According to Maxine

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orange-n-brown 365
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According to Maxine

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »


We need to show more sympathy for these people.
* They travel miles in the heat.
* They risk their lives crossing a border.
* They don't get paid enough wages.
* They do jobs that others won't do or are afraid to do.
* They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language.
*They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day every day.

I'm not talking about illegal Mexicans; I'm talking about our troops!

Doesn't it seem strange that many Democrats and Republicans are willing to lavish all kinds of social benefits on illegals, but don't support our troops and are now threatening to defund them?

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Re: According to Maxine

Post by whodeyAtown21 »

My OSO was saying that there are threats of that, but it will never happen.

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