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Chillicothe 17 Portsmouth 10

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:34 pm
by chilltown
A wild one at the VA tonight. Chilly led 9-1 going into the 6th. Seth Dawes pitched 5 innings of no-hit baseball , Portsmouth scored their run on a walk and throwing error. Coach decided to make a pitching change and 7 walks and 4 hits later Portsmouth was up 10-9 . Chilly came to bat in the bottom and put up 8 runs of their own . Tyler Carey came in and retired Portmouth in the 7th. I believe Derrick Webb was winning pitcher. Tough night for pitching rain and cold throughout. Not totally sure about hitting stats, I know Marty Dunn had 2 nice hits . GO CAVS!!!!

Re: Chillicothe 17 Portsmouth 10

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:48 pm
by biggdowgg
yeah,,,27 runs scored on 11 hits :oops: :oops:

it was some nasty weather for a baseball game...and I was wondering ,,why take a picther out thatw as throwing a no hitter :122246 .

Im not sure about who had hits ,,but I do know, Shane Porter drilled one over the center feilders head, and Josh Scott had a nice hit down right feild line.

love watching games at that feild..and ...awsome brats 8)

Re: Chillicothe 17 Portsmouth 10

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:48 am
by chilltown
My guess and it's a guess.... Coach Dunn thought the game was in hand and decided to get a sophmore some work and it backfired . I've really seen some wild games in this league since we joined....never know whats gonna happen ....Back to the VA in the morning DH is waiting and the weather is gonna be a hell of alot better than tonight ...Good luck Trojans :) :)

Re: Chillicothe 17 Portsmouth 10

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:12 am
by oldtrojan
Are these two teams playing again on Sat.4/5?
I take it Portsmouth and Wheelersburg was rained out on Thurs.4/3?

Re: Chillicothe 17 Portsmouth 10

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:20 am
by dawescpa
The decision to remove our pitcher had nothing to do with any of the above. It is April 4th, Seth is 2 weeks removed from a championship basketball run, he was at 78 pitches, Coach Dunn and myself made the move irrelevant of a no-hitter. 2 weeks from now, he goes out there in the 6th. Our kids played with heart, we will get better.

Re: Chillicothe 17 Portsmouth 10

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:31 am
by biggdowgg
dawescpa wrote:The decision to remove our pitcher had nothing to do with any of the above. It is April 4th, Seth is 2 weeks removed from a championship basketball run, he was at 78 pitches, Coach Dunn and myself made the move irrelevant of a no-hitter. 2 weeks from now, he goes out there in the 6th. Our kids played with heart, we will get better.

I was thinking pitch count may have had something to do with it...good luck to you and the the cavs.

sorry I questioned taking him out, ..obviously a game is not important enough to ruin a kids arm so early on in the season, thats why coaches are in the dug out and not the stands 8)

old trojan

I just got a call, and Portsmouth is playing today at home, not sure who, as this game is not on the schedule,they are working on the field now to get it ready for 1 o clock. and yes,

Burg and Portsmouth was rained out....maybe thats the game today:?

Re: Chillicothe 17 Portsmouth 10

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:30 pm
by RogueWarrior1965
dawescpa wrote:The decision to remove our pitcher had nothing to do with any of the above. It is April 4th, Seth is 2 weeks removed from a championship basketball run, he was at 78 pitches, Coach Dunn and myself made the move irrelevant of a no-hitter. 2 weeks from now, he goes out there in the 6th. Our kids played with heart, we will get better.

Too bad you felt you had to do this, but nice post. It never ceases to amaze me that all the "expert coaches" in the stands always have all the insight, but fail to recognize how a coach may be taking care of a pitcher's arm when it is this early in the season. At the most, I would say 80 pitches at this point of the season, but some may make a change at 75, depending on the weather, how long it has been since the last outting, etc. That being said, it would not have made sense to start a new inning if you know he may only go 7-10 pitches. This was a nice call by the CHS coaches to look out for the health of his arm. No need to push it this early. Come tournament time, the pitch counts will be much higher.

Re: Chillicothe 17 Portsmouth 10

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:52 pm
by dawescpa
I have no problem with baseball questions, I love baseball. Fans are supposed to "armchair quarterback". I just wanted to answer the question why he was pulled. You also have to remember when our pitchers and catchers started meeting and throwing, Seth was not there, he was still playing basketball, so his arm is not ready for more than 75 pitches.

Re: Chillicothe 17 Portsmouth 10

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 4:25 pm
by Cap'n Scoop
Great call by the coaching staff. A kids well-being is more important than a "W". Besides, it made the team stronger by giving someone else an opportunity to come through in the clutch, it may have ended up a little dicey but the whole team came through in the 7th inning.

Re: Chillicothe 17 Portsmouth 10

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:53 pm
As a fan I really like high scoring games so this one for me would have been fun to watch.

Congrats on the win.