy Page I wasnt sure which one it was that bought the house and dabbled in the occult.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by wildthingRV »

Dinocrocetti wrote: Or do you not acknowledge Catholic's as Christians?
Not usually, no, he doesn't.

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Re: Demon Possessed Grammy Show?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Tuck, you have to understand that artists do things like this for the shock value and to get the results we are seeing here on this thread. It gets everyone talking about it and gets them more exposure. I'm sure that the video has went viral now and the millions that didn't see it live have now seen it on YouTube and many other video web sites. She got out of it just what she wanted, exposure to the masses.

I guess if she really wanted to portray the Catholic Church in an honest light she could have shown Priests molesting young choir boys. Would you have been okay with that?

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