Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by toast »

This guy should not be allowed to continue to be a judge. And to think he is a judge on cases involving child abuse :evil: :evil: :evil:

Did you see his response to the video? He stated "this child is causing me a lot of problems". No remorse......just that he is now in the spotlight and in a not so pleasant manner.

Makes no want to puck :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by abuck76 »

:12224 Agreed toast.......

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by caglewis »

Let's just all - parents, judges, law enforcement people - PRAY about it - that will work fine and solve everything, right? That man claimed to be perfectly within his rights as a parent and a part of the hateful governmental unreasonable-rule-making [by your definition] judicial system and maybe even as a religious believer. I spanked my kids - [and grandkids too when they were under my supervision], but they don't spank their kids - they choose other methods of discipline.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by farmer »

This is a case that punishment needed to happen when he was not as upset/if there was ever that time. Time to cool off and not keep going on emotions that go to far. Just like what gets many people in trouble by sending a text,email, or post online.
If this was a school teacher who got caught doing this there would be parents demanding his job.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by blue53 »

I seen an interview on CNN were they went to the courthouse and talked with some people there. They were saying that they would have never thought. The reporter also said, he couldn't find anyone that would say for him to quit, but he couldn't find anybody there that wanted him back either.
I'd say he is done as a judge IMO. The pressure will only grow if he goes back to work

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by starbase_318 »

Savagery, disgusting, deplorable, inexcusable, intolerable, barbaric, animalistic, indefensible, inexcusable,

These type beatings can and will have serious life long psychological effects on an individual. YOu can best bet this wasn't the first or last time she took this sort of beating, One can only imagine what she endured growing up.

A child, regardless of age, NEVER deserves such treatment. I'd bet my last dollar this moron's outrageous behaviour is driven by some sort of substance abuse, alcohol, drugs, etc....and he is wearing a robe!!!!

Take his butt out back and give him the same number of licks with a bamboo pole!!

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by abuck76 »

starbase_318 wrote:Take his butt out back and give him the same number of licks with a bamboo pole
Great idea starbase, and welcome to the site.......But there are people on this site that think "he didn't really hit her that hard"......wow wild is that?.............................. :12224

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

After watching it I think theres is way more to the story than any of us know about. There had to be something that lead to that blowup. How many of us have gotten spanked as a child or seen someone get spanked? I dont know the whole story and yea you know he probably shouldnt have talked about beating her into submission and talked about hitting her in the face that was totally inapproiate and at 16 def a little to old to be getting a belt. Call it a beating, but my goodness he hit her legs and butt. Its not like he was hitting her all over her body with the belt, he didnt pummel her with his hands or any other object.
Heres another thing too the girl siad she wants her dad to get help right? Why didnt she come forward sooner? Besides that it seems fishy to me that she turned the camera on because she felt something was coming? Hmmm wonder what made her fell that way? Was is it her being repeatedly told not to download crap onto the computer and she knew she would be in big trouble if her dad found out? Then she only discloses the vid after her dad threatens to cut her off and her only supporter is a bitter ex wife who stood by and watched? Why isnt she lashing out at her mom for not stopping it? Huh? There is a lot of puzzling questions about this situation.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by abuck76 »

wow, all I can say is you and tuck deserve each other....................... :12224

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

abuck76 wrote:wow, all I can say is you and tuck deserve each other....................... :12224

All Im saying is this isnt black and white. Theres a lot of gray in here. There is a whole lot a whole lot more to this story than what we are seeing on this vid. Has been said on here by me and a few others the words he used during the whipping makes it look a lot worse than had he been quiet of just yelled at her instead of stating he would beat her into submission. The news paper leaves out a lot of stuff just to make the story more interesting.
Honestly you think this guy just snapped over one small illegal download incident which made him whip his 16 year old daughter and you dont think it was a coincidence this one time is all she caught on film as well as she just happens to release it when he tells her to get her life in order and if she doesnt get a job he would cut her off and car. This could be a plot of a movie.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by toast »

Boy, some people just don't get it.

