Fairland vs Rock Hill

bucking red
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Fairland vs Rock Hill

Post by bucking red »

The dragons need to get back to tough defense and playing smart. GO GREEN!!!!!!!!

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Post by earp »

Not much talk about this game???I think the Dragons bounce back at home however and gets them ready for a big one againist Akron Hoban on sunday! Anybody going up for that one?

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Post by bucking red »

Earp you know it! How about you and killer coming up north? Though it would be nice to get an OVC win before we go. It looks like Akron is 8-2 with the two losses by 2 and 4 points.

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Post by earp »

Oh I dont know I havent heard from him.Maybe we should carpool? :razz:

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Post by Championship »

id say Fairland by around 14 or so....depends on what Rock Hill team shows up....the team oriented one or the star oriented one

Is the Hatfield kid alright?....read in the paper where he got hurt in the Chessy game

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Post by pantherpaw »

RH cannot be overlooked, here. Regardless of their record, they are a very good team and depending on which RH team shows up, they are very capable of giving Fairland all they want.

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Post by dukiees1 »

Should be a very good and exciting game to watch and I can't wait to hopefully see the Redmen get the big win!!!

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Post by bucking red »

The dragons win 60-52 over the redmen. IMO not much energy tonight by the dragons or crowd but a win is a win.

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Post by farmer »

bucking red wrote:The dragons win 60-52 over the redmen. IMO not much energy tonight by the dragons or crowd but a win is a win.

Kind of hard for the crowd to get into the game when Fairland Administration allows the cheerleading advisor to jerk around the cheerleaders. She had many of the cheerleaders upset the whole game. With the captain crying. They were not even allowed to do their dance tonight at halftime. Last week they had to have a meeting before getting on the bus because parents had complained when the advisor told all the cheerleaders they would not cheer at the Chesapeake game. Good luck going to Akron without the cheerleaders also.

Fairland has a good team but can not get support and will not get support until attitudes change.

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Post by earp »

I have to agree with you on attitudes changing Farmer.Looks to me like most of the students could care less.Its just a shame this team doesnt have more support.I mean generally if you win then the crowds pick up but it seems just the opposite is happening.There is no togetherness at all with the student body from what I can see.What a shame! :(

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Post by fhsfan »

I agree on the cheerleaders...I do not think I have ever heard of an entire team being suspended (Chesapeake game) or missing a game at the Convo for some nonsense reason. I would think the cheerleaders priority would be cheering for their school.

On to the game....I thought the first half was the best defensive effort I have seen out of the Dragons this year. Holding a talented Rock Hill team to 16 points in a half is tremendous. It felt like Fairland could blow this one open at any time, but Rock Hill kept making plays to hang around. I am glad to see the Dragons getting back to the basics on defense and locking people down.

Hey where is SMEGMA after the wins?

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Post by earp »

He must have crawled back under his rock FHSFan.Apparently Coach Belville winning is his Kryptonite! 8)

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Post by allsport »

Each team seemed to play to their competition last night and nobody wanted to raise the bar. Thus the game became close toward the end. Rock Hill made a little run but it was too little too late. Fairland hit their free throws. Good defensive job on Lamb, crowding him all night and not allowing him to make many basket runs... he still got his 16 much below his average. RH played good team defense... Offensively RH missed several close in shots early in the game that made a difference at the end. Still out of sync on the offensive end... not seeing the open man, not pushing the ball into the defense and attacking... waiting on too many invitations... During full court pressure, our ball handlers will have a guy beat and instead of pushing the ball and attacking, they back it out and stop, dribble in place with their arm guard sticking out there... GO!... you have the man beat! Other guys will stand while a ball handler is driving the ball toward them... MOVE... get away and create open space... This is basic fundamental basketball... Hands are down on defense leaving gaping holes in the passing lanes that anyone could pass through... no passion asking for the ball in the post... small things that add up... They were not by any means out classed even though they never led in the game. I believe the key to the Hill is early intensity and doing the little things... they are not motivated for some reason when they first come out and these fundamental problems are not being corrected game to game... the communication line between what has to happen and what is happening seems to be broken or at best full of static... The coaches and players must clear the lines and make a final run... this is it seniors... time to step up... NOW!

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Post by bballrh »

Well said. I feel bad for the guys. They want it . it just is not happening. There are reason why it isn't but it probaby won't matter now. It is not going to change at this time probably. Sometime I wish the coaches could step out in the stands. They may see things different . I do not want the reponssibilty of coaching ever but I do know a little and things are fundamental things that have to change and everyone probably knows what they are Just got to have the gust to do it. What a great bunch of kids to have this happen too. Even they know what the issues really are. Take care of business boys even if it is amoung yourself. Good luck Guys You have been wonderful to watch.

