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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:05 am
by RonVonHagen
itsaboutthegame wrote:RonVonHagen,

You really believe that SE has 2 winnable games this week?
Sure, why not? SE plays 2 teams both 1-3 records and on their home court. The definition of "winnable": (adjective) that can be won. So what I'm saying is looking at their schedule based on logic not emotion that SE has a chance to win.
itsaboutthegame wrote:RonVonHagen,

Huntington may be a little down, for now, as they are young, but to say that Huntington is a winnable game for SE, really??????
Yes really. If you actually read my post I didn't predict an out right winner. I said that SE could win, it's a game "that can be won". But if you are intuitive and you read my previous post in this thread i have Huntington ranked AHEAD of SE in my preseason poll, I talk about how I think Huntington is the best 1-3 maybe you can infer from that, that I think Huntington is the better team. But its much easier to act incredulous and whine about a perceived slight.
itsaboutthegame wrote:RonVonHagen,

Also, saying that Westfall has an easy week, having to travel to Huntington, shows a complete lack of SVC volleyball IQ!
Once again, if you would actually slow down and read what I said....I wrote that Westfall as a "relatively" easy week. Relative to what you might ask? Well week one they played ZT and SE which currently has a combine record of 8-5 or .615 winning pct. Week 2 Westall played PV and Unioto which combined is 10-8 for a winning pct of .556. This week Westfall is playing Piketon and Huntington that has a combined record of 5-8 with a winning pct of .384. According to my Non SVC IQ, playing teams with a combined winning pct of .615, .556, or .384, I would find the teams with a .384 pct would be easier to play relative to playing teams teams that are a combined 8-5 or 10-8. Here's my exact quote regarding this...
RonVonHagen wrote:
Westfall - Relatively easy week for the unbeaten Mustangs with a home match against Piketon and an away match vs Huntington. Huntington being the best of the sub .500 teams in the conference, look for them to push Westfall and maybe take a set from them at home.
So here I am saying Huntington is the best of the below .500 teams and that they will be giving Westfall all they can handle, both positive comments, but what do I get from you? Your vitriol and an insult.

From now on when you read my post you need to take a more pragmatic approach, without emotion, and take off your green and white colored glasses. Maybe then you will understand what I'm saying and not think someone is just dissing your team. SMH

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:24 pm
by Xtoxxviii
The Great One, as in my self
Would never question your volleyball I.Q.
However your musical and emotional intelligence 
Could be subject of a greater debate.

The Sherman's have their work cut out for them.
One more league loss and they can forget about an outright
SVC Title this year.
Not only is the Tanks schedule supplying formable opponents,
The roster is taking some hits as well do to injury and sickness.

The Frenchtown Phenom

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:42 pm
by Papaw
Congrats to the Lady Sherman's on a Huge Win tonight!!! I think Halle White proved tonight, she deserves to play clear around!!! That's all I'm gonna say about that!!!

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:01 pm
by Main Man
8) Let me add a statement or two. As for Mr. Von Hagen he hit many cut shots over my outstretched hand which use to piss me off. Just kidding , I never got mad. His stringbean partner was shifty as well. As for his volleyball knowledge, those of us that know him trust his knowledge. The SVC welcomes him and his bad taste in music as well to our games.

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:10 pm
by Xtoxxviii
The mighty Shermans win tonight was big in a lot of ways.

For starters it keeps the Tanks in the league title picture.

Also the Shermans was playing minus a starting setter Mackenna Steinbrook and another starter was playing extremely sick.
The Tanks was able to circle the wagons against the attacking Adena warrior nation and protect the home court short handed.

Many girls stepped up big tonight and filled in where and when they were needed doing things they are not asked to do on a nightly bases for Unioto.
And all played very well in doing so.

Adena is the best team Unioto has beat this year. For me I was impressed with the play of Dawson. When speaking of the best the league has to offer she should be included.


Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:32 am
by RonVonHagen
What a competitive volleyball match last night in French Town! With a ton of talent on both sides of the net, the Sherman Tanks roll over the Warriors in 4! Ok, they didn't really roll over them...I just like pun! haha But seriously, I digress (X you should of copy righted that line). Going in to this match I really wasn't sure who would win. I thought it would come to who played better defense of the two teams. But the key turned out to be Unioto won the match at the net. Blocking for points or getting a ton of touches the tanks slowed down the Warriors offense. Early in the match (set 1) the U had trouble picking up the short balls. Soon they were picking up the tips and began playing with a good rhythm in sets 2,3, and 4. Overall, it was a good match to watch, played with great intensity, and played with class.

I thought Taylor Overly played lights out. She impressed me with her total floor game -- serving tough, playing good D, and possibly was the best hitter in the gym tonight. Also, Karee Neff might of started out a little slow, but man, she came on like gangbusters and had a great match. Once again Roman numeral 10 to roman numeral 28 nails it... Kirtsen Dawson is a high level player.

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:59 am
by RonVonHagen
Main Man wrote:8) Let me add a statement or two. As for Mr. Von Hagen he hit many cut shots over my outstretched hand which use to piss me off. Just kidding , I never got mad. His stringbean partner was shifty as well. As for his volleyball knowledge, those of us that know him trust his knowledge. The SVC welcomes him and his bad taste in music as well to our games.
Main Man, good looking out, much appreciated. I know that Stringbean (lol) misses those days as much as I do. COVA offspring tend to be ballers and that holds true for you. As a matter of fact yours might be the best. Of course there are some youngters that are growing up and might develop in the future. Right Boovb33?? :)
Xtoxxviii wrote:Vonhagen
The Great One, as in my self
Would never question your volleyball I.Q.
However your musical and emotional intelligence
Could be subject of a greater debate.
Thanks for the backhanded compliment....well played sir! :lol:

Main Man and X man, you both need to borrow my ipod to hear what real jams are all about!!

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:26 am
by Main Man
Very impressive stats by the Huntington volleyball team. They lead about every category.........Hmmmmm.........Interesting.

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:40 pm
by Xtoxxviii
Main Man wrote:Very impressive stats by the Huntington volleyball team. They lead about every category.........Hmmmmm.........Interesting.

Right now I would like to have the record of the team that does not have any stats being made public. 
That would be Westfall for those of you who don't listen to the DBK SportsZone Pod Cast. ... talk090213
SVC Sports Zone 
100% SVC
100% of the time (the X is still trying to get that tag line down)

Ironically it will be the Mustangs taking on the Huntsmen this Thursday in the township.
Other SVC match ups this Thursday

Zane Trace @ Adena
Unioto @ Paint Valley
Piketon @ Southeastern

One last revisit to last nights contest between Unioto and Adena,
What an awesome atmosphere that was.
Both schools had great student sections and that may be the largest crowd I have ever witnessed at a home volleyball game for the Sherman's.
I wonder with the volleyball league being this good and balanced if other schools are seeing an increase in gates as well?

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:30 pm
by Main Man
Must be some long volleys back and forth over there in the township..... ;-)

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:48 pm
by iknow
A neutral review of the Unioto vs Adena battle royale...

First of all, as previously mentioned, what a great atmosphere for high school volleyball! Two huge student sections leading the way...Secondly, why even have line judges? For a game this big, Unioto should have been a little more selective in their choices. I am sure many will be lined up for the rematch in Frankfort for their chance at line judging (and to return the favor). Now to the game...Unioto owned the net for the most part. Going in, this has to be a concern for the undersized Adena team and the Shermans took full advantage. Unioto's height advantage had the Warriors dinking way more than they wanted to and The U turned that into kills on their side. Adena's youth and inexperience playing together (4 "new" starters) really showed as the match wore on. Ultimately, the best team won (The U is very deep if they use them all),although I think Adena has more room for improvement. Good luck to both teams as this grind we know as SVC Volleyball continues...

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:56 pm
by iknow
In response to the earlier comment about Huntington being young, it appears that 6 of the 8 in regular rotation are juniors and seniors. How does that compare to the rest of the league?

