North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

bucknut 23
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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by bucknut 23 »

Whoa Nellie, First things first -- Peebles at Fayetteville on Tuesday, December 23 !!!

Fayetteville has to be licking their chops at the thought of Peebles looking ahead to Friday night against North Adams. If Peebles doesn't come out on Tuesday night ready to play they will get their butts handed to them on a platter. Fayetteville just scored 82 points last week against West Union.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by boomer633 »

shljunkie wrote:No it's about not changing things from the way they are scheduled just because NA coach didn't like it. For those of you who evidently don't understand how things go, EVERY year the first game of the Adams county Holiday Tourney is a league game, it doesn't matter where the tourney is held, then obviously the championship and consolation games are not because you don't know would be playing. This year because the tourney is held at Peebles, NA coach didn't like it because that would mean for 2 years in a row, the league game would be at Peebles, Peebles AD gave in. You don't change something just because it doesn't work in your favor, it is how it is, however it works out. If you're going to change it, then stop making them league games period.
Hopefully bull and man on microphone, you guys can get this now, it really isn't rocket science!

How many times has the schedule worked out so that a team had to play a league game 3 years in a row at the opponents gym? Given North Adams and Peebles normally play once a year it seems only fair the way this was worked out and if you have a problem with it I think it would be more with who did the scheduling more than anything.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by slamdunk »

peeblesportsfan1391 wrote:
slamdunk wrote:My prediction:

North Adams 75
Peebles 55

North Adams is too deep and talented. They also will be able to dominate the inside game due to Peebles lack of one. It will be an exciting game at the beginning, but in the end, NA pulls away for the 20 point win.

That is what West Union folks and others thought too on Friday night, BUT ......... Final score NA 86 WU 55

I hate to have to quote you twice Slam Dunk, but your post just seem to lack good Basketball IQ. First of all to say that Peebles has a lack of an inside game is crazy. But I can forgive you for getting last years Peebles team confused with this years Peebles team. This year Coach Lawhorn has his team ready to play both outside and inside which is a huge key for Peebles to win. However, where I think many people get confused is that they see Peebles shot a lot of 3's, like last year's team, and automatically assume that Peebles has no inside game. If you have watched Peebles play at all this year, you would have notice that when they r playing their best Peebles is utilizing their strong inside game, along with their outside game.

Secondly to say that NA will pull Away and win by 20 when the game is @ Peebles, just goes to prove that you have probably never seen a match up between these two teams. I guarantee neither one of these teams will give up NO MATTER what the other team's lead is. These teams are just to well coached and just have to much respect for each other to give less than their very best.

Finally to compare this Peebles vs. North Adams game to that of the WU @ NA game is just plain out STUPID... I want to know wat could have possibly been going through your head when you made that analogy. For one(and I mean this in no Disrespectful way to the WU players or coaches, these are just observations that i have made after seeing both teams play) Peebles has more talent, more experience, and a more experienced coach. Coach Lawhorn will have these boys ready for North Adams, and to believe anything other than that both teams will give 120% on that floor for the ENTIRE game, just goes to show a person's lack of intelligence when it comes to basketball.

It sounds to me like you have some of those Peebles "we are the greatest team alive" blinders on my friend. I have been around the game and coached it longer than you probably have known what a basketball is. I have seen more basketball games in my life then I can even count. I know the game!

First of all, my analogy to the WU @ NA game was just simply to say exactly what I said. People thought that that game might have been closer too, but it wasn't PERIOD. It had nothing to do with comparing WU and Peebles on a talent level. I think Peebles is more talented than WU without question. Peebles in the games I have seen has NO inside game. They play a perimeter style of game. I said nothing about Peebles giving less then 120% in the game. I think they will give all they got for the whole game. But my prediction is coming from the times I have seen Peebles play and the times I have seen North Adams play. Peebles has worn out by the end of games where as North Adams gets stronger by the end of games. It will be a battle maybe for 3 plus quarters, but in the end North Adams will pull away in my opinion. If they don't and this is a battle to the final buzzer, GREAT! I love good close games!!!

Know who your saying has a low Basketball IQ before you post my friend. You just might look pretty foolish if you continue posting with the lack of intelligence that your post showed.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by sparky »

where and what level have you coached at? i can't believe you get worked up because someone on an opinion forum questions your iq. i can't believe how many people get upset over someone else's opinion.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by The Man on the Microphone »


If someone questions my IQ, I whip out my MENSA card and say "in your face." If they question my basketball IQ, I sweep the leg.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by TAR HEEL FAN44 »

I can not wait to see the game...and it will be a full house that night too...Good old SHL basketball.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by slamdunk »

sparky wrote:slamdunk,
where and what level have you coached at? i can't believe you get worked up because someone on an opinion forum questions your iq. i can't believe how many people get upset over someone else's opinion.

Now, now! That might give my identity away. I wouldn't want to do that! :lol: :lol: :lol: Let's just say I have coached at all levels of the game for a while now. It's the truth without giving away my identity. Where?, we will leave that up for debate! :12223 :12223 :12223

I am not worked up! I just have my issues with certain folks from a certain town that will remain nameless, cough cough, :lol: :lol: :lol: and I like to stir the pot a little. Come now let me indulge a little, it's going to be a fun game!!

