1 year later

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1 year later

Post by mvlnewlex »

I truly feel like I have friends on here now. I feel like a different person.

With exception of 1 or 2,. most of you have been very good to me in my time back. I believe I have been a polite and productive member... most of the time :). Every now and then I get fired up about something, but thats just me. take it or leave it.

and I want to say thanks. Thank you for giving me another chance to earn your respect. And thank you for your prayers.

1 year ago, My thinking was simplistic. and I let little things get to me. But love changes you.
I have a softer heart now.

my mother and my fiancee have a lot to do with that.

knowing that my mom will be in heaven soon has a lot to do with that..

Nobody could go through what I am going through now, without changing inside as a person. without realizing how precious every day on this earth really is.

I know for me.. it is a positive change. It strengthens my faith. but there naturally is a lot of sorrow.
Last edited by mvlnewlex on Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 1 year later

Post by mvlnewlex »

no. I like you. and I enjoy our debates. :122249 its fun..

I like debating with my grandfather. He is in his 70s. A big FDR Democrat. We have a lot of fun with it. but I learn a lot from him and i listen to him. and we agree on more than we disagree on. :)

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Re: 1 year later

Post by mvlnewlex »

ballparent and maybe one or two others may always dislike me no matter what I say. and it is a sad thing. Because I would like to be a friend to anyone. I am a people person.

Maybe that is naive thinking that that I can mend fences and start a friendship with anyone I have ever offended.

but not all people are good people. so I will keep being a good guy because that is who I am.

mom thinks I am going to do great in politics if I follow my heart. Because I really care about people.

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Re: 1 year later

Post by whodeyAtown21 »

Everyone I've met from SEOP has been pretty cool. I couldn't see why it would be any different. I bet those I don't agree with here on the board are pretty cool in person.

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Re: 1 year later

Post by mvlnewlex »

I was speaking more overall. In personal real life experiance, people hold grudges.

I would be a friend to Ballparent in a heartbeat. I just cant figure out why she dislikes me. I have mended fences with everyone else. Including mstangmom. including you. including just about the entire site. Mattash and most of the moderators.

its not about agreeing or disagreeing. mstangmom and I agree on very little. But she privately apologized for being way too harsh on me a year ago. and we are now really great friends. in long phone conversations, we have got to know eachother very well.

do I wish the same thing would happen with ballparent ? Absolutely. Will it ? likely not..

coming down hard on me at a time when I am losing my mom really surprised the crap out of me. not that I want anyone to take it easy on me. not that I want self pity.

I made a noble attempt....

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Re: 1 year later

Post by ballparent »

OK, I'm posting this (against my better judgement, but on the advice from a friend) and will re-post an earlier post I made to you in hopes you will choose to move on and quit mentioning my name in your posts and addressing your messages to me. This was a reply post I made on an earlier thread that I thought was a little strange to see on this board and one that I thought was something one would search for an answer on a medical site or search engine and I said so, and would again, no matter who posted the topic. You took it personal and then started this strange string of threads and posts. Maybe if you read it again you will choose to move on. I have marked you as a foe so I can no longer read any post you make and any pm you choose to send is blocked (as have others). If you choose to sadly continue this, then at least I won't have to be exposed.

My earlier post:
Listen I don't know what you're expecting from me. I don't owe you anything and vice versa. I simply felt, and still do that it's a little inappropriate and odd to question whether you can catch a urinary tract infection from someone during sex on a public chat forum. I don't recall ever seeing a thread along that type on here before. There are other threads that I have commented on that are a little doom and gloom for me and appear in a repetitive and excessive amount, that you have also said are not to your liking, but you were not responded to in the manner you did me. At least NCF accepted that some may not prefer the same topics he chooses, I give him credit for that.
The ONLY one who brings up any problems you had in the past on this board is YOU. You seem to be the only one who hasn't moved on. You can't blame anyone for those problems, even though you choose to, you self-imploded then. We all were just unfortunate to witness it. I completely understand that you have stress, but trust me, we all do, in our own ways. We both frequent this board so our paths and posts will occasionally cross. Sometimes we might agree on a topic and sometimes we won't, but don't take my posts over the topic of a thread as a personal attack on you.

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