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Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:13 pm
by orange-n-brown 365
biggdowgg wrote:Lawyer/?

I didnt take pictures,,so I dont need no stinkin lawyer :razz:

you didnt see them flashes... :lol: ...some good ones of the Mayor :twisted:

oh goodie pass them on FIDO you'd think you'd learn after yesterday :shock: :lol:

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:43 pm
by caglewis
It was really nice to meet some new people, today - FIDO and manwithaplan - nice to make your aquaintance! - and to see old friends again, too.
Grndma1 braved the elements down Route 93 - last time she had a big grandson with her; this time she had an adorable small one along as co-pilot.
Those 2 rowdy PortsMOUTHians showed up, but seemed to be on good behaviour - maybe a previous experience tempered their natural exuberance a little - or maybe they were just missing the egg-it-on influence usually provided by YTB and gahs4ever who weren't in attendance today. YTB did check in via cell phone - FIDO claimed YTB talked for 5 minutes without ever pausing to draw breath.
Good to see kantucky again, although he seemed a little subdued, too. He's probably watching over his shoulder for those Kantucky Head Hunters! [OMG, Ozzie just stared a new "hunting" forum on here, didn't he?!]
We missed you Mum - 2 of us ladies may have curbed the enthusiasm [or at least kept it relatively inbounds] - but 3 would have been better. Great time. I can report with authority that all was quiet and decorous when I left - no one thrown out, TigerMan's presence not required - but I can't answer for anything that may have happened later. The potential for "rowdiness" was still there!
So good to visit with all of you!

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:53 pm
by biggdowgg
good to see you cag...and thanks so much for the "" ink pens,,they are really nice...the Boss "MATTASH" showed up after you left,,,,not sure if anyone showed him the pens or we was on our way out the door when he got there.

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:14 pm
by caglewis
The Boss arrives and you all bolt for the door? Darn! Are you trying to get all of us in the "dowgg" house with you? Haven't you done enough of that to FIDO?

Dear mattash - I have a little gift for you. I'm sorry I left too early to deliver it today. Maybe next time. Sorry I missed seeing you. Thanks for all your time and effort on this Board. caglewis

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:51 pm
by grndma1
I really had a good time today. The food was really good, also. Thank you mayor for picking up my tab. It was nice meeting new people and seeing some that I had met previously. I was happy to see Focused and Mrs. Focused again. Kentucky had the camera but everyone kept ducking when he picked it up. I think they are all camera shy. I'm glad so many of us got to meet FIDO while he is here. He is such a nice person.

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:53 pm
by biggdowgg

you are one of the smartest people I know,,dont let FIDO fool you to,,he dont need any help getting into trouble..'TRUST ME" :twisted:

I was getting out of there when the boss showed up,,because you was already gone with the pens...and HE WAS NOT GETTING MINE! 8)

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:24 am
CAG I think what dog really wants to know is why was he the only one to get a PINK SEOP ink pen.

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:57 am
by caglewis
It was a RED one!! Or as nearly so as was provided in the random assortment of colors [no choices allowed] provided! Just think RED! Hey, I could have given him an ORANGE one, instead!
Other people also chose/received that particular shade of RED color pen last month when you and dowgg were absent because you just plain forgot to show up!
Isn't it funny that ORANGE shows up as wimpy on this Board as RED showed up in the pen's color?

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:05 am
by kantuckyII
It was good to meet Fido today. One look and you could tell who he was. He has that hardened chiseled look of a life long military man.

I was tickled to get my pen today, green in color. Thank you Cagle, that was very nice of you! Biggdowgg unashamedly was showing off his. It reminds me of a photo I have of him.

grndma1, I really didn't bring that camera to take photos of people with. It's actually there for defense as at one point, everyone had one in their hands and the only reason that the photos didn't show up on here was everyone left them in the bag. They only were there to preserve mutually assured destruction, which in some strange way gave us some peace of mind and civility. The balance seems to be upset now, I know Turk seemed unbalanced.

