Obama Declares War On The Church

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Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

People! you'd better wake up! This man continues to mock the church and the Constitution! If he's reelected, you can count on him positioning Justices that will change America for once and all. Pastors/Preachers, Rabbi, Clerics and Priest won't be able to stand up and preach what they believe. When your pastor is hauled off or they close your church down because you've preached from the Bible, then, know, it's too late to return!

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Catholic leaders upped the ante Monday, threatening to challenge the Obama administration over a provision of the new health care law that would require all employers, including religious institutions, to pay for birth control.

As CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer reports, it could affect the presidential elections.

Catholic leaders are furious and determined to harness the voting power of the nation’s 70 million Catholic voters to stop a provision of President Barack Obama’s new heath car reform bill that will force Catholic schools, hospitals and charities to buy birth control pills, abortion-producing drugs and sterilization coverage for their employees.

“Never before, unprecedented in American history, for the federal government to line up against the Roman Catholic Church,” said Catholic League head Bill Donohue.

Already Archbishop Timothy Dolan has spoken out against the law and priests around the country have mobilized, reading letters from the pulpit. Donohue said Catholic officials will stop at nothing to put a stop to it.

“This is going to be fought out with lawsuits, with court decisions, and, dare I say it, maybe even in the streets,” Donohue said.

But pro-choice groups said they will fight the church and fight for the right of employees of Catholic institutions to have birth control and other services paid for.

“The Catholic hierarchy seems to be playing a cynical game of chicken and they don’t seem to care that the health and well being of millions of American woman are what’s at stake here,” National Abortion Rights Action League President Andrea Miller said.

Catholic leaders hope they will have more sway with the White House than usual because it is a presidential election year, hoping that if even a small percentage of Catholics back Obama’s opponent it could cost him the election.

When asked if this issue would affect who he would vote for in November, Wilton, Conn., resident Peter Taylor said, “Potentially, yes. I think it is a very serious issue, very meaningful.”

But not everyone views the situation as dire. using people and school kids bused in from all over to protest the law.

“I would certainly vote for Obama anyway. The church has to get up to date,” Manhattan resident Sue Thomas said.

Sources told Kramer that American bishops are contemplating a massive march on Washington, using people and school kids bused in from all over to protest the law

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by wildthingRV »

You are a silly person.

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by noreply66 »

K with more bad news--just can't put anything out there good--it is even bad when its not about the president.

hate to have your life---you can get a pill for it.----lol

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

Yeah yeah yeah..that's probably what someone said when they were puzzled why they were passing out those yellow stars of David too

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

noreply66 wrote:K with more bad news--just can't put anything out there good--it is even bad when its not about the president.

hate to have your life---you can get a pill for it.----lol
It's reality! if you'd take time from your 1/4 million post, you'd see that! quit trying to silence the truth with your childish ignorant verbiage

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by ironmen1987 »

While I could care less if the O wants to go head to head with the Catholics ( notice I DIDN'T call them the church) it is a little concerning when the govt decides to tell a religious group what it can or can't do. Of course it is between each person and God to do what is right so until the govt forces individual mandates I won't get excited.

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

When I said 'Church' I had in mind, all Christians from The Day Of Pentecost to the Rapture of the Church...all denominations. I think it's important to note that this could not only affect Catholic institutions but all Christian and who have an objection to this over conscience before their God.

Now, here's some more of his crap! Let's keep in mind that he's in an election year...one can only shudder to think what he'll try to attempt when he has nothing to lose if he wins in November!
CNSNews.com) - White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Monday that American women “deserve” to have their employers buy them health insurance plans that cover sterlizations and all FDA-approved contraceptives, including those that cause abortions, with no fees or co-pay, even if the employer is a Catholic or Catholic organization that adheres to the church teaching that sterilization, artificial contraception and abortifacients are morally wrong and that Catholics cannot be involved in them.

“I understand that there have been objections and that some people disagree with us and we are going to work with institutions that have concerns here,” Carney told reporters. “But I think it’s important to note here that we believe these services are important and that American women deserve to have access to that kind of insurance coverage regardless of where they work.”
“We cannot — we will not — comply with this unjust law,” the bishops said.

White House Press Secretary Carney said Monday that the administration has worked to “find the appropriate balance” between upholding the First Amendment right to free exercise of religion and requiring that all American women be given health insurance that covers sterilizations, contraceptives and abortifacients without fees or co-pay.

“We have worked to find the appropriate balance between religious beliefs and the need to provide preventive services to American women and to make sure that American women have access to those services regardless of where they work,” Carney said. “And we have carved out an exemption for churches and other houses of worship and we will work going forward with institutions where the employer is affiliated with a church for example but where many, many of the employees are of all faiths to find a way to ensure that the policy is implemented and all women have access to these services that also deals with the concerns that have been expressed

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I can just see KII running around Flatwoods screaming "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!" :mrgreen:

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

No, the sky's not falling but this administration has just used the Constitution to wipe their butts with.

If they can tell them that they have to provide this...a 'religious organization' where does it stop? Must marry same sex couples? must have female pastors? perhaps a person could file and win a discrimination claim in the future if they candidated for a church and wasn't hired? You might mock but I promise you, if you could go back into a time machine just 20 years ago and let them know that this was being done, they'd called you a silly liar!

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Romney is the one who does not believe in the traditional Christian values and of things like heaven and hell. It is Romney you should be scared of.

