NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not Guns

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NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not Guns

Post by toast »

Forbes: Paul Tassi, Contributor 12-21-12

The NRA just wrapped up a long-awaited press conference to address the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook. The event was hyped as containing a major announcement for the organization which has come under fire for its agenda as the number and severity of mass shootings continues to rise in America.

So, what would the big announcement be? Would they finally be willing to admit that assault weapons aren’t necessary for hunting? That people don’t need extended magazines in rifles for personal protection?

Please, the answer is more guns, of course.

I’m writing about this here, in our little corner of the site, because in the speech, Wayne LaPierre, executive vice-president of the NRA, cited violent video games as a contributing factor in tragedies like these. ”Guns don’t kill people.” he said. “Video games, the media and Obama’s budget kill people.” He even called out a few by name:

“There exists in this country, sadly, a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and stows violence against its own people, through vicious, violent video games with names like “Bulletstorm,” “Grand Theft Auto,” “Mortal Kombat,” and “Splatterhouse.”

No form of media was spared however, as he also mentioned “bloodsoaked” movies and even violent music videos as influencing young minds. Because we’re still enjoying the gangster rap of the ’90s, after all.

The message here was clear, blame everything but guns. Why bother considering that violent video games are played in all corners of the world, yet somehow it’s only the US with its lax gun laws where tragedies like this happen with this frequency? Video games are an easy target, almost as easy as the NRA itself which is doing everything it can to act like they’re the solution to the problem, not one of the primary causes.

The press conference went from standard stump speech to truly bizarre when the NRA’s big idea to help protect children in school turned out to be a national program to enlist an army of volunteers to patrol the corridors of high schools, junior high and elementary schools, keeping the kids safe from potential shooters. A direct quote from LaPierre: “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

He is literally suggesting that retired police and military members patrol schools with guns. The program would be nationwide, and schools could opt out of it, but that would be up to the faculty and the parents. You know, those freedom-haters who who WANT their children to be at risk.

It’s the transformation of our country into a police state, pure and simple, or at least a very broad first step. So fine, you somehow manage to find enough competent, mentally stable people to guard every school in the country five days a week for eight hours a day. But shouldn’t we do the same for college campuses? That would require a lot more manpower. How about daycares? Malls? How about anywhere where more than ten people gather at a time? As much as it might sound like a good idea to them to assign Jack Bauer to police each and every one of our vulnerable institutions, in practice, it’s unworkable, bordering on insane.

It was hard to believe this was being presented as a serious suggestion. By the end you were half expecting LaPierre to start talking about arming teachers or going all the way and letting kindergartners conceal carry. You know, for protection.

Past the blame on video games, which is at worst, a minor annoyance, this entire press conference was a direct affront to the victims of this tragedy, and all others like it. The unwillingness to admit that easy access to guns is a huge factor in events like this is just astonishing. I can understand pushback against weapons bans which may not be terribly effective, but there’s no need to run the other direction and start saying they need to turn our schools into something resembling military bases or prisons.

What an astonishing speech that was. How this organization has such massive influence in our government, I have no idea.

But hey, blame the games, blame the movies. But who will we blame when our society turns into something resembling a country forcefully occupied by its own gun-wielding citizens?

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by toast »

"When the NRA broke its silence on Dec. 18, the gun rights group promised it was “prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again.” LaPierre failed miserably at that task. What he had to say was not what the American people wanted to hear, needed to hear. What he said was an insult."

The NRA has grown far too extreme. Many members don't even agree with the leadership any more. Sad situation.

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by kantuckyII »

He was 100% right on everything

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by kantuckyII »

...and right now there are two movies coming out that ARE going to cost people their lives. One stars a worshipper of Barack Obama, Jamie Foxx, in Django Unchained and the other is, Zero Dark Thirty. Count on it, bank on it. I just hope it's no one I know

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by Tigercannon71 »

I think he was wrong about the video games and movies. Those things dont make you violent. Now armed guards in school that is an idea. Cops in school would help a lot they could help cut down on the drug problem, violence, plus improve discipline in the schools. You wouldnt even have to put a cop all you gotta do is take a soldier attach him to local police station give him some training let him wear civilian clothes like a detective would you got your guard.

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by kantuckyII »

They probably don't with stable kids but those who have issues, I think they are what finishes or sets them off

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by toast »

74% of NRA members support closing the gun-show loophole but not the leadership of the NRA. Just goes to show how out of touch the NRA has become. They are an extremists organization by any measure that is honest and rational.

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by kantuckyII »

There's a deep distrust is the reason why. We've seen the anti-Second Amendment crowd on more than one occasion state they want to get rid of guns, period. Then, they talk foolishness like removing 'automatic weapons'...heck, I've only known one person who ever had an automatic weapon and that was back in the 70's.

I think that it's the same reason a union doesn't want to concede fought for's that 'give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile' philosophy

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by toast »

You won't find 5% of Americans or politicians who want to get rid of all guns. More scare tactics and that's all the NRA pedals anymore. There was a time when the NRA actually supported commone sense gun control. Those days are long gone as the leadership is completely out of touch with most NRA members and other guns owners.

