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Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:13 am
by therepublican
oak_a_holic wrote:If we want to talk about rude fans, we should dicuss the man that was seated behind me. I, and a friend, arrived at the end of the JV game, so, naturally, there were no more seats on the away side. So, we decided to sit up top on the home side. We had been sitting for about 10 minutes when this fellow from Webster started yelling at us. Saying "all them Oak Hill boys sitting on the wrong side." I turned around and said to the guy "Hey bud there werent any seats on the other side" to that he replied "well there will be when I get done with you." After that he continued to make rude comments to us and cussed at us the entire game.
I think its quite apparent here whos fans were rude last night... Talk about the pot calling the kettle black? :122245 :122245

Yeah, I am not a fan really of either team, just went to watch what was supposed to be a "close" game...Oak Hill was really good last night...but I think everyone heard that moron! I, in no way would group that guy with the Webster fans..every team has one. I am sure the guy probably didn't pass highschool..If I were you, there were plenty of open seats on the Home side besides the top, I would have stood up and moved my butt to another seat. that usually takes care of the problem.

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:28 am
by Buckeye84
I registered today just to make a couple of points...

That guy on Websters side was loud and rude and DO NOT blame ANY other SW fan for the way this man behaved. Most SW fans that I have came across are very nice people!

And another thing, being an Oak Hill fan... I was VERY disappointed when our fans cheered when a certain SW player missed their free throws! We were up by 40, its not like the outcome of the game came down to those 2 missed shots!! That was very rude and for a moment I was embarassed to be sitting on Oak Hills side! Come on people!

On a more positive note... Congrats Karissa Adkins on 1000 points!!!

I am looking forward to seeing the Lady Oaks go all the way!!!

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:30 am
by clevelandbrowns#1
:twisted: Why should they have to move somewhere else??? When did it become OKAY in our society to cuss, ridicule, and act like an idiot at another persons expense??? I have a great idea, why don't ADMINISTRATION take this into their hands and remove individuals who act this way??? This is not acceptable behavior in my opinion!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:08 am
by therepublican
ClevelandBrowns#1 wrote::twisted: Why should they have to move somewhere else??? When did it become OKAY in our society to cuss, ridicule, and act like an idiot at another persons expense??? I have a great idea, why don't ADMINISTRATION take this into their hands and remove individuals who act this way??? This is not acceptable behavior in my opinion!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

It is not ok for people to act like this. But it happens, and if you want to be the better person, get up and move..I promise there were a lot of seats open. It just gives someone else reason to be annoying when you sit there. I understand, you shouldn't have to move, I am just saying if you don't, you knew he would have kept going. Again, every team has an idiot fan..that is the game.

We all heard the guy, and everyone is on your side..he looked like an idiot to everyone.

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:01 pm
by clevelandbrowns#1
NO-When a person pays money to come into a gym they have the right to sit anywhere they want!!! Do you have children?? If so, why should a person be able to cuss, humiliate, etc... toward ANYONE else. He/She should be removed from the gym, period!!!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR SOCIETY???? Ignorance is taking over!!!!!!!!!

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:40 pm
by therepublican

You are making sound LIke I am disagreeing with you. I agree, if my children are around I would be mad, I am just saying I would move them. Not sit there and complain about it to myself. I would get up and tell a cop! Period. But you know as well as I do, most cops at a game don't do anything unless..1. the refs say something or 2. there is a physical threat to someone's health or safety. Don't make me out to be some bad guy..I agree with you, the guy should have been kicked out.. as anyone that annoying should be. We obviously just have different opinions on what to do. I move my kids or whomever is with me and ingore the guy and let him look like a fool or tell an authority, you stay and get mad.

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:42 pm
by dimedrop4
MightyOaksFan wrote:The fact that about 20 of dimedrops's 26 posts are on South Webster topics and the majority of them are on the boys side leaves me to believe that he/she is not an Oak Hill fan

Hrmm. Stalk much? I'M INDEED an OAK FAN, I live in the village, and I'm STRONGLY affilliated with the school and its athletic program. The majority of my family live in South Webster and keep me updated about their program at all times, so therefore I am a JEEP fan as well. Is it wrong to root for 2 teams? or more...I'm pretty sure this is a website associated with Southeastern Ohio sports, so I should be able to be a fan of as many teams as I please*.

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:48 pm
by MightyOaksFan
touchy :122249

you are more than welcome to root for two teams, in fact I root for all teams in the SOC when they are not playing the Oaks, but when every topic you have started except one deals with South Webster I think that it is safe to say that you are a Jeep fan first.