As far as her father repeatedly beating her for over seven minutes..........it doesn't matter why she released the video and it doesn't matter what she did.

What the father did is abuse, pure and simple.

That's not "discipline" in anyone's book that is civilized. It's closer to torture! Look at the video again. He raised his arm as high above his head as he could and hit her as hard as he could. The back handed blows were brutal. And now he doesn't even show any remorse......just worried about how this is going to affect him. :twisted: :twisted:

What a disgusting, pathetic human being!

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

I feel like I reading a wrestling broadcast with some if your posts all you're leaving out is the two classic lines that would definitly fit here, "he's taking her to the woodshed folks!" and more apprioprately, "he's whipping her like a government mule!"

Who here ever got a switchen for not doing what they were told? I have and I got like 5 across the backside and Id rather have the 'savage' beating this girl got than a switch across my butt. What made it worse was I had to go pick my own so not only did I get physically beat, but pyschologically I got beat too. You know what though I learned my lesson and that was when grandma told me to stop or Id get the switch she meant it and I stopped doing what I was doing wrong.

This was no beating as you people call it this was discipline so she couldnt sit down for a few minutes afterwards oh well. She wasnt left in a bloody mess with marks across her face or arms. The man whipped her on the butt and if she didnt squirm he wouldnt have got her on the legs like did. The only problem I got with it is some of the words he used as he whipped her.

You people that think this is abuse yet wonder why are the schools have discipline problems.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by fightingtigers45 »

To those who say the beating wasnt too bad...

How would you like it if one of YOUR family members was being hurt like this? Tuck, what if one of your nieces or nephews was treated like this?

Someone showed me this video last weekend and I cut it off after a minute. I couldnt watch anymore. Simply pathetic.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

fightingtigers45 wrote:To those who say the beating wasnt too bad...

How would you like it if one of YOUR family members was being hurt like this? Tuck, what if one of your nieces or nephews was treated like this?

Someone showed me this video last weekend and I cut it off after a minute. I couldnt watch anymore. Simply pathetic.
You couldnt watch more than a minute if it. Wow thats bad Im guessing you dont watch action movies or a lot of horror movies. Probably dont watch UFC either do you?

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by fightingtigers45 »

You're sick. You're comparing a father/mother overly beating their child to scripts in movies or people being paid to fight for sport? Wow. Sick.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

That wasnt a savage beating that wasnt even close to a savage beating. That was a child being punished. Im just saying if you couldnt stomach a child being disciplined how can you stomach true beating and savagery. I mean Im sure that judge has seen brutality and stuff that would actually turn your stomach. Like parents starving their children, burning them with cigarettes, chaining them to walls, now thats savagery and unimaginable horror not this whipping that this girl got.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by toast »

What took place on the video was "NOT" discipline.

Just because it happened in the past or to some of you doesn't make it right. Some people will always resist change I guess.

I'm starting to think parents should be required to attend a class on appropriate discipline techniques. And we wonder why we live in such a violent world.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by noreply66 »

Just should have taken the computer away from her.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by fightingtigers45 »

tigercannon71 wrote:That wasnt a savage beating that wasnt even close to a savage beating. That was a child being punished. Im just saying if you couldnt stomach a child being disciplined how can you stomach true beating and savagery. I mean Im sure that judge has seen brutality and stuff that would actually turn your stomach. Like parents starving their children, burning them with cigarettes, chaining them to walls, now thats savagery and unimaginable horror not this whipping that this girl got.
That is discipline to you?.....I really hope you do not have kids.

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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Yea thats disicpline. The whipping he gave his daughter.

Maybe he took her computer away before or maybe she was grounded before, but the thing is we dont know the circumstances around this incident. Maybe it took this whipping for her to learn not to do what she was doing. We dont know.

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