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Post by dukiees1 »

bballrh wrote:Well said. I feel bad for the guys. They want it . it just is not happening. There are reason why it isn't but it probaby won't matter now. It is not going to change at this time probably. Sometime I wish the coaches could step out in the stands. They may see things different . I do not want the reponssibilty of coaching ever but I do know a little and things are fundamental things that have to change and everyone probably knows what they are Just got to have the gust to do it. What a great bunch of kids to have this happen too. Even they know what the issues really are. Take care of business boys even if it is amoung yourself. Good luck Guys You have been wonderful to watch.

Great post and I agree completely with everything you said and I too just hate it for the boys and knowing how good they really could be and for most of them this is they're last year in high school and I just hate to see them go out with not such a great season. I thought it was great though that Coach Mills came to the game and was able to see all the boys that I'm sure he still cares a great deal about. Good luck boys Tuesday against the Flyers

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Post by bballrh »

"We never could get that big play late in the game. We got it to five several times, but we couldn’t get it to a one-possession game. We couldn’t capitalize at critical times,” said Redmen coach Adam Simpson."

come from the paper. Just wondering why this is the same thing that happens all the time. Is is MATCHUP, DEFENSE, OFFENSE what is it. In the past there has always been certain players on this team that were better at defense than other and yet they are not on the right player. There are certain player that are the offenseive players that are not being given the ball. just wondered about the stats too who. sends them to the paper. I don't know that they are always on the money Are they done by people or film or what. can't always agree with them. I dont think that everyone see things the way other people see them. espescially assists. Not everyone counts an assist the same same way even though as assist is an assist. just an example. Every kid likes to see that they contributed and when it don't happen they are disappointed and I mean everyone especially when they have been high guy on something and it not reconginized.
Season almost over and the boys are disappointed. Never should happen but it did Keep fighting for it guys. Didn't turn out the way anyone thought, but it turned out the way it was suppossed to.[/quote]

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Re: everything

Post by allsport »

bballrh wrote:" just wondered about the stats too who. sends them to the paper. I don't know that they are always on the money Are they done by people or film or what. can't always agree with them. I dont think that everyone see things the way other people see them. espescially assists. Not everyone counts an assist the same same way even though as assist is an assist. just an example. Every kid likes to see that they contributed and when it don't happen they are disappointed and I mean everyone especially when they have been high guy on something and it not reconginized.

The paper's stats are collected from both teams in conference games and sometimes other newspapers... the books are compared after games to insure they match. The statistians and book keepers have to watch every player and every play, while the parents in the stands are usually only watching their kid and their performance... it's a tough job... As for assists, you're right, that is one of the most difficult calls... that and rebounds when their are several tips under the basket... at any rate, it's like pulling teeth to get any one to help keep books or stats, but very easy to find mistakes when there are so many eyes looking at it from so many different angles. However, if there are discrepencies, let me know the problems and we can check them against film and at least correct them online. I do not want a kid to get slighted and that's the truth.

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Post by bballrh »

Yeah I would not want to do stats at all. Too much pressure.All parents do focus in on their child .It is a human response. Are all the stats compared or just basic one. I just wondered about assist and steals mainly. It really isn't that big of a deal but everyone wants and sometimes needs their due, as I am sure you understand. I totally agree it is a very tough job. I could never do stats for anything my children were a part of because it would be hard to catch everything of the other kids just because of the human nature factor. Final stats should be done by film I feel and by someone unrelated to that particular sport or team. IMO That is part of being a coach. That way there is not confusion. but thanks for the info. I know it is a hard job and not a job for me. That is part fo the reason I don't say too much

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Post by allsport »

bballrh wrote:Yeah I would not want to do stats at all. Too much pressure.All parents do focus in on their child .It is a human response. Are all the stats compared or just basic one. I just wondered about assist and steals mainly. It really isn't that big of a deal but everyone wants and sometimes needs their due, as I am sure you understand. I totally agree it is a very tough job. I could never do stats for anything my children were a part of because it would be hard to catch everything of the other kids just because of the human nature factor. Final stats should be done by film I feel and by someone unrelated to that particular sport or team. IMO That is part of being a coach. That way there is not confusion. but thanks for the info. I know it is a hard job and not a job for me. That is part fo the reason I don't say too much

Final stats are not done by film at RH... that usually depends on the coaching staff... You're right, it is a challenge keeping up with everything and bottom line the human factor is always there... folks who volunteer to do stats really do give up a lot... you can't enjoy the game like most folks do, focusing on whatever you wish... you have to hyper-focus on every detail of the game, while never having the luxury of just enjoying one individuals play... it can be very unnerving... plus you know you will miss things that others will catch and probably be called on it... that's why it's so hard to get volunteers... it would almost be like volunteering to ref a game and not being paid a single cent for the trouble only the displeasure of the fans who disaggree with your calls... nonetheless, it must be done if the kids are to get any publicity... that makes it worth it... and for that reason I applaud all those who do step up and volunteer as I'm sure you and most folks do. I was cracking up the other day bballrh... I went to a college game and they had 4 guys on laptops doing the stats on these fancy programs... they had printers and asstistant statasticians... I thought "must be nice!" Oh well... we'll just continue to plug along.

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Post by pantherpaw »

It's a thankless job, huh, Allsport?!!

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