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Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:58 pm
by supermama
No she should not. An outside person should get the job as that applicant has by far the most experience in the game. Girls that have "sat" under her coaching have stated that she is not very knowledgeable about the game as is evidenced by the way she tried to change the way the freshman had already learned some fundamental things that they have learned.

Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:39 pm
by Go Get It
Once again, high school ball is NOT jr high. And that is good that the jr high girls have played well together in JR HIGH but, like someone stated earlier, things change when they get in high school. There are girls on the team that have had a different coach every year, but they continue to go to open gyms and play. The problem with the incoming freshman is that they are a little to big for their britches. I watched some of the jr high games last year, and they have a rude awakening coming, especially if there is only enough for one team like there has been for the last couple of years. There is a huge difference when freshman come up against seniors on the Court. And yes, I agree, a few of them may be of some help, but I wouldn't be buying my tickets for the State game just yet!

Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:41 pm
by supermama
You know you all have valid points and I will be more selective in what I say. Eastern does have a history of starting freshmen in the past. Last year 3 freshmen started at various times and yes high school ball is different than jr. high ball. Lets hope that all the girls continue to have an interest even in this time of coaching upheaval. We need a jv and a varsity program to grow our girls sports. Not just enough for a varsity team. So PLEASE Eastern board, make a decision and hire a coach so that the girls will have someone to run the practices and lets try to keep this coach for a few years. Lets get someone who has the willingness to stick with the girls more than one year and see what these girls can accomplish.

Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:55 pm
by rookie
The upcoming freshmans parents is wanting the coach the had last year. I belive they think that he will start them over other older players. They need to stop worrying about that and stop getting on the board about the way they are doing it. They will get the job done. Its not as easy as some seem to think.

Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:07 pm
by Go Get It
2 freshman did start. But look how few girls were on the team. 2 seniors, 2 jrs,
4 soph., 4 freshman, so, not to many to choose from. The 2 freshman that usually started did a good job for their first year. I am sure they would tell you it was a big adjustment and probably wasn't anything like they thought it would be. In years past, the jr. high has usually had fairly good sized teams. But, it seems that once they hit high school there are to many distractions, and each year fewer and fewer come out for the team. There are a few that have hung in there through thick and thin and must truly love the sport. Stop worrying about who the coach will be. It will be whoever the board hires and you might as well either sit back and go along for the ride or do like others have and just not play.

Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:19 pm
by supermama
There have been other freshmen that have started varsity in the past at Eastern and in more sports than just b-ball. I don't think that the coach in question would start freshmen just because they had played for him before. I think that coach in question would play the 5 girls that would win the game at any given time. The girls from the 2 previous years under him like him and get along well with him. Girls have fallen off in the past because of other interests and playing time. Eastern is a small school and we need all the athletes that we can get to go out for each and every sport.

Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:48 pm
by Eagle82
The clock is ticking.

Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:30 pm
by supermama
How did the girls do at the Rio shootout?

Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:55 am
by Go Get It
Did they go? And if so, who all went.

Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:38 am
by supermama
I don't know if they went, I was trying to find out if anyone knew if they had? Anyone out there know?

Re: Reedsville Eastern's new coach?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:22 am
by bcnu
Go Get It wrote:Did they go? And if so, who all went.

No, they did not go.