Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

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Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by itownpaw »

Ironton Middle School and Ironton High cheerleading tryouts will be May 15th. You must be enrolled in Ironton City schools to tryout. The last day to sign up is April 17th. I am looking for both squads to be great next year.

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by sballfan2010 »

I thought Jr. High tryouts were set for May 10th. Was the date changed?

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by itownpaw »

no, it is on May 15th. We were going to have it on May 16th, but the 6th grade is going to Kings Island.. So we decided to do it on May 15th. It was never for the 10th...

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by someoverkill »

So if a kid moves into the school year to start the next school year, they cannot cheer? If that is true, that is assinine? Why arent tryouts held in August? Unfair for new kids. :(

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by tigermama »

I don't believe it is asinine to have try-outs in May. Most cheerleading squads
fundraise during the summer to pay for cheer camp and/or uniforms. They also
practice as much as they can during the summer. This is just my opinion from
when my daughter was in school. If you know that you are moving, contact the school ahead of time to find out information regarding sporting activities. Most people don't decide to move overnight. Good luck with try-outs this year girls and coaches!

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by someoverkill »

So football, basketball, softball, baseball, etc. have this policy of establishing a team 3 months ahead of time? If you think families dont move from month to month, you have your head in the sand. With 65%+ of Lawrence County on assisted lunch program, it is not that unusual for a child to move in a few weeks, let alone a few months. Now the middle to upper class families may not move in a matter of 3 months.
So let me ask it "nicer". If a child moves to Ironton on July 30, 2008, can she be a cheerleader for the 2008-2009 school year? If the answer is no, I believe that to be discriminatory and "public schools" schould not discriminate.

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by cant stop this »

i understand what your saying. But you can't have tyo-outs at a later date, espically if it will affect the squad. Now depending on the quality of the squad a new should be aloud to try our later.

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by someoverkill »

Cheerleading really doesnt take off until basketball season. No reason you cant have tryouts August 1st.

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by cant stop this »

It is my understandin that they order uniforms in June so they will be in before August. Cheerleaders start after tryouts and go until April of the following school year. they cheer for both sports and compete. The routine and camp is done in June... They also have to fundraise for everything they get. I have a little inside information. :12222

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by osumufan »

South Point has already had it's try outs for next year for cheerleading and flag corp A WELL. It has always been done this was since I was in school. The cheer coach really gets the shaft at SP. she works all summer and through football season and gets paid the same amount as the golf coach who is done in a six week season. I bet she only makes 5 cents and hour! :cry:

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set


South Point has already had it's try outs for next year for cheerleading and flag corp A WELL. It has always been done this was since I was in school. The cheer coach really gets the shaft at SP. she works all summer and through football season and gets paid the same amount as the golf coach who is done in a six week season. I bet she only makes 5 cents and hour!

Im sure the coach isnt in it for the pay, because they couldnt pay you enough compared to what you have to do and put up with.

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by itownpaw »

I agree. I don't do it for the money. Heck I always come out in the hole. :lol: We start as soon as tryouts are over and we work in the summer, cheer for football and basketball and compete. My squad from this year is still going to tumbling.

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by tigermama »

someoverkill wrote:So football, basketball, softball, baseball, etc. have this policy of establishing a team 3 months ahead of time? If you think families dont move from month to month, you have your head in the sand. With 65%+ of Lawrence County on assisted lunch program, it is not that unusual for a child to move in a few weeks, let alone a few months. Now the middle to upper class families may not move in a matter of 3 months.
So let me ask it "nicer". If a child moves to Ironton on July 30, 2008, can she be a cheerleader for the 2008-2009 school year? If the answer is no, I believe that to be discriminatory and "public schools" schould not discriminate.

Why would anyone move from month to month? If you move that much, why would you want to try out for squad and only be there for a few weeks? Also, why should a school district change the way it has done things for years? Again, if you read my entire post instead of getting nasty with me, you would see that cheerleaders do a lot of fundraising to pay for uniforms, camps, competitions,etc.
If a child moves into the district after try-outs and you feel it is discriminatory, take it up with the school board. :roll: :roll:

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by someoverkill »

why should anyone change what they do for years? Oh I dont know, to make progress, be fair to EVERYONE and do the right thing. By the way, kids rarely if ever, control what their kids do. While Im on topic, what if a kid cant afford tumbling and all the other mandatory activities of cheerleading? Is cheerleading fair to kids who cant afford tumbling?

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by itownpaw »

someoverkill: is tumbling fair to kids who can't afford tumbling? Well it is fair with my cheerleading squad. We start fundraising as soon as tryouts are over and tumbling is paid out of the fund for the whole year. So my answer to that question is YES. At least at the jr. high it is. Any student that makes the squad has every opportunity to fundraise for every activity.

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by buckeyesbbfan »

I know that some schools fundraise in the summer to pay for tumbling classes...As you said in your comment to make progress....Alot of the schools have been grounded through out the years....Making progress is adding tumbling classes...To have a successful cheer squad, you need to have tumbling as a priority...Parents of children that don't have the tumbling experience are quick to point out flaws....Such as not making tumbling manditory, due to expenses....I have coached cheerleading for along time. I was a cheerleader in high school, and both of my daughters are cheerleaders....So, I have covered all grounds....I am speaking out of experience....If there is a will there is a way....I myself have paid for cheerleaders to take tumbling, when there was financial difficulties....Cheerleading is a year round program....I have had girls tryout for my squads that have never cheered before....They played other sports....They are amazed at how difficult cheerleading is and how time consuming it is....Parents need to let the coahes coach and make the decisions for the team...
And by the way....Good cheerlading squads don't start in "basketball" season....They start in the spring....Look at Greenup County

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by itownpaw »

great post buckeyesbbfan.....

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by someoverkill »

I assume you didnt like my post? Ha Ha. I love how you made this into a junior high topic. My bad, i thought we were talking about high school cheerleading. So, at ironton High, the kids dont have to pay for tumbling out of their pocket, it is all paid for by fundraising? Interesting.

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by itownpaw »

this has always been a jr. high topic. I posted the topic about Middle School and high school tryouts. Considering I am the jr. high/middle school coach, this has always been about them. As far as me liking your post, it doesn't bother me. Everyone has their own opinions on things. That is what makes this site interesting. Have a great weekend...

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Re: Ironton Cheer Tryout date set

Post by buckeyesbbfan »

Well, I was speaking from a high school "varsity" point of view....And by the way....the comment about basketball,football,and baseball...I know of a winning "High School" program in Lawrence County, basketball of course....that does not have any "down time" with conditioning and practices....So,it is not just cheerleading that practices year round....Winning teams at least......

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