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:07 pm
by RonVonHagen
iknow wrote:A neutral review of the Unioto vs Adena battle royale...

First of all, as previously mentioned, what a great atmosphere for high school volleyball! Two huge student sections leading the way...Secondly, why even have line judges? For a game this big, Unioto should have been a little more selective in their choices. I am sure many will be lined up for the rematch in Frankfort for their chance at line judging (and to return the favor). Now to the game...Unioto owned the net for the most part. Going in, this has to be a concern for the undersized Adena team and the Shermans took full advantage. Unioto's height advantage had the Warriors dinking way more than they wanted to and The U turned that into kills on their side. Adena's youth and inexperience playing together (4 "new" starters) really showed as the match wore on. Ultimately, the best team won (The U is very deep if they use them all),although I think Adena has more room for improvement. Good luck to both teams as this grind we know as SVC Volleyball continues...
Nice post and good points. The line judging was atrocious. In a varsity volleyball match with two very good teams that can bring "varsity heat" (inside joke) the speed of the game is so fast you have to pay attention if you're the line judge. Quite frankly I thought the referees were going to struggle handling the speed of the game. That turned out not to be an issue but the Up let a lot of bad hands go...but at least it was consistent. But back to the line would think that some of the Sr or Jr parents that have been to a ton of matches over the course of 2-3 years (more if you include Jr High ball) and line judged when their kids started playing would of stepped up.

The Marquee matchup in Frankfort looks to be another awesome SVC league match! I'm going to miss a night of playing to see this battle. It's also a match where we will find out which team will be in sole possession of 2nd place. With Adena starting two freshman each match is a learning and growing experience for them. Adena, a good team now, will definitely be a better team in October so you better beat them while you can. In this match up I'm picking ZT to do just that in four.

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:47 pm
by boo33vb
One of my biggest pet peeves is kids who know nothing about the game doing line judging such as football players who think its fun to be out there and then realize they have an impact on the game. i have argued many a call with the down ref and the up that " you are being paid, they are volunteers and you have the ability to overule the call! I have lobbied for paid line judges to no avail but all of a sudden you get them in the 1st round of tourney play which is fine because if you make it past the 1st round or even before you control your own destiny and a missed call or two should not effect your team. We always trained our parent volunteers at Chillicothe and rarely had any issues. My favorite saying to our line judges was " make the call ,then chase the ball " as guys tend to want to grab the ball asap and look away from the line. Its an instinct from playing a sport and trying to catch, hit or throw the ball as soon as it gets near you.

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:31 am
by Main Man
Great match out in Frankfort as Zane Trace slid by Adena in 5 sets. It was a battle of the mops. Gotta keep that Warrior side of the floor dry. :-D Very fun match to watch.

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:59 am
by Xtoxxviii
One game away from the turn and this is where the SVC sets:

Westfall                 6-0
Zane Trace           5-1
Unioto                       4-2
Adena                       4-2
Huntington              2-4
Piketon                      2-4
Southeastern          1-5
Paint Valley              0-6

Last games of round One:

Unioto has SE
Westfall has Adena
ZT has Piketon
Huntington vs Paint Valley

Westfall vs Adena is huge, the warriors need the win to stay in the title picture. 

I think 2 or fewer losses will win the SVC this year

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:58 am
by boo33vb
Starting to see some separation, next week is gonna be key for a couple teams. I'll wait for VonHagens breakdown to comment, not sure who plays where.

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:03 pm
by RonVonHagen
Random thoughts re: Zane Trace vs Adena match

