How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost you??

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How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost you??

Post by ManitouDan »

Me ? 63 a pay period or $$ 123.00 a month or a cool 1500.00 a year ...... own it libs . Wait .. I really dont mind I"M JUST PAYIN" MY FAIR SHARE .... so the welfare crowd can have their govt cell's, 500 a month food stamps, HEAP assistance ... clothing vouchers , etc etc and etc and i do not pull 6 figures .. just a middle class guy that the D's are SUPPOSED to be looking out for . ha ha MD

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by Bleeding Red »

ManitouDan wrote:Me ? 63 a pay period or $$ 123.00 a month or a cool 1500.00 a year ...... own it libs . Wait .. I really dont mind I"M JUST PAYIN" MY FAIR SHARE .... so the welfare crowd can have their govt cell's, 500 a month food stamps, HEAP assistance ... clothing vouchers , etc etc and etc and i do not pull 6 figures .. just a middle class guy that the D's are SUPPOSED to be looking out for . ha ha MD
Absolutely spot on.

I stopped at Speedway this morning as I regularly do for a coffee on my way to work. A woman in line ahead of me this morning was buying her Big Gulp soda, donuts and a couple snacks for later today when she gets the munchies. All while talking on her smartphone. Then all of a sudden BANG she pulls out her food card.

But that is not the end.

After that transaction she pulls out a $10 spot (how did she get the cash?) and INVESTS in a couple lottery tickets.

Soon after a woman in her 30's that is a regular customer at this particular establishment rides in on her Lil Rascal scooter. She of course expects everyone to plow out of her way you see. Problem is she is just fat, and she can walk whenever she chooses. Everything she buys is on a ...........Food card! So who do you think bought that fat a@@ scooter for her to ride around in? She sure didnt work to pay for it.

I wonder what our Founding Fathers (Who King Obama criticizes for making a system that is too hard to produce change) would think if they could see where their hard work and bloodshed has brought this once great nation?

What would they think of a middle class worker paying nearly 40% of his earnings back into taxes?

What would they think of the liberals plans to take care of the lazy and unwilling?

What would they think of the so called President standing up against constitutional rights?

What would they think of the under the table money being made overseas through US bloodshed over OIL?

What would they think of the slaying of thousands of innocent unborn babies in our country everyday?

Do you think they would lay there and take it, or would there be a revolt against the current system????

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by Bleeding Red »

From the Washington Post:

“If you are a family making less than $250,000 a year, your taxes will not go up.” (quote from President Obama, 2008)
“Promise broken: Obamacare raises 18 different taxes.”
“If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” (quote from Obama, 2009)
“Promise broken: Millions could lose their health care coverage and be forced into a government pool” ... _blog.html

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by ManitouDan »

He wants all he get in GOVT pool .... thats his voting block !!!

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by dazed&confused »

I think the main gripe that was voiced earlier in this thread was the extra bite out of a paycheck. That is from the EXPIRATION of the 2% TEMPORARY cut in the payroll tax that funds SS. NEITHER side acted to EXTEND that cut. It is NOT an increase. Both Republicans and Democrats are at fault for giving us what we want; benefits without paying for them. I want the benefits and I don't mind paying for them. If you are for all taxes to be cut, then cut up your SS card and don't sign up for Medicare when you retire.
Last edited by dazed&confused on Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by toast »

dazed&confused wrote:I think they main gripe that was voiced earlier in this thread was the extra bite out of a paycheck. That is from the EXPIRATION of the 2% TEMPORARY cut in the payroll tax that funds SS. NEITHER side acted to EXTEND that cut. It is NOT an increase. Both Republicans and Democrats are at fault for giving us what we want; benefits without paying for them. I want the benefits and I don't mind paying for them. If you are for all taxes to be cut, then cut up your SS card and don't sign up for Medicare when you retire.

Excellent post dazed! One more myth dispelled. Thanks!

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by dazed&confused »

....and don't talk to me about welfare, waste, bureaucracy and gov't regulations. Entitlements are where the debt burden will come from so don't pretend you can cut the Education Dept. and Big Bird and balance the budget. Your benefits must go if we are going to cut taxes and balance the budget!

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by ManitouDan »

please let the _______ benefits go ! PLEASE ! As far as the linqustics of whether it was a tax hike or a " failure to extand the current rates " B U L L S H I T ... just call it what it is , he raised taxs on everyone by his lack of leadership . myth dispelled my ass . When you are making x amount in dec and making a 100 bucks less in jan because the tax's went up you dont play sophmoric stupid lame idiotic game of saying , well " YOUR LOWER RATE EXPIRED I DIDNT RAISE IT " please . try being honest and forth right .

