Athletes forced to choose; feeling pressure

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Athletes forced to choose; feeling pressure

Post by OneBunter »

This posting is not to make anyone upset, but it is the truth of observing a coach putting pressure on a kid or the coach having the rest of the team pressuring the kid to be at certain functions (no mention of names or school) of that sport by saying if your not there then do not bothering coming out, or you won't having a starting position, you won't have a chance at a starting position, or your letting the team down, letting the school down, etc. Now how ignorant is the coach for saying that, for if a kid is good enough he is going to play somewhere and at some point. This athlete will possibly be an asset to many programs, so why shorten his or her time at enjoying what he or she likes to do.

I'm not saying all coaches do it, but I have heard and witnessed many that are. School administrators need to listen more closely and open their eyes, for it is happening more frequently than they want to let on.

I'm going to end this post with this and ask that you pull out your Bibles and read verse 1 of chapter 3 in the book of Ecclesiastes.
For those of you who do not want to take the time here is what it says;

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens".

All i am trying to say is let the boy or girl make the decision free of any pressure. We tell our kids do what is going to make you the happiest. All we want is our kids to be happy, so why are we allowing these things to happen. If the athlete only wants to focus on one sport, then fine leave him or her alone. If they want to play one, two or three sports then encourage do not discourage.

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Re: Athletes forced to choose; feeling pressure

Post by baseball16 »

I feel if a student athlete is not playing a fall or winter sport then they should be working out and getting ready for the sport they play. Whether that be in open gyms or on their own. Yes, athletes need to choose. Life is about choices. You make it and determine if it was a good choice or bad choice. If there is too much "pressure" on the young man or woman, then they need to go into something else. Instead of complaining, why don't you talk to the coach and both of you determine what is best for your child.

Now, I don't agree with coaches telling their athletes if they don't workout or participate don't bother coming out, but they need to make it clear if you don't put time in the off season then results in season will be very minimal. Baseball is getting reps. The more the better. What I have a problem with are the coaches that bother the players that are playing another sport. They feel it is ok for them to participate in their workouts even though they are playing spring or summer baseball. That is when I will step in and say whoa!! Let the athlete enjoy one thing at a time.

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Re: Athletes forced to choose; feeling pressure

Post by Crazy Legs »

not sure I understand your point. However here is an answer to what I believe you are trying to say. The kid if not participating in anything else(another sport or extra.cur.) should be at the functions with his/her other players. Just because he/she might be talented and gifted at that sport and maybe not work as hard as others does not give them a free pass. These coaches like teachers have a great resposiblilty to not only teach/coach a child but teach them how to survive in the real world from a non partisan point of view.(in other words not from your parents) I feel such comments as below is some of the problem with the kids that are coming into the workforce or life for that matter out of school. They do not face much adversity anymore in schools/sports, everything is catered to them to make them happy or be fair as a whole so no one will be hurt. Guess what, you will be hurt when finding a job or not getting picked for a position that you really wanted and might have to work a litttle extra for it.

I do agree that the coach telling a kid up front not to show up if he/ she does not come is wrong, but when he/she is not getting much playing time they should understand that this might be one of the reasons. It creates unity with his/her team to do such things like "certain functions" it brings kids together and makes what I think to be a better team. Not so much about wins and losses but getting along and having a good time during the sport season.

Finally, pressure is determinded on the individual if he/she is stressed or struggling with that kind of pressure maybe that sport is not for them, if their heart is not in it why do it? They should do things that make them happy not expect people to catered to their happiness. To be happy should be easeily achieved if you have to work so hard at it, it stresses you out or you feel amounts of great pressure step back and look at what he/she is doing. LIFE IS VERY SHORT WE SHOULD ENJOY WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN US, AND SHARE WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED!!!

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Re: Athletes forced to choose; feeling pressure

Post by blockcharge »

What needs to happens is to convince kids that is the right thing to to show and work in the offseason. Weightlifting or open gym is not punishment its an opportunity to become a better athlete or player in whatever sport or sports you choose. And if you think about it 3 to 4 1/2 hours per week is a small investment. I've been fortunate in the last few years to be around some World Class atheltes who to a man/woman workout 2 times a day 6 days a week, and still keep up with their other obligations.

Also what I would like to see is schools hire an extra teacher/person to oversee the library or computer lab so kids could stay over and work on homework or projects. All Kids don't have the same opportunities at home to work on their studies.

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Re: Athletes forced to choose; feeling pressure

Post by muddaubr »

I have seen this posted in locker rooms and have heard coaches say this,"Weight lifting and open gyms are not manditory, niether is playtime", or "I guess if your not at the open gym, you are not going out this year". What kind of a message does that send?

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