~An awesome volleyball match with a ton of talent on the floor.
~First rally of the match set the tone...a long rally with the ball crossing the net at least 10 times! Great defense, great effort on the point. It was foreshadowing of what was to happen all night long.
~Adena was a different team at the the net than on Tuesday. Where I thought they might struggle they blocked well and held their own.
~ZT should of served tougher. Unioto served very tough and kept Adena on their heels on Tuesday. I like the mindset of using the serve as weapon....If you got kids that can bomb jump serves, I say why not?! There's an old volleyball saying, "if you serve lollipops you're gonna get licked".
~Nice to see adults on the lines.
~I thought both Huttons (Jenna and Jess) and Karli Bower had a nice floor game for the Warriors.
~You know Hayley Carle will get her kills and blocks but her defense really impressed me.
~Ally Flechnter was the exception for ZT from the service line. She serves a tough LEFT-handed jump floater. (I hate passing left handed servers!!)
-Kylan Strausbaugh played at an all league level Thursday. Playing poised she literally took over parts of set 4 and all of set 5. Love that kid's motor.
~Great atmosphere and crowd. I think the parents were more nervous than the players on the floor.
~Saw Washington CH there scouting Zane Trace. Last Sat I saw Zane Trace scouting Washington Court House at the Unioto Invite. That's what good programs do
~Matches like these (for both teams) will do nothing but make you better and get you ready for the tournament!

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:24 pm
by bman
Strength of the SVC shows today with Adena beating three D1 OCC schools at Worthington Kilbourne.

Huge week for Westfall with matches against talented squads from Adena and ZT. A very daunting week, but two wins would really put Westfall in the driver's seat for the SVC title.

Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:19 pm
by HHSSoftball
With the first half of the volleyball league nearly complete... Thought I would give my reflections, for whatever they are worth!

I will start by saying, WOW, what a complete conference (only 7 losses outside of the conference by all 8 teams combined)! That is impressive from any perspective.

Westfall - much better defensively than I thought they would be. Wondered how they would respond with some position changes and the coaching change. Obviously, it has been a seamless transition. If they continue to play solid defense, with their size at the net, they are going to be extremely tough to handle for anyone!

Zane Trace - Extremely high expectations coming into the season, and I believe they have lived up to the hype. Really thought the loss of Spetnagle may hurt them more than a lot of people thought. However, I think some players that I had some questions about at the beginning of the season has stepped up and not only played well, but they have been extremely consistent all season.

Unioto - The most athletic team in the league (and I don't think I will get a lot of argument on that statement)! I thought this might be the year for the Sherman's to ROLL through the league and make a run at the title. Although it is not to late, they need to be more consistent late in games to close matches out! Seems like they have had everyone on the ropes and just didn't finish it!

Adena - Another team that is very athletic, and (by the way) they start 2 freshman! I think they will only get better in the 2nd half of the league race. Not sure they will win it this year, although I am not counting any of these top 4 out, but I believe this is the team who may have the most say in who does win it (outside of the champion of course)!

Huntington - My Lady Huntsmen have shown signs of playing with the top 4 teams in the league, but just haven't shown the consistency for a whole match to beat any of them. I believe they will also improve as the season progresses and may have a shot at knocking off 1 or 2 of the BIG DOGS! (They just need a better libero... LOL)

Piketon - They have honestly surprised me this season and have played much improved over years last... Don't know the status of injuries, but if Jenkins heals up for the 2nd half, they may have the ability to be extremely competitive with any of the 5 teams above them!

Southeastern - They definitely have some quality players, but just don't think they have the depth throughout their rotation to compete with the teams above them. Most other conferences they may be competing for the title or would definitely be in the top half.

Paint Valley - Another team that has surprised me this year. Honestly thought with their experience and the growth of some of their players they would win some league games this year. The season is not over and still believe they could end up with a couple of league wins and maybe make a little noise in the D4 tourney!

All and all, I believe this may be the most ( or at least one of the most) talented leagues I have seen top to bottom. I still believe all 8 teams are capable of winning big games. As we round out the 1st half and head into the 2nd half this week, I am sitting on the edge of my seat anxiously awaiting every Tuesday and Thursday (Geesh you would think it was softball season!) no disrespect intended to anyone, but I believe that ZT comes out the 2nd half and puts together a run to make it back to back titles with Unioto and Westfall tying for 2nd, Adena 4th, then Huntington 5th, Piketon 6th, and Paint Valley/Southeastern in a tie as well! Just my thoughts on the league and my projections for the finish!

Softball Still Rules!