Obama Declares War On The Church

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

Obama has shown himself no friend to the Jew either. In the last 24 hours, officials from this administration have admitted that Obama knows that Israel is teaming up with Iranian dissidents to kill Nuclear Scientist in Iran. Why was that let out?!

I call for the suspicion of Abuck for being just plain dumb

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by california kid »

could possibly be the most ignorant name for a topic in seops history

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Leo Byrd
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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by Leo Byrd »

california kid wrote:could possibly be the most ignorant name for a topic in seops history

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by caglewis »

Pedophile priests and their superiors who covered up many horrible literally unlawful transgressions over a long period of time should not be "forced to violate their conscience" with regard to women's reproductive health and "contraception" information and products? Yeah right.
You say President Obama is infringing on Church rights - I say Church [of all denominations] has ALWAYS had too much power - in this supposedly separation of church and state country - to force its beliefs, prayer, and practices on all the rest of us, and proudly exclude, insult, attack, and punish anyone who doesn't worship, believe or pray to their specifications.
Freedom of Religion also means Freedom from Religion!
No Religion should have the power to make their "rules" and doctrine into civil law enforceable against me personally or medical practice and scientific study/exploration in general!
NEWS FLASH - the Earth is round, not flat; revolves around the Sun; and has existed and evolved for several million years.

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by ItownHosscat »

abuck76 wrote:tuck, STOP with the Hitler crap.......Again I call for the mods to suspend tuck for such comparisons..............Every Jew that was killed by that evil man is being disrespected by tuck with such comments..............Impeachment?...You have no clue..............And I pray for you every day to be forgiven for your beliefs and statements............. :12224 ...........

Never gonna happen,I have never seen a "Christian" spew so much hatred ever.Its almost like its a bromance with the big O

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

california kid wrote:could possibly be the most ignorant name for a topic in seops history
How is it an ignorant topic? show me how it is and I'll retract it and have the mods delete it

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

caglewis wrote:Pedophile priests and their superiors who covered up many horrible literally unlawful transgressions over a long period of time should not be "forced to violate their conscience" with regard to women's reproductive health and "contraception" information and products? Yeah right.
You say President Obama is infringing on Church rights - I say Church [of all denominations] has ALWAYS had too much power - in this supposedly separation of church and state country - to force its beliefs, prayer, and practices on all the rest of us, and proudly exclude, insult, attack, and punish anyone who doesn't worship, believe or pray to their specifications.
Freedom of Religion also means Freedom from Religion!
No Religion should have the power to make their "rules" and doctrine into civil law enforceable against me personally or medical practice and scientific study/exploration in general!
NEWS FLASH - the Earth is round, not flat; revolves around the Sun; and has existed and evolved for several million years.
Why did you feel the need to bring up Pedophile priest on this thread..I'm quite sure that there are thousands of Catholic priest on this planet that are as horrified over these perverts are you and I are. I also believe that they should go to prison just like anyone else and anyone who helped cover it up should go to jail even longer.
I say Church [of all denominations] has ALWAYS had too much power - in this supposedly separation of church and state country
so you say...however, so far, the Constitution still protects the Church from the Goverment....at least, it has up to this point..however..Obama isn't really doing nothing more than I said he'd do back during the election. It's just amazing that he's being so bold during an election year! Now, that does surprise me.

PS..the Bible said the earth was round thousands of years before it was known to be...there are many scientific proofs contained in the Bible that were ignored for years till secular science was able to catch up

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

ItownHosscat wrote:
abuck76 wrote:tuck, STOP with the Hitler crap.......Again I call for the mods to suspend tuck for such comparisons..............Every Jew that was killed by that evil man is being disrespected by tuck with such comments..............Impeachment?...You have no clue..............And I pray for you every day to be forgiven for your beliefs and statements............. :12224 ...........

Never gonna happen,I have never seen a "Christian" spew so much hatred ever.Its almost like its a bromance with the big O
Hatred? How about stopping to think for just one moment of your life and consider if it's right to force the Catholic Church or any church to pay for abortions? Let's hear your opinion...do you recall me saying to you in 2008 that you would be culpable...how about it, was I telling you truth?
If Obama Can Control Catholic Beliefs, What Can't He Control?

Joe Saunders's blog | Posted: February 9, 2012 12:14 PM

The Democrats can't help showing their ugliest side.

Unfortunately for them, these days, they usually have no other side to show.

After the controversy that whacked the Susan G. Komen Foundation (established in 1982 for the noble goal of funding breast cancer research) for declining to continue funding Planned Parenthood (originally established in 1921 by a racist, eugenicist named Margaret Sanger for the considerably less worthy goal of providing abortions to those deemed unworthy of life), the Obama administration is showing no signs of giving way to its recently announced policy of forcing Catholic-run institutions to provide comprehensive health-insurance coverage to their employees, including all forms of birth control.

