Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consider

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Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consider

Post by kantuckyII »

What the 'Far Left' wants more than anything is solid control of the Supreme Court. From there, they can bypass the voters and control the country on so many issues; gun control, redefinition of marriage, reversal of any and all anti-abortion laws, silence the protesters of the same, muzzle all Preachers, Priest and Rabbis and the list can and will go on and on and on. A second Obama term will once, and perhaps forever, change America into a nation we won't hardly recognize. Don't give away your rights

All who believe and pray - please be in prayer that God will remove this man from office! Don't turn your back on God for a sinful man

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Consider how the far right want to take women's rights back generations. Consider that if you or your wife or your daughter were raped and became pregnant, the GOP would set laws that forced you to have the baby.

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by kantuckyII »

If you're going fight Romney on this, at least be honest. If you're claiming this is Romney's stand, you're either woefully ignorant and mistaken, or you're lying. I'll not offer an opinion of which at this time.

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by dazed&confused »

kantuckyII wrote:If you're going fight Romney on this, at least be honest. If you're claiming this is Romney's stand, you're either woefully ignorant and mistaken, or you're lying. I'll not offer an opinion of which at this time.
Romney has consistently said during the campaign that he would end funding to Planned Parenthood as well as appoint anti-abortion judges who could overturn Roe v. Wade.

“Mitt Romney is proudly pro-life, and he will be a pro-life president,” Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said shortly after the comments were posted online Wednesday. She later added Romney “would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life.”

Paul Ryan has said he believes all abortion should be illegal even in the case of rape and incest, while Romney has said previously he believes it should be legal in those cases. Ryan said when he was first selected that he didn’t mind his running mate’s less stringent views because it was a “step in the right direction.”
Ryan has said he is “proud” of his anti-abortion rights record and is one of the most active anti-abortion members of congress. He co-sponsored something called a “personhood” amendment during his last term, which under the proposed law would make terminating a pregnancy illegal, even in cases of rape.

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by kantuckyII »

Planned Parenthood should most certainly be defunded. There's no justification to not do so! Ryan has said he's very comforterable with Romney's exceptions of; rape, incest or the mothers life is in danger.

I find it interesting that you're claiming if Romney is elected abortion in demand will be repealed which, being the case, you're squarely telling everyone if they vote for Obama they will be responsible for millions of babies lives

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by dazed&confused »

Who decides if it's rape or incest? Do we have a formal inquiry? Do you have to go to trial to prove it? How long does that take? Will it be decided by a jury? Will women be a part of that jury? By the time we do all that, the woman is in her third trimester. Paul Ryan, whom Romney selected as his running mate, says as soon as conception, regardless of reason, that fetus can't be aborted; that it's rights supercede that right of the mother, even if she is violated. The company you keep........

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by ironmen1987 »

I've decided to write in my own name. K Upton will be VP, Hulk will be Sec of D, Road Runner over transportation, Housing will be the three little pigs, Finances will be Mister Crabs and Obama will be the guy standing in one of those fancy bathrooms holding a towel.. and I'll make everyone else pay for it to make sure I win the dem vote...crabby patty on every table even if someone else has to work for it.

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by ironmen1987 »

Almost forgot...tuck, homeland security is all yours. Happy hunting!

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by moose »

moose for chef. Soup and Obamaloney sandwiches daily.

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by abuck76 »

It makes me laugh when I hear Chicken Hawks and Sunshine Patriots like tuck espouse the worn out propaganda crap as they always do.....They'll take God and guns away!!!.Booga Booga.......We, progressive liberals, are the ones fighting FOR your rights......It is cons that want to change the Constitution..You can worship as you please thanks to us.But so can Muslims and Catholics and Atheists.....There are now more gun shops than ever...Under a Dem Preisdent......When you you lie tuck at least make it somewhat believable......sheesh.......sycophant........ :12224

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by abuck76 »

Here is something to take serious voters......... :12224


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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by kantuckyII »

It's easy to dismiss any fears of losing gun rights when you live in our area. We are pretty well covered but discuss the same with those that live in Chicago or New York.

How do we decide? Well we can only take the person at their word whether they were raped or not. It's then aster of their conscience, not ours. As far as incest that's usually a tape too by an adult family member with a minor. Certainly there will be swift prosecution there

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by kantuckyII »

moose wrote:moose for chef. Soup and Obamaloney sandwiches daily.
How could we keep em down though? Lol

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by kantuckyII »

Abuck, you're so obnoxious. We can worship as we please because the Founders gave us that right, not you. What an arrogant egotistical human being you are. You're an imposter from the word go.

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by Paladin »

Before you vote , consider --

Romney has many of former George W. Bush's advisors on board. Ready for another Mid-East war ? Saber rattling has already began.

Romney has talked using the same policies as W for our economics. Ready for W. polices again ? Ready to implode the U.S. again ?

Romney has no details of his tax policy, yet the Rs demand more taxes be paid by the Middle Clas ( instead of millionaires & billionaires). Fair ?

Romney offers "trickle down " economics as the engine for job creation while allowing the foreign offshoring of American jobs. Maybe YOUR job ?

Romney sanctions the GOP positions on abortion. Rape ? Incest ? Contraception ?

Romney is for deregulated business. Another major reason the economy blew-up before. Remember Banks ? AIG ? MOrtages unqualifed ? Wall Street fraud ? Corporate GREED ?

Romney has already HIRED George W. Bush officals in his campaign. What cabinent or office will they control ? What painful decision will they make ?

Romney believes almost half ( READ 47%) of the U.S. are lazy, shiftless, hand out slackers wanting a govt hand-out ( S.S., Medicare, pensions, veterans, military, programs for the poor, etc)

Romney believes the rich should pay less taxes and others who make little and pay no or few taxes should ante up and pay .

Romney doesn't like Medicare and wants to give you a voucher to go out and BUY health coverage ( but says nothing about covering costs as the premiums increase ). Profit for insurance companies

Romney wants to let states handle Medicaid for the poor ( and if they decide, limit its funding, cut it or limit it) .

Romney will let religious nutballs decide social policies in strict adherance to their religious beliefs and not yours.

Romney ?

People who vote against their own self intersts deserve the pain they get.


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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by dazed&confused »

40 years ago people were disillusioned that there wasn't much difference in the two parties. Wow, things have changed. You now have clear choices.

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Re: Before You Cast Your Vote - Something To Seriously Consi

Post by abuck76 »

Tuck our "framers" , not founders, gave us nothing......We were born with natural rights given to us by our Creator.....Our Framers put it in writing for future generations to use ..........Our Constitution is strong..........WE THE PEOPLE give power to the government, not the other way around.........There are now more gun shops than ever before.....fact......You do like me because I call you for what you are..A bombastic , blathering old fool......The truth scares you.......But I will continue to show you the truth at every opportunity........... :12224

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