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East Palastine Girls Basketball Tournament Game Impacted By Train Derailment, OHSAA Says 'No' To Site Change

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:58 pm
by radiodavel
East Palastine Girls Basketball Tournament Game Impacted By Train Derailment, OHSAA Says 'No' To Site Change ... ite-change

Re: East Palastine Girls Basketball Tournament Game Impacted By Train Derailment, OHSAA Says 'No' To Site Change

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:29 pm
by formerfcfan
When a school hosts a tournament game, they hold the rights for the game to be played where they please (so as long as the venue meets adequacy requirements per the tournament regulations of the given sport.) EP, by default of being the home team hosting the game, is who declined the request for the game to be moved.

OHSAA’s position was that because the various levels of health agencies (local, state, federal etc) deemed the area to be safe, they weren’t going to go against EP’s wishes to continue hosting the game.

Re: East Palastine Girls Basketball Tournament Game Impacted By Train Derailment, OHSAA Says 'No' To Site Change

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:33 pm
by baseball16
It just comes down to COMMON SENSE, which seems to lack in this day and age! EPA and Govt may deem it safe but it's obviously not!

Re: East Palastine Girls Basketball Tournament Game Impacted By Train Derailment, OHSAA Says 'No' To Site Change

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:24 am
by Falcon02
baseball16 wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:33 pm It just comes down to COMMON SENSE, which seems to lack in this day and age! EPA and Govt may deem it safe but it's obviously not!
But EP didn’t WANT the game moved.. they could have moved it. So regardless of what the EPA and GOVy are doing, this has nothing to do with them.

Re: East Palastine Girls Basketball Tournament Game Impacted By Train Derailment, OHSAA Says 'No' To Site Change

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:42 am
by baseball16
Falcon02 wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:24 am
baseball16 wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:33 pm It just comes down to COMMON SENSE, which seems to lack in this day and age! EPA and Govt may deem it safe but it's obviously not!
But EP didn’t WANT the game moved.. they could have moved it. So regardless of what the EPA and GOVy are doing, this has nothing to do with them.
I get that as well, but Common sense from EP couldve been used here as well. EP could have easily said, we understand the concern we want both teams to play so we will do whatever we need to do to allow that to happen. Instead of just putting your foot in the ground and saying it's this way or no way! Common Sense.

Re: East Palastine Girls Basketball Tournament Game Impacted By Train Derailment, OHSAA Says 'No' To Site Change

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 2:54 pm
by Falcon02
baseball16 wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:42 am
Falcon02 wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:24 am
baseball16 wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:33 pm It just comes down to COMMON SENSE, which seems to lack in this day and age! EPA and Govt may deem it safe but it's obviously not!
But EP didn’t WANT the game moved.. they could have moved it. So regardless of what the EPA and GOVy are doing, this has nothing to do with them.
I get that as well, but Common sense from EP couldve been used here as well. EP could have easily said, we understand the concern we want both teams to play so we will do whatever we need to do to allow that to happen. Instead of just putting your foot in the ground and saying it's this way or no way! Common Sense.
Oh I whole heartedly agree with you. In fact, if my daughter played for the opposing team, I’d possibly think about saying nah she’s not traveling there.
I just was pointing out that THIS decision wasn’t a political issue but rather EP for some reason wanting to keep the game at home.