Forget what you read in papers -- the New York Times, USA Today and the usual dribble -- this isn't about condoms or The Pill, both of which are not only cheap but readily available to anyone who can fog a mirror. This is about what they commonly call "abortifacients." In other words, drugs that kill embryos in their mother's womb: abortion.

It's no secret that the Catholic Church abhors abortion. It is, in fact, to the Church, literally -- and liturgically -- murder. Forcing Catholic institutions -- universities, hospitals and charities -- that service millions regardless of their faith or backgrounds, to provide insurance coverage for what those institutions regard as the indiscriminate taking of human life is not only unconstitutional, at best, but simply unspeakable.

The latest word is that the White House is seeking some sort of compromise ("We're not trying to win an argument here. We're trying to implement a policy that will affect millions of women," spokesman Jay Carney said.). But on issues like this, there simply isn't a compromise: It's a life or it's not a life. Treat it accordingly.

Once again, the issue is not whether you believe a woman has the ultimate right to decide whether to allow another being to inhabit her body -- as some of the Rand-type libertarians think; or whether abortion, by surgical instrument or chemical ingestion, is murder, and should be treated accordingly.

The issue is whether the United States government, with all the forces of law at its disposal, can dictate what a religious organization can do, in accordance with its beliefs.

The reality is that federal lawmakers, led by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, are making every effort to undo this ugliness. The other reality is that we have a president who is more committed to abortion rights than just about any other issue (think Iranian nukes and how we're going to let Israel handle it.)

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by abuck76 »

This is not about religion, it is about labor law..........Labor law involving an employer and an employee.............But it is a moot point now that the POTUS has come out and showed his leadership in this matter with his statement today........We are proud of you Mr. President........ :12224

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

Obama has done a quick compromise but it's not enough, not nearly enough. This battle isn't over by any means. I'm ashamed that you are the president, Obama. We must defeat this man if we can't get him impeached before hand.

"Does the President really think we can’t see through his blatantly political move to defuse opposition to his assault on religious liberty and our Constitutional rights? Our fundamental individual liberties are being usurped bit by bit by those who believe the government knows better" - Allen West

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

It's funny how those against abortion are also against providing birth-control options that would drastically reduce the number of abortions in this country. It's also funny how those against abortion are also against providing welfare to the poor, when many of those babies who are aborted would be in poverty and would be supported for the rest of their lives by taxpayers. It's funny how that plays out, huh?

All women will still receive free access to contraceptives. And that's how it should be. Equal access to all. Thank you, President Obama, for providing free, equal access to contraceptives for all.

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by LucasJackson »

Congratulations, cost of the "free" contraceptives will be passed along in higher premiums.

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

ROFL! you're something else there Dino...something else. Because they didn't want to bow down to the anointed one...you're crying about higher premiums being passed on as if it's their fault for wanting to do what their conscience guides them and the Constitution guarantees them the right to do? The best thing all would do is to pray that God removes Obama from office..soon! His solution is absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, unacceptable. He has caused a a raging storm that is building...

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by abuck76 »

He has been a true leader......And this decision shows it........Can you imagine how much further this country would be along, if this President did not have to fight every step of the way......But alas, it will make him stronger and make the US stronger.........Thank God for President Obama!!................. :12224

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by ironmen1987 »

I do thank God Bucky. I thank him everyday that my life is in His hands and not some nut job with socialist agendas or belief in a three heaven cult. Pick your poison, I mean position....

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

Wow Abuck! Funny u said that cause the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit will he back evil until He is taken out of the way, then, the Antichrist will carry out his agenda. Lol, obama is being held back, Thank God!

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by abuck76 »

So , once again tuck, you call Obama the Anti-Christ........wow.....you have no shame, nor sense........And ironman, we have had socialist programs for many moons, through Dem and Rep. Presidents, and Dem and Rep Congresses......These programs have been accepted by all......You use them , I use them , we all use them........Socialism , American style, is not, has not and will not be bad............One of the main roles of Government is to supply the goods and services that private industry will not or can not supply themselves.........Can you imagine what our lives , working people's lives, would be like without the so-called "socialist" programs, laws and rules we have in place now..........Just breathe and thank God everyday for these so-called "socialist " programs for easing the tribulations some must endure..It does not do away with them, but helps us make it through the day........Think of Jesus, and think of socialism.......I believe you will find many of his ideas and beliefs to be similar.......... :12224

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by Runner »

Reading between the lines again Abuck? Or just trying to re-word what Kantucky said in last post to something that clearly is not there? Open your eyes. It doesn't seem to me that he was calling Obama the Anti Christ. He was using the term as if the Anti Christ as a whole will have his way with things. That is going to be his plan.

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I wonder if Romney's 3 heaven cult has contraceptives in any of the three cult-like heavens?

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

What does Romney's views of heaven have to do with this?

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