Your worst date

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Your worst date


Are you brave enough to post it?

A friend of mine and I were drinking heavy when he said we should place a personal add in the Licking County Advertiser and go in to deep detail in what we are looking for. He said let’s make it our dream girl. Well drinking as I was this sounded like something fun to do. Now keep in mind the ad had to be clean.

A week later we checked the ad’s just for the heck of it and I had one response. I called the girl and being my ad was in deep detail as what I was looking for I never asked her questions one must know ahead of time.(MISTAKE NUMBER ONE)

A week later we meet where I worked(MISTAKE NUMBER TWO) This girl was 6 foot tall with plus she had one extremely high heel boots on. I am 5-9 at best. She was at least 120 pounds heavier than put down in the ad.
After convincing my call workers this was a blind date set up by my friend for a payback date I set him up.

We head to the restaurant to eat and the only reason was I had been up since 4AM. It was now going on 6pm. I thought it can not get no worse. Wrong!!! After being seated the waitress who was waiting on the young kids setting beside us kept making eyes at me. You know the look. Now here I am with a 250 pound eating machine about to die. It gets worse. As she ate her large plate of food at a pace so fast sparks was coming off of her fork she starts talking about how she wanted me to take her home and spend the night.

I took her back to her house and was back home by 7:45.

No more ad’s in the personal’s looking for a ten.

This was back in my twenty's.

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Re: Your worst date

Post by Lancer_Fan »

Mine started with running in to an old friend at the racetrack...I was with the friends I was always with back then....and we had been partying a bit....when I ran into this girl I had gone to college with. She had married so her husband was with her. She wanted me to meet him so I go with her to be introduced. I stayed for a few minutes talking then after exchanges phone numbers I went back to my group. The next day at work she calls me and told me that I had caught her brother in law's attention. I didn't even remember him... anyway...she asks me if i would go to the movies with all of them that night. Since I didn't have plans for the night I agree to go... She introduces me to him...seems ok...not Kevin Costner but ok... we went to a drive in... My date and I in his truck, her and her husband in theirs. MISTAKE!! I was quickly finding out he was NOT my type at all! He hadn't put deodorant on to start with and it was HOT. YUCK!! I am practically hanging my head out the window on my side.... He decides to move closer...OMG!!! I was dying... Luckily my friend and her hubby had some beer...which I do not even like...but I drank it anyway... only way I made it through this debacle. Finally the movies are over and I get back to my car and RUN! Sad thing was....where I lived had come up and he started just showing up at my house! It was horrible! I came home with a date a few weeks later and there he was... sitting in my driveway like a stalker! Thankfully the guy I was with convinced him not to come back... Moral of this story...don't trust your girlfriends taste in men!!

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Re: Your worst date


At least one other had a bad date. :122245

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Re: Your worst date

Post by noreply66 »

Around 30 years age I started dating this girl that (didn't know at the time) had about three personalities. A year or so later I heard she was at the old M. Hos. in Athens.

That first date was one to remember

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Re: Your worst date

Post by grndma1 »

I won't go into details but it was a blind date with an Italian man who owned a restaurant and some other businesses who had guys working for him with names like Sal and Frankie and Sonny. It was kind of like watching an episode of the Sopranos. :122246

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Re: Your worst date

Post by noreply66 »

FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:
noreply66 wrote:Around 30 years age I started dating this girl that (didn't know at the time) had about three personalities. A year or so later I heard she was at the old M. Hos. in Athens.

That first date was one to remember

The devil is in the details...........details please. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just kiddin. :12224

It would make a great short story.Sad part about it was one of them was a great person.

Carl Spackler
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Re: Your worst date

Post by Carl Spackler »

This may take a couple minutes. I was in my early 20's and meet this girl at work who was 20 or 21.I was looking to have fun and thought she was too. You know, nothing serious. All of a sudden she is calling every other hour, coming to my house every day, and trying to plan every day.She tried to get me to drop out of my golf league. She was a alright girl, but I could tell she was not the girl I wanted a serious relationship with. She lived about 20 miles away from me so our dates were always around my hometown, due to were we worked. Finally I aggree to meet here Mother (not something I wanted to due since I wasn't serious) and have dinner at her house. The night before I am thinking how to get out of this without hurting this girl. Well I show up and she introduces me to her mother and HER 2 KIDS BOTH UNDER THE AGE OF 3. One was maybe 8 months old. I was standing in total shock when the 3 year old grabs the bottom of my shorts and ask "are you my new daddy" I, in as nice a way as I could explained that this wasn't what I was looking for and ended it that night.

She was pissed. she called me for months and when she decided to give up she called me a jerk for not wanting to get involved with her and her kids. You think it's over, NO!!! It's not over. 3 years later I am out to eat with my soon to be wife and our friends and get seated at the table next to this person. I am just waiting for all hell to break loose. We are leaving the table and she mouths to me." nice to see you again" WHEEEWWW!!!

And I have lived happily ever after!!!!

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