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:53 pm
by dimedrop4
MightyOaksFan wrote:touchy :122249

you are more than welcome to root for two teams, in fact I root for all teams in the SOC when they are not playing the Oaks, but when every topic you have started except one deals with South Webster I think that it is safe to say that you are a Jeep fan first.

Dont see anyone else posting topics about Webster...someone has to respect their program by showing recognition. There are plenty fellow Oak fans on here to start topics about Oak Hill games, but if the time comes and its game day and I don't see a topic, I'll start one every time...

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:17 pm
by MightyOaksFan
like I said it's ok, you are not the first to disguise their allegiance

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:04 pm
by The Ghost of Swanker

every time i log on to seops I have the intention of starting a SW thread if I don't see it. you beat me to it every time. :)

anyway, I'm getting ready to go to Portsmouth tonight and watch the boys put a whoopin' on Portsmouth (i hope)

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:16 pm
by bushmaster24
anyone going to UC from the oaks?? enough said..... any new recrutes on the oaks team this year... ??? :lol: :lol:

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:01 pm
by dimedrop4

I'm deeply sorry to inform you that you haven't been speaking to the real me. I've just discovered after getting on here and reading private messages in my inbox that I've been having conversations and posting replies to people whenever I haven't even logged in myself. I have a step son who's apparently came across my login info and has been making me out to be someone I'm not. Just to clear some things up...

I'm a Jeep Fan. I was born and raised in South Webster and have supported my Jeeps my entire life. I mean no disrespect WHATSOEVER to any Oak Hill fans or players through what has happened here. I've taken care of things, and I'm going to try and change my username. Oak Hill has a wonderful team, coach, and a strong, supportive fan base, and I admire that. That's something these two schools share in common and should be proud of. I want to sincerely congratulate Coach Hale and his girls on the win last night, as they won fair and square as they were undoubtly the better team.

Once again, I'm very sorry for all of these misunderstandings, and I hope I can remain in good friendly standing with all of you.

God Bless

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:59 am
by oak_a_holic
bushmaster24 wrote:anyone going to UC from the oaks?? enough said..... any new recrutes on the oaks team this year... ??? :lol: :lol:

Well that was rude. So now I am going to be ually rude back.
After her performance vs the Oaks and that little show she put on when she flopped and started to cough and act like she was gonna die probably didn't look too good to the ol scout.
You also spelled R-E-C-R-U-I-T-S wrong..

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:27 am
There has been ENOUGH said about the game on Monday. Get over it, Oak Hill won an Webster lost, move on to the rest of the SEASON, its still early. Again Congrads to the Oak Hill girls Basketball team U played a HECK of a game. To the Lady Jeeps keep ur heads UP!! You "ALL" will rebound an should learn from ur mistakes from that game. These are the games that, in the long run, will make u BETTER for the TOURNY!!

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:38 am
by MightyOaksFan
bushmaster24 wrote:anyone going to UC from the oaks?? enough said

I don't think that I would trade all of the girls for the Oaks for one that is going to a div. 1 school. In the end I think that you will find that these girls will do just fine when it comes to basketball scholarships

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:23 pm
by johndeere
To all of you talking about Oak Hill players and South webster players, shame on all of you!!! Both teams have good players on both, but South Webster has one who has signed to play at U. Cincinnati-Good for her and I root for her at the next level-makes all of us from Southeastern Ohio look good. Those of you from Oak Hill-I wish you all good luck in scholarships and would love to see some of you go on to play at the next level. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!!!!

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:40 pm
by MightyOaksFan

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:34 pm
by greengiant
Yeah, I'd say that was very rude, saying Cook was faking. Do you know this kid at all? I know for a fact that she has to be hurt to come out of the game. She hit her head, you know that had to hurt maybe it was'nt serious but it can shake a person up. Grow up this is a kid you're talking about. By the way why is Oak HIll so against Cook? She must be a pretty big threat to your team for them to have double and triple team her. Do you think anyone else would have a good game with that kind of presssure on them. Oak Hill is not like most high school teams its like a AAU team. Congrads on your win, I wish both teams good luck. Hopefully Webster can get it together!!!

Re: Oak Hill @ South Webster 12/7

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:05 pm
by Ex-Huddler
Let's just let the KIDS play ball. Fans are what is ruining HS sports. Like Cleveland Browns fan said, there is no place for some of the idiots that are screaming and cussing during the games. Any fan that cusses should be removed.