Gun Owners Vs Murder Rates - New Statistics

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Gun Owners Vs Murder Rates - New Statistics

Post by kantuckyII »

From the NRA Newsletter I get:

Anyone needing proof that fanaticism for gun control hasn't waned on Capitol Hill, that anti-gunners are -- as Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) put it last year -- only waiting to "pick the time," should watch the video of Mexican president Felipe Calderon's speech to Congress last week, versions of which have been posted on When Calderon asked that the federal "assault weapon" ban be re-imposed, a very large number of U.S. Representatives and Senators present gave him a standing ovation.

However, on Monday the FBI released crime statistics that should cause the applauding anti-gunners to sit on their hands. The statistics indicate that between 2008 and 2009, as gun sales soared, the number of murders in our country decreased 7.2 percent. That amounts to about an 8.2 percent decrease in the per capita murder rate, after the increase in our nation's legal and illegal population is taken into account. And it translates into about a 10.5 percent decrease in the murder rate between 2004, when the ban expired, and the end of 2009. And finally, it means that in 2009 our nation's murder rate fell to a 45-year low.

What further stunned me is the stats not too long ago (I will have to find them though) of where they allowed Concealed Carry how much the violent crime went down.

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Re: Gun Owners Vs Murder Rates - New Statistics

Post by wildthingRV »

Oh, yeah, cops love concealed carry laws. Seriously. It makes people think twice before pulling some stuff. My old man and I are about to get our permits so that we can carry our pig hunting guns at all times. LOL. That's funny to see written down. A long barreled .357 is a heck of thing to carry around, though. LOL.

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Re: Gun Owners Vs Murder Rates - New Statistics

Post by Space Cowboy »

This little story sums up gun owners rights in a nutshell: Back in the early 1970s, Meyer Lansky, a known elderly mob boss, found out that federal agents had enough proof on him, for rackeetering and conspiracy to get an indictment. Being Jewish, he immediatly fled to Israel because he knew the U.S. did not have extradiction treaties with them at that time. Federal agents contacted the Israeli state dept to start some sort of extradiction and get permission to send 2 armed U.S. Marshalls to escort Lansky back to the states for trial. Israel agreed.......with one simple condition : The armed U.S. agents would have to be escorted by 2 armed Israeli agents.
Lansky had commited no crime in Israel, therefore he was free to walk around as he pleased.
While awaiting final extradiction red tape between the 2 countries, Lansky was being escorted around downtown Jerusalem with 4 obviously well armed agents. As they were walking around, Lansky went to go around a building and ran into a rabbi carrying a loaded Galil over his shoulder. The rabbi bowed his head and said "Please excuse me." As the rabbi walked on , Lansky turned, looked at his well armed escorts and said "It never ceases to amaze me at how polite everyone is when everyone is armed".

Nuff said

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Re: Gun Owners Vs Murder Rates - New Statistics


i like it A -LOT. :-D

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Re: Gun Owners Vs Murder Rates - New Statistics

Post by vids4ckcrash »

Space Cowboy wrote:This little story sums up gun owners rights in a nutshell: Back in the early 1970s, Meyer Lansky, a known elderly mob boss, found out that federal agents had enough proof on him, for rackeetering and conspiracy to get an indictment. Being Jewish, he immediatly fled to Israel because he knew the U.S. did not have extradiction treaties with them at that time. Federal agents contacted the Israeli state dept to start some sort of extradiction and get permission to send 2 armed U.S. Marshalls to escort Lansky back to the states for trial. Israel agreed.......with one simple condition : The armed U.S. agents would have to be escorted by 2 armed Israeli agents.
Lansky had commited no crime in Israel, therefore he was free to walk around as he pleased.
While awaiting final extradiction red tape between the 2 countries, Lansky was being escorted around downtown Jerusalem with 4 obviously well armed agents. As they were walking around, Lansky went to go around a building and ran into a rabbi carrying a loaded Galil over his shoulder. The rabbi bowed his head and said "Please excuse me." As the rabbi walked on , Lansky turned, looked at his well armed escorts and said "It never ceases to amaze me at how polite everyone is when everyone is armed".

Nuff said

I am not anti gun but question many of the anecdotes to promote a cause.

As such, this is a good story but sounds like a "made up story" to prove a point or promote a cause. Can you provide a sight where this is authenticated? And a Movie does not count.

Also, Wikipedia, which I don't always believe says:

During the 1970s, Lansky fled to Herzliya Pituah, Israel, to escape federal tax evasion charges. Two years later, Israel deported Lansky back to the U.S. However, the government's best shot at convicting Lansky was with the testimony of loan shark Vincent "Fat Vinnie" Teresa, an informant with little or no credibility. The jury was unreceptive, and Lansky was acquitted in 1974.

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Re: Gun Owners Vs Murder Rates - New Statistics

Post by toast »

I used to be a member of the NRA. I dropped out the same time thousands of other Americans left. Their over the top rhetoric is disgusting.

Lots of variables as to why crime rates go up or down. Trying to somehow suggest soaring gun sales lead to a decrease in the murder rate is a stretch.

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Re: Gun Owners Vs Murder Rates - New Statistics

Post by Boonedawg »

Explain how what the NRA does is disgusting?

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