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by ironmen1987 »

It doesn't matter which party is in power. As long as there are people that will stand on the bible as a way of life then you will continue to have clashes. We aren't going to cave in to the pro-choice or homosexual agenda and will face heated attacks as a result. I personally could care less whether people call me a hater or whatever. I have chose God and they haven't. It's free will. I will stand up for my beliefs and I expect they will do the same. It's a situation that is only gonna get worse regardless of who is president....

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by caglewis »

How about the "CHURCH", Roman Catholic or any other presuming to FORCE all of us follow THEIR rules by law?? Isn't that forbidden in the Constitution?? Should grocery stores be forbidden to sell meat on Fridays? Why should this admittedly powerful Religious body feel free to LEGALLY exclude the AVAILABILITY of all forms of contraception to ALL women of any other or no religious belief just because they disagree with it? Isn't "Religion making their rules Law" absolutely against the Constitution; and wasn't eliminating and separating Religion from Governmental power the very point of this country's Revolutionary split from England?

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by ironmen1987 »

Cag I don't believe any church should be making the laws of the land but at the same time I don't believe the govt should be allowed to force Christians to go against God either. If the govt wants to find a way to reach the women supposedly affected by this topic then they need to do so without involving themselves in church doctrine. It can't be separate otherwise....

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by abuck76 »

Cage wonderful post.........tuck et al want to make everyone think this affects churches.............It has nothing to do with the way one worships or who they worship...........This is about someone forcing their religious beliefs on their employees..............Keep religion out of the workplace and put it back in your heart where it belongs............... :12224

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

On second thought...the sky *IS* falling!

We are talking about the Government, telling a church - a religion - what they can...and cannot do among their own ranks. Any Christian on here that reads this that isn't concerned, they should perhaps pray about it. Remember, Jesus Is the Savior - Not BARACK OBAMA!

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by kantuckyII »

abuck76 wrote:Cage wonderful post.........tuck et al want to make everyone think this affects churches.............It has nothing to do with the way one worships or who they worship...........This is about someone forcing their religious beliefs on their employees..............Keep religion out of the workplace and put it back in your heart where it belongs............... :12224
These are 'religious' work places. I know I should be more patient with you but good golly, you're a school teacher? really?

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by LucasJackson »

You say originally that Obama will not let Pastors and Priests preach what they want? I read the article you presented in its entirety and I dont see where this article has anything to do with what happens behind pulpits.

To say this has anything to do with banning preachers to preach the Gospel is a million mile stretch.

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by abuck76 »

You are right dino...........Wow tuck , so obtuse...............Read, please , tuck .....Enlighten yourself...................... :12224

Many Catholic Universities, Hospitals Already Cover Contraception In Their Health Insurance Plans

By Igor Volsky on Feb 7, 2012 at 8:30 am

Catholic leaders and the GOP presidential candidates have intentionally distorted the Obama administration’s new rule requiring employers and insurers to provide reproductive health benefits at no additional cost sharing. Conservatives are seeking a way to politically unite Republican voters around a social issue and portray the regulation as a big government intrusion into religious liberties. In reality, the mandate is modeled on existing rules in six states, exempts houses of worship and other religious nonprofits that primarily employ and serve people of faith, and offers employers a transitional period of one year to determine how best to comply with the rule.

It’s also nothing new. Twenty-eight states already require organizations that offer prescription insurance to cover contraception and since 98 percent of Catholic women use birth control, many Catholic institutions offer the benefit to their employees. For instance, a Georgetown University spokesperson told ThinkProgress yesterday that employees “have access to health insurance plans offered and designed by national providers to a national pool. These plans include coverage for birth control.”

Similarly, an informal survey conducted by Our Sunday Visitor found that many Catholic colleges have purchased insurance plans that provide contraception benefits:

University of Scranton, for example, appears to specifically cover contraception. The University of San Francisco offers employees two health plans, both of which cover abortion, contraception and sterilization…Also problematic is the Jesuit University of Scranton. One of its health insurance plans, the First Priority HMO, lists a benefit of “contraceptives when used for the purpose of birth control.”

DePaul University in Chicago covers birth control in both its fully insured HMO plan and its self-insured PPO plan and excludes “elective abortion,” said spokesman John Holden, adding that the 1,800 employee-university responded to a complaint from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission several years ago and added artificial contraception as a benefit to its Blue Cross PPO.

Christian Brothers University in Memphis, Tenn., offers employee health insurance via the Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association, a consortium of Christian Bible and other private college and universities. Its plan excludes abortion, but probably covers artificial contraception as a prescription drug, said C. Gregg Conroy, the executive director of the TICUA Benefit Consortium.

Boston College, the six former Caritas Christi Catholic hospitals in Massachusetts, and other Catholic organizations that are located in one of the 28 states that already require employers to provide contraception benefits could have self-insured or stopped offering prescription drug coverage to avoid the mandate — but didn’t do so. Instead, they — like many Catholic hospitals and health care insurers around the country — chose to meet the needs of the overwhelming majority of Catholic women and offer these much needed services.

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by ironmen1987 »

Tucks point is once the door is open then it won't stop and I agree. If these employees or church members don't agree with church policy then they need to go elsewhere. They have the freedom to do so. No way the govt has a right to interfere and tell a church how to operate

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Re: Obama Declares War On The Church

Post by abuck76 »

That is the point........The Gov't is not telling the "church" how to run their Houses of Worship.......But when they employ people of all backgrounds , they must adhere to the laws of the land......... :12224

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