Mattash showed up. Them overpaid moderators sure set up straight in their seats when he walked in and..someone broke into a shaky and off key version of 'O' Canada' for him. Biggdowgg suggested, while admiring his brand new pink ink pen, that Matt should come running out onto the field carrying the Canadian flag at Tank Stadium when "Our Lady Of The Way" comes to Ironton next year.

After Mattash left..RiverRatRay chuckled and said he didn't think Matt looked like he was any condition to be running, let alone carrying a flag out onto Ironton's field. We told him that wasn't right for him to say that but Ray just laughed and mumbled something about pink and I don't think it was Floyd. RiverRatRay can be cruel at times.

TigerTownTurkey once again excuse himself 20 minutes into the meeting. Rumor has it that the whole thing is just an excuse for him to be able to get away from the house...and off he goes once he is covered. Fido was just glad he was let up.

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:32 am
by BubbleGumTiger
Nice crowd yesterday and sure enjoyed the visit from a good Air Force friend. And he promised to come back in spite of the conduct of the ol bearded goat running around with his brownie clicking every 5 seconds.......He was absolutely amazed at how infatuated Kanucky is with the Mayor....... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

In attendance were CameraGuy, I Am Mr. Shotsky, Caglewis, Fido, Ozzie, Biggdogg, PappyBait, Manwithaplan, RiverRatRay, Butcherman108, Focus and Mrs Focus, Mr. Mum, Grandma and her very cute little grandson, and the ol bearded goat from Flatwoods.

Thanks go out to Grandma for my Tiger whip and Tiger hat and to Fido for a very nice Air Force PT jacket......

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:01 am
by RiverRatRay
It was really nice meeting FIDO and ManWithAPlan yesterday and it was great having granma1 and her grandson back with us. A very good crowd I must say and talk about well mannered. Also nice to see the SEOPS boss Matt with his boss Stacy. I think I counted 19 in attendance yesterday.

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:48 am
by Manwithplan
It was my first luncheon and was good to see some fellow posters. Often, I would read about the ongoing battles between Kantucky and TTT, but finally got to see one first hand. They unloaded both barrels on each other, and if not for FIDO,( who, by the way is a class act) sitting between them, who knows what would have happened. ;-) Kantucky, I heard you telling TTT about your mother, I hope all goes well for her. I really had a good time and look forward to attending more in the fututre. Also, thank you caglewis for the inkpen. I'm just glad I didn't get a pink one. :lol:

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:24 am
by grndma1
I also got a pink pen at last months lunch. I think it is really cute. I can't really think of any schools with pink colors so someone had to get them and pink was the closest color to red that she had.

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:07 pm
by Manwithplan
FIDO (Forget It Drive On)"]You're a class act yourself, manwithplan. Best of Luck to your son in Iraq. I think you meant TTT and not KKK. :shock: :shock:

:shock: :shock:

Thank you FIDO, and have a safe trip to Texas.

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:26 pm
by kantuckyII
Thanks manwithplan, I appreciate that

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:03 pm
by orange-n-brown 365
well it sounds like you all behaved yourselves! I am proud of you! :aaaaa47

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:39 pm
i hate it that i missed fido, and the gang. i was busy getting bailed out from the day before in jackson, i KNOW, I MISSED A GOOD TIME. what a crew , would have liked to have met manwithplan, i like to tease him about his pittsburgh squeelers. :aaaaa32 :aaaaa32 :aaaaa32

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:46 pm
by Manwithplan
[quote="You're Tiger Bait"]i hate it that i missed fido, and the gang. i was busy getting bailed out from the day before in jackson, i KNOW, I MISSED A GOOD TIME. what a crew , would have liked to have met manwithplan, i like to tease him about his pittsburgh squeelers.


I'll take a page out of Spanky's book and say, Nuff said!!!!!!!! :lol: ;-)

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:34 am

Re: OBDTF Lunch, Wednesday March 5th

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:59 am
by Manwithplan

Yeah, I liked it, and, depending on work, will try and make the next one. Did you end up buying the car you went and looked at? If you did, you should paint it black with a gold stripe going down the middle of it, talking about raising the value. ;-)