" The NRA has thwarted any number of common sense proposals from background checks at gun shows and other private sales (comprising 40 percent of gun transactions) that could prevent weapons from reaching criminals or the mentally ill, as well as legislation to stop the high-capacity magazines that allow mass killers to kill and maim so many people in a matter of seconds." All of which are supported by most Americans and many NRA members.

The NRA has become a fringe organization.

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by kantuckyII »

For the record, I don't see why anyone needs these large magazines either or some weapons. I don't have any problem with all guns being registered at the point of sale. I know that might make some disagree with me who were formerly on my side of this issue but....that's the way I see it.

Some are clamoring for the end of 'semi-automatics' and it's obvious, they have no clue as to what they're talking about. Also, I wouldn't mind having ten bullets in a self-defense gun. I think that one could easily need that in some instances...

Not only that but my goodness, there are so many people who have CCW licenses now..they aren't going wanta give those up. I can't tell you how many people that I personally know that have them..heck, there's at least 8 in my family that have them. Come to my in-laws at a turkey dinner on T-day and try to start

Look though, even the Gov has some questions to answer and keep dodging them about how they supplied arms to Mexican drug dealers! that's scary..

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by Ironman88 »

I just want to know how will they protect kids today bans on sales of weapon that are already on the street will not help today?

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by F-4 Phantom »

Our Fed Gov is notorious for treating the symptom of a problem vs fighting the cause. Gun control is but one of a long laundry list of problems the fed gov fails to address the cause. There are real causes for an individual WANTING to commit mass murder. It isn't the weapon. I'm good with with banning clips that carry greater than 9-rounds. I believe automatic weapons are already banned. If not, ban them too. But in doing so, what have you accomplished? Criminals and/or those wishing to commit mass murder will find what they need to commit the act! You have to attack the cause. To dismiss the effect a violent movie, music, video and games have on an already unstable person and/or a young child in development is ludicrous. The same goes with ACLU assault on GOD. POOR laws matter and there have been a ton of them over them made in the past 60 years.

You'll gain nothing by eliminating or banning certain weapons. You may feel a political victiory is cool but you won't prevent mass murders until you address the cause/causes.

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Blame the left, too.

They continue to allow unborn babies to be killed everyday.

Where is the outcry over abortion?

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by mustang_lvr »

Some games and movie do

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by toast »

"The press conference, where the press was not allowed to ask questions, played like an insane parody: a tightly wound lobbyist who earns a million or so a year by refusing to make the slightest concession on gun safety, despite repeated slaughters by deranged shooters with jaw-droppingly easy access to firearms."

So the NRA holds a press conference and blames EVERYTHING but as long as it has nothing to do with guns! No one should really be surprised. The leadership of the NRA are extremists. The ironic thing is most of the NRA members are far more level headed and moderate. I wouldn't be surprised to see people leaving the NRA in long numbers in the near future.

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by toast »

toast wrote:"The press conference, where the press was not allowed to ask questions, played like an insane parody: a tightly wound lobbyist who earns a million or so a year by refusing to make the slightest concession on gun safety, despite repeated slaughters by deranged shooters with jaw-droppingly easy access to firearms."

So the NRA holds a press conference and blames EVERYTHING as long as it has nothing to do with guns! No one should really be surprised. The leadership of the NRA are extremists. The ironic thing is most of the NRA members are far more level headed and moderate. I wouldn't be surprised to see people leaving the NRA in long numbers in the near future.

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Guns were a tool used by the shooter. They didnt cause him to go on a shooting spree. Did movies? My guess is no. Something snapped in this kids head that caused him to do what he did. Blaming guns and going off on the NRA is a cop out as is blaming violent movies.

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

tigercannon71 wrote:Guns were a tool used by the shooter. They didnt cause him to go on a shooting spree. Did movies? My guess is no. Something snapped in this kids head that caused him to do what he did. Blaming guns and going off on the NRA is a cop out as is blaming violent movies.
I still believe that the government got to Adam and made Adam believe that Adam had to do something to save his father from the LIBOR scandal.

This could have been the same modus operandi as in Aurora, Colorado at the Batman movie.

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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by dazed&confused »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:
tigercannon71 wrote:Guns were a tool used by the shooter. They didnt cause him to go on a shooting spree. Did movies? My guess is no. Something snapped in this kids head that caused him to do what he did. Blaming guns and going off on the NRA is a cop out as is blaming violent movies.
I still believe that the government got to Adam and made Adam believe that Adam had to do something to save his father from the LIBOR scandal.

This could have been the same modus operandi as in Aurora, Colorado at the Batman movie.
:aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa12

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: NRA Press Conference: Blame Video Games and Movies, Not

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

dazed&confused wrote:
Kentucky Trojan wrote:
tigercannon71 wrote:Guns were a tool used by the shooter. They didnt cause him to go on a shooting spree. Did movies? My guess is no. Something snapped in this kids head that caused him to do what he did. Blaming guns and going off on the NRA is a cop out as is blaming violent movies.
I still believe that the government got to Adam and made Adam believe that Adam had to do something to save his father from the LIBOR scandal.

This could have been the same modus operandi as in Aurora, Colorado at the Batman movie.
:aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa12
Gotta love conspiracy theories because there is no way to verify one's hypothesis and everybody believes that you are crazy...


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