Man on the mic, your a riot!!!!!!! I could sweep the leg but my vacuum is in the shop! :lol: :lol: :lol:

bucknut 23
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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by bucknut 23 »

slamdunk has been around the game for a long time. This is going to be a great night of basketball for the Adams County Schools -- full gym, intensity, friendly rivals, everybody knows everybody, bragging rights, and of course some hot popcorn.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by slamdunk »

bucknut 23 wrote:slamdunk has been around the game for a long time. This is going to be a great night of basketball for the Adams County Schools -- full gym, intensity, friendly rivals, everybody knows everybody, bragging rights, and of course some hot popcorn.

Of course the popcorn!!! Now the night is complete! It doesn't get any better than this!!!

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by The Man on the Microphone »

I think the only thing that would top the situation is a cherry, a multi-colored silk shirt - with asymmetrical panels, a Skeletor Battle Armor action figure, and...if it was a league game.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by slamdunk »

:aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24 :aaaaa24

Good one!!!

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by indiangirl »

The last time i checked,I and ME dont win games,teams do.


Although I think you mean well, you sound a little bitter. I've read your posts in the other topics, and you keep going on and on about a "2 man team." I've seen the games, and I understand your point, I only hope that those kids you are talking about don't take it the wrong way. If you knew any of these kids personally, maybe you might stop to realize that ALL of them want to win. From close observation, I know that this year's group is way more of a TEAM than last year, and they certainly don't need you trying to stir the pot among them. How about trying some encouragement, or at least a dictionary?

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by The Man on the Microphone »

The gloves are off. Grammar and syntax have been brought into play. It's on like Donkey Kong.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by indians10 »

Indiangirl,i do know the kids,and i have seen the games,and if you dont understand what im talking about then im not sure your watching the same game.I usually end my post with Go Indians.I know ive been a Indians fan way longer than you.I am showing no disrespect for any of the players.You seem to miss the point that we are giving our opinions about the way the team is playing.I am elated that we are 3-1.Blake and Andrew are two of the best offensive players in the shl,and if were going to have a really good season we all know they have to score.TA also has to score,but you have to have the ball in your hands to score.TA is just as much of a threat as the other two.If ur satisfied with the overall team play then thats fine.We were lucky to get out of Eastern with a win.Great first half at Athens,not so great second half.Do you see the difference or not?I think there very capable of playing 4 quarters,like the first half at Athens dont you.That kind of play will put this team in the top few in this area,thats what i want,to keep getting better,playing as a team,going some where in the tourny,i dont call my view as stirring the pot or showing any disrespect for anyone.Go Indians If i dont spell everything right,or use proper english the way u would like im sorry.I dont pay much attention when im typing.Im not real good at typing.If i decide to become an english teacher ill let u know.GO INDIANS

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by opiie94 »

Let me start by saying that I bleed red and always will... But I do see what some of the other fans are seeing, maybe I shouldnt say some but most of the fans.. I do know some of the players personally, and would not say anything negative about any of them, I wish them all the luck in the world. I dont care if someone scores 50 points a night, as long as they play good team ball, wich they have not been doing.. Whiteoak and the first half at athens they played good ball, and when they play like that I think they can compete with anyone we go up against.. the second half at athens and Eastern has not been so pretty. I dont have any doubt that Mr. Lawhorn will get this straitend out.. He is a known winner, and will continue to be. Its early and we are 3 and 1, lets all join together and root them on and beat north adams.. GO INDIANS

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by dmills »

You said it beat north adams.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by shljunkie »

Wow, I have been out of town and sure have missed all of you. LOL
Honestly, I agree, we all need to support this group of outstanding boys (the Indians) keeping in mind that they probably read these posts. However, this isn't a self-esteem support group and part of growing up means sometimes hearing things that aren't always so nicey-nicey, that's what mommies are for. We are just voicing our opinions and observations that pretty much everyone is seeing and in a decent way. It is what it is and it doesn't mean, indian girl, that we are being mean or not supporting these kids. As indian10 and others are saying, we support these kids 100% and want nothing more than for them to be a winning team, they deserve it and certainly work hard for it, but those of us who know basketball, know that there are things that have to happen for that to come to pass, and we are all hoping that it happens.
You may be someone's sister or mom or whatever and that is fine but just remember, sometimes being honest isn't such a bad thing, sometimes it helps open eyes.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by sparky »

it is really quite simple; those who can shoot should shoot, those who can't shoot should rebound, play defense, set screens and pick up charges and loose balls. the problem too many players and their parents think they can shoot. coaches who let every kid shoot who thinks they can shoot but really can't end up as principals, a.d.'s or spectators.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by indians10 »

Very well said junkie.I hope Indiangirl can understand what is being said.Sparky,if u watch the peebles games,and u talk about shooting and shooters,u must not consider TA a shooter.You are right when u talk about rebounding,defense,picks,thats what wins ball games.Even if ur not a shooter,most varsity players can make a wide open layup with no defensive player around him.When guys are double teamed,tends to leave guys with wide open shots,and usually a high percentage shot.

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Re: North Adams @ Peebles 12/30

Post by shljunkie »

Another thing sparky...there are guys who think they know basketball and they come on forums and say things that don't even make sense and it's really quite simple, they're just trying to stir the pot, oops....sorry, I forgot, we need to be nice and ignore people like you, oops.... I mean people like that. takes 5 people on the floor doing all the things you mentioned and as I've said before all the players on this team know their roles and they are all more than willing to play them, I think that is pretty obvious. This team can just be so much better if all the strengths that this team possesses are utilized and if they all put team first. As Indian10 said, when everyone is utilized and you allow the offense a chance to work, everyone becomes a threat and so much more will be opened up for those main scorers which is how it should be. It's much harder to defend a team when you know that anyone of them can hurt you. Its pretty simple actually, I can't believe we have to spend so much time explaining it to some.

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