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by Paladin »

I started to read the thread and wondered where MD was coming from. More hot air as usual after reading all the thread. Like a broken record , he can't tell the truth and repeats falsehoods because it doesn't meet his ideology, the truth be damned. There isn't and wasn't a tax hike. Of course, that hurts MD because now the SS accounts are being FULLY paid for again. He liked it when it wasn't paid for but expects the benefit. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by dazed&confused »

ManitouDan wrote:please let the _______ benefits go ! PLEASE !
Dan, If you or I, God forbid, come down with some terrible, wasting disease beyond our ability to handle the costs involved, I hope there is some other resources available, some other recourse than to have you or me and our families cast out in the street. Absent gov't, what entity would step in?

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by dazed&confused »

ManitouDan wrote: When you are making x amount in dec and making a 100 bucks less in jan because the tax's went up you dont play sophmoric stupid lame idiotic game of saying , well " YOUR LOWER RATE EXPIRED I DIDNT RAISE IT " please . try being honest and forth right .
Also, please see where I said neither side wanted to extend that cut. The R's have no interest in helping you either, because you can't write a million dollar check to their campaigns. But your right, it's all that @&*$%! Obama's fault! :lol: 8)

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by abuck76 »

The use of language by the cons is Orwellian .............. A payroll tax that was already there is put back is not a tax increase................NIce try cons......... :12224

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by Bleeding Red »

dazed&confused wrote:
ManitouDan wrote:please let the _______ benefits go ! PLEASE !
Dan, If you or I, God forbid, come down with some terrible, wasting disease beyond our ability to handle the costs involved, I hope there is some other resources available, some other recourse than to have you or me and our families cast out in the street. Absent gov't, what entity would step in?

Let me tell you how much BS this post is. A great friend of mine had 2 types of lymphoma. He lost his job. He had to fight for unemployment and disability for nearly a year. He almost lost his house. There was no government assistance as he did everything he could to keep the lights on and deed in his name. Nobody came running to him with the so called BENEFITS. The benefit is we gladly pay the government more money so they can pursue more unstructured and unregulated spending. You are foolish enough to think this is going to benefit you? Do you really think SS is going to be there in 25-30 years?

Another friend of mine lost his business due to the recession. He payed into unemployment (for himself and his workers) for nearly 20 years. After calling it quits he signed up for unemployment. The denied him at record speed. Here he had paid into this for years. It wasnt like he DIDNT pay into it because he WASNT going to need it one day. The law is that you pay into it when you are a S Corp. So he did. What an investment that was. When he needed it most, it wasnt there.

Dont try to say we are paying for the benefits, because if you work there are not many benefits out there to take advantage of.

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by dazed&confused »

So let's just shut the government down, disband the police and military, do away with everything related benefits, end all taxes and wish everyone well! That is not Tea Party phylosophy! Call it by it's real name, Anarchy! Are you an anarchist? At least give us 40 acres and a mule! :lol:

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by Bleeding Red »

dazed&confused wrote:So let's just shut the government down, disband the police and military, do away with everything related benefits, end all taxes and wish everyone well! That is not Tea Party phylosophy! Call it by it's real name, Anarchy! Are you an anarchist? At least give us 40 acres and a mule! :lol:

If things keep going the way they are, 40 acres and a mule might be the way to go :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have the 40 acres, all I need is a good mule :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I dont have a problem paying taxes. Been paying them for 20 years now. I have a problem paying 40% of my gross earnings so they can go to people who choose to not work. The rest of it goes to fund oil adventures through war overseas. Dont forget the wasteful spending of our state and federal government (both democratic and republican). If I did need to capitalize on something that I have been paying on for decades it wont be there for me like it is for others. That is my problem. You are getting a little extreme.

Its not what it seems when you see how it effects the common working folks, is it???

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by Paladin »

40% = common working class ?


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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by Bleeding Red »

Paladin wrote:40% = common working clas ?

Income tax, property tax, sales tax.... taxes in dividends and capital gains, etc etc etc.

Does your calculator not work????

And 40% might be a little low for some of us.

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by Paladin »

Spoken like a true Con.

You just like free schools, free police, free military, free health protections, etc.

Gotcha :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by Bleeding Red »

Paladin wrote:Spoken like a true Con.

You just like free schools, free police, free military, free health protections, etc.

Gotcha :lol: :lol: :lol:

Free? Are you really that stupid?

Why do you think I am working all day today. Someone has to pay for this mess we are in.

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Re: How much is Obama' middle class tax hike going to cost y

Post by Bleeding Red »

How long do you think 50% of the country can carry the other 50% before the walls come crumbling down old wise one?

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