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Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:51 pm
by TheRock
Do I sense a case of mistaken identity? Your thoughts far outway the longevity of your character. What do you have hiding behind that mask that covers character?

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:04 pm
by luvit
GoBigRed wrote:LOL! He's the Michael Jordan of SEOP. How could I not be a fan.......

maybe related? :122249 lol

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:34 pm
by GoBigRed
Well of course! Because i love to call my relatives Michael Jordan!! Our little personal arguement is completely irrelevant to the rest of Indian Nation. Big game tonight boys! Come ready to play!!


Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:42 pm
by luvit
your the one who started this over someone just giving stats and dates other than jchitwood. i know jimmy and i know he wouldnt even care. i think your really petty keeping this up when the boys are getting ready to go play a big game.

go indians sorry if red distracted you from what was important....a big win!

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:07 pm
by GoBigRed
No need to point fingers luvit. Were all Indian fans here. Most of us do know jchitwood, and like I said all of this arguing is completely irrelevant to Indian Nation. I'm not trying to make you look bad, we cheer for the same team, I have no fight with you. I am a friend to any and every Indian; fan, player, cheerleader, coach, or anyone else associated with Peebles basketball in any way. Can't wait to see the gym filled with red this evening!

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:16 pm
by luvit
you dont need to worry about making ME look bad...go take a look in

i dont even consider this an arguement this is a forum where you can voice your own opinion if the word correct got this much attention thats crazy

go indians

i will await your reply red

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:17 pm
by boomer633
There will be quite a bit of green and gold there too.

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:19 pm
by luvit
i'll save you a seat tonight gobigred....i'll be the one in red :lol: LOL

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:20 pm
by GoBigRed
boomer633 wrote:There will be quite a bit of green and gold there too.

I know it boomer, just tryin to stay positive :) I can't even imagine how packed it's going to be. I'm pumped!!

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:25 pm
by jchitwood
Yeah, it's not guys all know me, but I have to guess who you are. :P I'd say, at best, I'm the Tony Kukoc of SEOP.

And underwood, while I greatly applaud your attempt to broaden the common lexicon, I will reiterate the statement I made on a thread previous regarding florid language used in such a forum. Your words do more to mask your message, rather than convey it to its intended receivers. While I am flattered by your assumption that I have some skill with numbers, I must confess that mathematics and statistic compilation are not my forte. Many of these stats were compiled years ago by the junior varsity coach of Peebles, of whom you have spoken your mind on occasion, and placed in an unflattering light. I do not begrudge your right to an opinion on this matter, however.

Go Indians!

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:32 pm
by TheRock
Would you say that his lack of response might put him in a place of public entity, which he has exited in a timely manner?

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:39 pm
by jchitwood
TheRock wrote:Jimmy,
Would you say that his lack of response might put him in a place of public entity, which he has exited in a timely manner?

lol...sure...all I know is it's Friday, 4 o'clock, and I don't get to watch Peebles play tonight. I'm tired and need a big coffee. What does that have to do with the best coaches in the SHL? They need big coffees too.

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:19 pm
by tobiasunderwood
TheRock wrote:Jimmy,
Would you say that his lack of response might put him in a place of public entity, which he has exited in a timely manner?

I am unsure as to how a person can be place in a public being?

As I avowed previously my mentally impeded friend, it is not wise to enter into a match of wits empty handed. You are not David but you would be challenging a Goliath!

Chitwood, many sincere thanks for permitting me an opinion my young jedi friend. My words only mask my sentiments to those unable to comprehend a varied use of the written word. If you are in need of translation, I would be exultant to do so.

I took note of the broadcasted challenge and would like to pass on my good wishes to the Peebles Varsity squad on their triumph over the North Adams Varsity squad! Quite a feat!

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:30 pm
by sparky
what time do you have to be back each night?

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:58 pm
by kg23
Buecler, Kennedy, and Young, not necessarily in that order.

I'm from Peebles, and the only reason i leave Lawhorn off this list is because I don't really see him as a true SHL coach. He more-or-less just strolls in when we have tremendous talent and holds the coaching throne until the talent has run out, and i feel like he will resign right after Blakes final game. However, I will say that I think he has great knowledge of the game and knows how to handle the boys.

Josh Arey on the other hand (Future Peebles varsity coach in my opinion) is a great coach who really seems to dedicate himself to developing talent instead of adopting talent that was already developed, and i'll add Josh to this list as soon as he takes over the job.

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:30 pm
by justindavis
Coach Young wins this by far. Over 20 years at the helm of the Green Devils he's brought them from league laughing stock to league supremacy. 2 20-0 seasons, 1 trip to the final four, 2 or 3 regional trips, nearly 400 wins(not all with NA), and multiple league and sectional championships. Buecler and Kennedy both do nice jobs, and I'm very excited to see what Coach Arey can do with Peebles when and if he gets the job. However, there's no denying the credential of the legend in Seaman.

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:48 pm
by sparky
arey getting the job? i heard justice was the next coach.

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:14 pm
by kg23
I wasn't aware of any talk of who the next coach will be or that Lawhorn had even decided on when he's done. I think secretly we all know he's done after next year. I will say though, if Josh Arey is denied that job then I will lose a tremendous amount of respect for the people responsible for that decision. There is nobody in peebles that is as dedicated to that team or as hardworking. It would be a shame if he isn't the next coach.

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:31 pm
by justindavis
I don't want to start any rumors, I haven't heard that Coach Lawhorn was leaving or that Coach Arey would automatically get it. Though I must emphatically agree with KG that he does an incredible job and it would come off as extremely political and shady if he were denied that job.

Re: Best coach in the SHL??

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:07 pm
by luvit
hitman2 wrote:I don't want to start any rumors, I haven't heard that Coach Lawhorn was leaving or that Coach Arey would automatically get it. Though I must emphatically agree with KG that he does an incredible job and it would come off as extremely political and shady if he were denied that job.

how do you think coach mc farland felt when it was done to him. he thought he would be back also, but then again politics took over and look what happened. he should probably still be the peebles coach, but isn't.

also coach lawhorn is a great teacher of the game. ask the players he had when he first came here in 97-98. he took a team of j.v. players that had very few wins the year before, and turned them into a very good team. ask l. ogden, j. jones, h. robinson, and some of those players, then make your judgement of how good of an coach he is. you might have a different opinion of him.

not trying to start any trouble or sway anyone's opinion or anything, you have a right to think what you want. just wanted to point out a couple of things.